23.06.2024 - 28.06.2024: SEDI Konferenz 2024
DeepDyn-Mitglieder treffen sich auf der SEDI-Konferenz in Massachussetts, USA
DeepDyn-Mitglieder treffen sich auf der SEDI-Konferenz in Massachussetts, USA
Sunaina Shinu, Yvonne Fröhlich, Harini Thiyagarjan, Lena Tölle, Monika Korte, Illya Lohay, Christine Thomas, Johannes Wicht | © Julia Kollofrath
Das 18. Symposium der SEDI fand vom 23. bis 28. Juni 2024 in Great Barrington MA, USA, statt.
8 DeepDyn-Mitglieder trafen sich dort, um zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch über Studien zum tiefen Erdinneren beizutragen .
Assessing How Core-Mantle Boundary Properties Influence Geomagnetic Reversal Frequency. llya Lohay and Johannes Wicht(Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen), SEDI Symposium 2024, Great Barrington, MA, USA, 23-28 June 2024, Session 4 Geomagnetism, and Outer Core Structure and Chemistry 019, 2024.
How well do we know the last geomagnetic field reversal? Monika Korte, Ahmed Nasser Mahgoub, Sanja Panovska, Maximilian Schanner, Sunaina Shinu, SEDI Symposium 2024, Great Barrington, MA, USA, 23-28 June 2024, Session 4 Geomagnetism, and Outer Core Structure and Chemistry 018
Global characteristics of geomagnetic field reversals from data based spherical harmonic models. Sunaina Shinu, Ahmed Nasser Mahgoub, Monika Korte (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam), SEDI Symposium 2024, Great Barrington, MA, USA, 23-28 June 2024, Session 4 Geomagnetism, and Outer Core Structure and Chemistry 018, 2024.
Testing the consistency of D" reflected waves beneath Siberia for different crossing paths. Harini Thiyagarajan, Christine Thomas (Universität Münster), SEDI Symposium 2024, Great Barrington, MA, USA, 23-28 June 2024, Session 2 – Lower Mantle and D": Structure and Chemistry 017, 2024.
Investigating the D′′ structure beneath the Indian Ocean with source- and receiver arrays. Lena Tölle, Carmen Sanchez-Valle, Christine Thomas (Universität Münster), SEDI Symposium 2024, Great Barrington, MA, USA, 23-28 June 2024, Session 2 – Lower Mantle and D": Structure and Chemistry 017, 2024.
Investigation of seismic anisotropy in the D’’ layer and at the CMB regarding intense magnetic flux regions. Fröhlich Yvonne, Dillah Muhammad I. F., Dorn Fiona, Ritter Joachim R. R. (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)). SEDI Symposium 2024, Great Barrington, MA, USA, 23-28 June 2024, Session 2 – Lower Mantle and D": Structure and Chemistry 04, 2024. access poster via https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12658821