

POHL, M.J., LEHNERT, L., THIES, B., SEEGER, K., BERDUGO, M.B., GRADSTEIN, S.R., BADER, M.Y. & BENDIX, J. (2024): Downscaling air temperatures for high-resolution niche modeling in a valley of the Amazon lowland forests: A case study on the microclima R package., PLOS ONE, 19 (11), published.

DIEM, P. K., NGUYEN, C. T., DIEM, N. K., DIEP, N. T. H., THAO, P. T. B., HONG, T. G., & PHAN, T. N. (2024): Remote sensing for urban heat island research: Progress, current issues, and perspectives., Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 33, published.

MÜLLER, C., JÄGERMEYR, J., FRANKE, J.A., RUANE, A.C., BALKOVIC, J., CIAIS, P., FALLOON, P., FOLBERTH, C., FRANCOIS, L., HANK, T., HOFFMANN, N., IZAURRALDE, C., KHABAROV, N., LIU, W., OLIN, S., PUGH, T.A.M., WANG, X., WILLIAMS, K., ZABEL, F. & ELLIOTT, J.W. (2024): Substantial differences in modeled crop yield sensitivities between models., Earth's Future, 12,, e2023EF003773, Reviewed, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Introducing the potential of the new hybrid retrieval processor in the EnMAP-Box for quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation., International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Athens (Greece), Proceeding, published.

VAN DER LINDEN, S., JAKIMOW, B., JANZ, A., THIEL, F., CHABRILLAT, S., SCHEFFLER, D., KÖLLNER, N., DAEMPFLING, H., GUILLASO, S., WARD, K., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., SOPPA. M.A., ALVARADO, L., BRACHER, A. & HOSTERT, P. (2024): EnMAP-Box: High-Level Anwendungen für Hyperspektraldaten kommen in der Anwendung an., Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2024, BMDV, Berlin, Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOSÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., BANZE, A. & WOCHER, M. (2024): Towards informed default-parametrizations of machine-learning algorithms for biophysical variable retrieval in the EnMAP-Box, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

CHABRILLAT, S., BRELL, M., SEGL, K., FOERSTER, S., MILEWSKI, R., ASADZADEH, S., WARD, K., SCHEFFLER, D., KOKHANOVSKY, A., GUILASSO, S., BROSINSKY, A., KOCH, K., HANK, T., BRACHER, A., ALTENBURG-SOPPA, M., SCHICKLING, A. & BOCK, M. (2024): EnMAP Mission After 2 Years in Orbit: Advances from the Scientific Exploitation Program, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., BANZE, A. & WOCHER, M. (2024): Towards informed default-parametrizations of machine-learning algorithms for biophysical variable retrieval in the EnMAP-Box, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning, 13th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Valencia (Spain), Abstract, published.

VAN DER LINDEN, S., JAKIMOW, B., JANZ, A., THIEL, F., CHABRILLAT, S., SCHEFFLER, D., KÖLLNER, N., DAEMPFLING, H., GUILLASO, S., WARD, K., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., SOPPA. M.A., ALVARADO, L., BRACHER, A. & HOSTERT, P. (2024): EnMAP-Box: High-Level Anwendungen für Hyperspektraldaten kommen in der Anwendung an., Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2024, BMDV, Berlin , Abstract, published.

PROBST, E., FADER, M. & MAUSER, W. (2024): The water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus in the Danube River Basin: Exploring scenarios and implications of maize irrigation, Science of The Total Environment 914(169405), DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169405, Reviewed, published.

Miller, J., Böhnisch, A., Ludwig, R., Brunner, M. I. (2024): Climate change and impacts on regional fire weather in heterogeneous landscapes of central Europe, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Reviewed, published.

BELGIU, M., MARSHALL, M., CANDIANI, G., BOSCHETTI, M., PEPE, M., NUTINI, F., ROSSINI, M., FERRÈ, CH., PANIGADA, C., COLOMBO, R., HAEFELE, S., LARK, M., MILNE, A., KANGARA, G., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., VARGAS M. et al. (2024): Earth Observation for estimating and predicting crop nutrients, ESA Workshop EO for Agriculture under Pressure 13.-16.5.2024, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

Jörges, C., et al. (2024): Learning from hyperspectral remote sensing data for machine learning algorithms in earth science - A case study to detect plastic-covered greenhouses and plastic-mulched farmlands, In: Biodiversität fördern durch digitale Landwirtschaft. C. Hoffmann et al.; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI); Gesellschaft für Informatik, 305-310, Bonn, Germany, Article in Book, published.

