Physical Geography and Nexus Research

We investigate complex environmental systems with regard to causes, effects and the management of global change processes.

Working groups

Chair of Physical Geography and Nexus Research

The Chair of Physical Geography and Nexus Research under Prof. Dr. Marianela Fader investigates the relationships and interdependencies of four systems or components: Water, food, energy and nature on a global scale.

Working Group for Physical Geography and Remote Sensing

The Physical Geography and Environmental Remote Sensing working group lead by Prof. Dr. Lukas Lehnert conducts research into environmental applications of remote sensing systems at various scales. A special focus is on drylands.

Working Group for Physical Geography and Environmental Modeling

The Physical Geography and Environmental Modelling working group lead by Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig deals with the modeling of hydrological systems and climate ensembles. The modeling is supported by globally distributed measurement networks.

Working Group for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

The Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Process Modeling group led by Prof. Dr. Tobias Hank develops spectroscopic evaluation methods for quantifying the spatial and temporal dynamics of Earth surface variables.

Staff Nexus Research
Lecture Prof. Tobias Hank Room C106

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