Key figures of the Priority Programm
Number of Projects
Kick-off Phase ended
Research institutions
DeepDyn seminar series
21 OctDeepDynSeminar #5: Karen Appel
Accessing electronic and structural properties of major Fe-bearing geomaterials at conditions close to the core-mantle boundary: an experimental approach
25 NovDeepDynSeminar #6: Ebru Bozdağ
Earth’s deep interior and dynamics from adjoint tomography: mantle structure and anisotropy
20 JanDeepDynSeminar #7: Ingo Stotz
Tracking mantle flow through geophysical and geological observations
10 FebDeepDynSeminar #8: Monika Korte
Knowns and unknowns of geomagnetic reversals and excursions
Publications, research data and conference contributions of the priority program

Sanja Panovska at the Castle Meeting in Utrecht
Towards global time-average models of the geomagnetic field over deep geological time
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Harini Thiyagarajan at the SEDI conference in Massachusetts
Testing the consistency of D" reflected waves beneath Siberia for different crossing paths
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Castle Meeting 2024
DeepDyn members meet at the Castle Meeting 2024 in Utrecht
23/06/2024 - 28/06/2024: SEDI conference 2024
DeepDyn members meet at the SEDI conference in Massachussetts, USA
Article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung about the DeepDyn school project
Vaterstetten high school students and pupils from Estonia present their participation in our research project in the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
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