Shuxin Ji, Batnyambuu Dashpurev, Thanh Noi Phan, Munkhtsetseg Dorj, Yun Jäschke, Lukas W. Lehnert (2024): Above-ground biomass retrieval with multi-source data: Prediction and applicability analysis in Eastern Mongolia, Land Degradation and Development, Reviewed, published.

BELGIU, M., MARSHALL, M., CANDIANI, G., BOSCHETTI, M., PEPE, M., NUTINI, F., ROSSINI, M., FERRÈ, CH., PANIGADA, C., COLOMBO, R., HAEFELE, S., LARK, M., MILNE, A., KANGARA, G., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S., VARGAS M. et al. (2024): Earth Observation for estimating and predicting crop nutrients, ESA Workshop EO for Agriculture under Pressure 13.-16.5.2024, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A., KOŠÁNOVÁ, S. & HANK, T. (2024): Introducing the potential of the new hybrid retrieval processor in the EnMAP-Box for quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation., International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Athens (Greece), Proceeding, published.

NGUYEN, C. T., KAEWTHONGRACH, R., CHANNUMSIN, S., CHONGCHEAWCHAMNAN, M., PHAN, T. N., & NIAMMUAD, D. (2023): A regional assessment of ecological environment quality in Thailand special economic zone: spatial heterogeneous influences and future prediction., Land Degradation & Development, 34(18), 5770-5787., published.

E. Felsche, A. Böhnisch, R. Ludwig (2023): Inter-seasonal connection of typical European heatwave patterns to soil moisture, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, Reviewed, published.

PROBST, E. & MAUSER, W. (2023): Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Danube River Basin: A Hydrological Modelling Study Using EURO-CORDEX Climate Scenarios, Water 15(1), 8, DOI: 10.3390/w15010008, Reviewed, published.

A. Böhnisch, E. Felsche, R. Ludwig (2023): European heatwave tracks: Using causal discovery to detect recurring pathways in a single-regional climate model large ensemble, Environmental Research Letters, Reviewed, published.

CHERIF, E., FEILHAUER, H., BERGER, K., EWALD, M., HANK, T. & KATTENBORN, T. (2023): From spectra to functional plant traits: Transferable multi-trait models from heterogeneous and sparse data, EGU 2023, 23.-28. April 2023, Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

Leonhard Hufnagl, Roland Eichinger, Hella Garny, Thomas Birner, Ales Kuchar, Patrick Jöckel, Phoebe Graf (2023): Stratospheric Ozone Changes damp the CO2-induced Acceleration of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation, American Meteorological Society - Journal of Climate, Reviewed, published.

B Dashpurev, M Dorj, TN Phan, J Bendix, L Lehnert (2023): Estimating fractional vegetation cover and aboveground biomass for land degradation assessment in eastern Mongolia steppe: combining ground vegetation data and remote sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing , Reviewed, published.

CHERIF, E., FEILHAUER, H., BERGER, K., DAOI, P.D., EWALD, M., HANK, T.B., KOVACHI, K.R., TOWNSEND, P.A., WANG, Z. & KATTENBORN, T. (2023): From spectra to plant functional traits: Transferable multi-trait models from heterogeneous and sparse data. , Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 292, 113580,, Reviewed, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A. & HANK, T. (2023): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Laboratory Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning., EARSeL Symposium 3.-6. July 2023, Bucharest (Romania), Abstract, published.

HANK, T. (2023): Ein hyperspektraler Blick auf unsere Erde - Anwendungen der Daten des EnMAP-Satelliten., DGLR-Magazin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Ausgabe 2/2023. , Article in Book, published.

Marius J. Pohl, Lukas W. Lehnert, Boris Thies, Konstantin Seeger, Mónica B. Berdugo, S. Robbert Gradstein, Maaike Y. Bader & Jörg Bendix (2023): Valleys are a potential refuge for the Amazon lowland forest in the face of increased risk of drought, Communications Earth & Environment, Reviewed, published.

