News overview
All news at a glance.
DeepDyn at EGU2025
Session about Advances in understanding deep mantle and core processes at EGU 2025 in Vienna.
When is little data enough data?
Publication about a new method of data wrangling for paleomagnetists to achieve a high quality input data set for geodynamo modelling
Earth's magnetic field on the wrong track
Geomagnetic field excursions are a revealing curiosity of the Earth's magnetic field
Few data, sparse data - data mining in the paleomagnetic database
Reconstructing global models of the geomagnetic field over deep geological time
Castle Meeting 2024
DeepDyn members meet at the Castle Meeting 2024 in Utrecht
What causes the flux blob?
A glimpse into the depths of places with unusually strong geomagnetic flux density
23/06/2024 - 28/06/2024: SEDI conference 2024
DeepDyn members meet at the SEDI conference in Massachussetts, USA
Article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung about the DeepDyn school project
Vaterstetten high school students and pupils from Estonia present their participation in our research project in the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
The Big Chime
Illuminate the deep earth of the past
Conference start: DeepDyn at the DGG annual conference
Deep down in the earth, at the border between the mantle and the core, special structures lie hidden.
How to find magnetic bacteria
Microscope, mud, magnet: students looking for magnetotactic bacteria
Visit of the students of the Humbold Academy of Science and Engineering (HASE) of the Vaterstetten high school in the laboratories of the LMU
Kick-off event of the Priority Programm in Tutzing
Review of the kick-off meeting of the DFG priority program SPP2404 that took place from November 15th to 17th in Tutzing (Bavaria)
Start of the first school project
We are pleased to welcome the students of the Humboldt Academy of Science and Engineering at Vatterstetten High School to DeepDyn.