Research Profile

I conduct economic geography research on resources and sustainability with special attention to natural resources management, the development of sustainable business enterprises and networks, and the effectiveness of policies designed to promote innovation, transformation, or resilience in the face of shocks. Currently my focus is on the making of the Blue Economy and Marine Protected Areas. I supervise Master Theses, Bachelor Dissertations and Zulassungsarbeit in Economic Geography related to transition making, including work on circular economy, food production, retailing, and global production networks.

Current PhD students

  • Arun Adhikari, 'Societal recovery in Nepal after the 2015 earthquakes’ with Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich.
  • Marie Aschenbrenner, 'Urban environmental ethics on the edge of the city’, LMU Munich with DFG-funded Research group 'Urban ethics: Conflicts over the good urban life in the 20th and 21st centuries.'
  • Amra Bobar, 'Holzzukunft oder Holzweg?‘ LMU Munich, mit Bayerisches Forschung Verbund 'Fit for Change'.
  • Daniel Dumas, 'From Eskimo hunter to beaded dreams’, with Rachel Carson Center, LMU.
  • Martin Haider, 'Nachhaltigkeitsplannung: Bewertung der Werksweiterung des BMW Werkes München.'
  • Kilian Hinzpeter, 'Innovative value chains.'
  • Moremi Zeil, 'Enacting the river subject’, with Rachel Carson Center, LMU.


  • Born in New Zealand, I gained my PhD in Geography from the University of Toronto, worked at Mount Allison University and Brandon University in Canada, then the University of Auckland, New Zealand before moving to the LMU-Munich.
  • Professor of Economic Geography and Sustainability Research in the Department of Geography, LMU Munich.
  • Member of the Advisory Board for the Munich Centre for Global History, LMU Munich.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Historical Geography.

Formerly member of the DFG funded research group 'Urban Ethics'.

Formerly member of the Doctoral Advisory Board of the Rachel Carson Carson.

Recent Publishing

  • Acosta, R., Aschenbrenner, M., Dürr, E., and Winder, G. (2022) Re-imagining cities as eco-systems: Environmental subject formation in Auckland and Mexico City. Urban Research and Practice, 15 (3): 350-365, available online 2020.
  • Acosta, R., Dürr, E., Ege, M., Prutsch, U., van Loyen, C., and Winder, G.M. (2023) Urban Ethics as Research Agenda: Outlooks and Tensions on Multidisciplinary Debates. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Acosta, R., Heidkamp, P., Klein, O. and Winder, G.M. (forthcoming) Tangled coastal connectivities: Ethical tensions in materialities and imaginaries. Maritime Studies, special collection July 2024.
  • Aschenbrenner, M., and Winder, G.M., (2023) Deciding port futures: Ports of Auckland, Marine Spatial Planning and contested ethics in Blue Economy plan making. In C.P. Heidkamp, J.E. Morrissey and C. Germond-Duret (eds.) Blue Economy: People and Regions in Transitions, Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge’s Dynamics of Economic Space Series: 159-173.
  • Hinzpeter, K., and Winder, G.M. (2024) Niche-regime interactions of organic model farmers in Bavaria, Germany: Linking activities of individual farmer. Sustainability 16, 3206
  • Winder, G.M., (2023) Conceptualizing entangled Blue Economy and Marine Spatial Planning: Netting Blue Growth and Sustainable Seas in the UK. In C.P. Heidkamp, J.E. Morrissey and C. Germond-Duret (eds.) Blue Economy: People and Regions in Transitions, Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge’s Dynamics of Economic Space Series: 127-140.
  • Winder, G.M. (2024) A discursive field of contested ethics: Reporting the UK’s blue economy in the making. Maritime Studies 23(37):1-20.

My full publication list is available on Google Scholar.