Events overview
All events at a glance.
21 OctDeepDynSeminar #5: Karen Appel
Accessing electronic and structural properties of major Fe-bearing geomaterials at conditions close to the core-mantle boundary: an experimental approach
25 Nov
20 JanDeepDynSeminar #7: Bernhard Schuberth
From Mantle Convection to Seismic Observations -- Simulating 3-D Wave Propagation in Geodynamic Earth Models
10 FebDeepDynSeminar #8: Monika Korte
Knowns and unknowns of geomagnetic reversals and excursions
Past Events
22 JulDeepDynSeminar #4: Daniel Pfeiffer
Magnetic Navigation in Bacteria
17 JunDeepDynSeminar #3: Julien Aubert
New core messages: dynamical interpretations of geomagnetic variations across time scales
27 MayDeepDynSeminar #2: Sergey Lobanov
Short stories on traveling crust to core with a bright lamp: white-laser spectroscopy for physical properties of the deep Earth
22 AprDeepDynSeminar #1: Christine Thomas
Seismic structures at the CMB
16 Nov—17 NovKick-Off Meeting of SPP 2404 - DeepDyn
Welcome, Barbara Romanowicz (Univ. Berkley) and Lisa Tauxe (SCRIPPS), as keynote speakers at our Kick-off meeting in Tutzing (Nov 15-17 2023).