Upcoming seminars
21 OctDeepDynSeminar #5: Karen Appel
Accessing electronic and structural properties of major Fe-bearing geomaterials at conditions close to the core-mantle boundary: an experimental approach
25 Nov
20 JanDeepDynSeminar #7: Bernhard Schuberth
From Mantle Convection to Seismic Observations -- Simulating 3-D Wave Propagation in Geodynamic Earth Models
10 FebDeepDynSeminar #8: Monika Korte
Knowns and unknowns of geomagnetic reversals and excursions
The DeepDyn seminar takes place online as a zoom-meeting. DeepDyn members will automatically receive the access link before the seminar. We ask external seminar guests to register for the seminar in order to receive the access link.
Past seminars
22 AprDeepDynSeminar #1: Christine Thomas
Seismic structures at the CMB
27 MayDeepDynSeminar #2: Sergey Lobanov
Short stories on traveling crust to core with a bright lamp: white-laser spectroscopy for physical properties of the deep Earth
17 JunDeepDynSeminar #3: Julien Aubert
New core messages: dynamical interpretations of geomagnetic variations across time scales
22 JulDeepDynSeminar #4: Daniel Pfeiffer
Magnetic Navigation in Bacteria