JÖRGES, C., VIDAL, H.S., HANK, T. & BACH, H. (2023): Detection of solar photovoltaic power plants using satellite and airborne hyperspectral imaging, Remote Sensing 15 (13), 3403,, Basel (Schweiz), Reviewed, published.

Cetin, K.; Mauser, W. (2023): The Role of Recent Climate Change in Explaining the Statistical Yield Increase of Maize in Northern Bavaria-A Model Study, Agriculture, 13(7), 1370,, Reviewed, published.

Reimuth, A. Garschagen, M. Hagenlocher, M., Harb, M. Yang, L.E., & Katzschner A. (2023): Urban Growth Modelling for Future Climate and Disaster Risk Assessments: Approaches, Gaps and Needs, Environmental Research Letters, Reviewed, published.

Reimuth, A., Nong, D.H. & Ngo, T.S. (2023): Assessing urban green space area and quality using remote sensing and population data: A case study of Hanoi urban districts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14511, Abstract, published.

Tu, J., Reimuth, A., Katzschner, A., Yang, L.E., Garschagen, M. (2023): Profiling households through a combined vulnerability and flood exposure index in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13059, Abstract, published.

Tu, J., Wen, J., Yang, L. E., Reimuth, A., Young, S. S., Zhang, M., Wang, L., & Garschagen, M. (2023): Assessment of building damages and adaptation options under extreme flood scenarios in Shanghai, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Reviewed, published.

VERRELST, J, HALABUK, A., ATZBERGER, C., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S. & BERGER, K. (2023): A comprehensive survey on quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation cover and biomass from imaging spectroscopy, Ecological Indicators, Volume 155, 110911,, Reviewed, published.

STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., HALABUK, A. & HANK, T. (2023): Quantification and Mapping of Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass Using Laboratory Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning., EARSeL Symposium 3.-6. July 2023, Bucharest (Romania), Abstract, published.

VERRELST, J, HALABUK, A., ATZBERGER, C., HANK, T., STEINHAUSER, S. & BERGER, K. (2023): A comprehensive survey on quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation cover and biomass from imaging spectroscopy, Ecological Indicators, Volume 155, 110911,, Reviewed, published.

W.M. Wefers, L.W. Lehnert, D. Schmidt, M. Reuter, M. Buchwitz, C. Kammann, K. Velten, F. Hase, J. Notholt, D. Kubistin, J. Mueller-Williams, M. Lindauer (2023): Approximation of multi-year time series of XCO2 concentrations using satellite observations and statistical interpolation methods, Atmospheric Research, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C.; d’Hondt, J. E.; Chatzigeorgakidis, G.; Migdall, S.; Miesgang, C.; Karg, S.; Bach, H.; Betchavas, P. & Skoutas, D. (2023): Leaf Area Index Time Series Imputation For Early Yield Prediction, Big Data From Space 2023 Proceedings, Wien, Österreich, Proceeding, published.

Jörges, C.; Vidal, H. S.; Hank, T. & Bach, H. (2023): Detection of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants Using Satellite and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging, Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.3390/rs15133403, Reviewed, published.

Stumpe, B.; Bechtel, B.; Heil, J.; Jörges, C.; Jostmeier,A.; Kalks, F.; Schwarz, K. & Marschner, B. (2023): Soil texture mediates the surface cooling effect of urban and periurban green spaces during a drought period in the city area of Hamburg (Germany), Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165228, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C. (2023): Learning from the hyperspectral - Machine learning for land use classification on fields using Earth Observation data, CODE Jahrestagung, oral presentation, Munich, Germany, Abstract, published.

Jörges, C. (2023): Neural networks for spatial and temporal ocean wave height prediction considering coastal morphodynamics in the East Frisian North Sea, Dissertation, DOI: 10.25926/BUW/0-85, Wuppertal, Germany, Book, published.

Jörges, C.; Berkenbrink, C.; Gottschalk, H. & Stumpe, B. (2023): Spatial ocean wave height prediction with CNN mixed-data deep neural networks using random field simulated bathymetry, Ocean Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.113699, Reviewed, published.

T Ramsauer, P Marzahn (2023): Global Soil Moisture Estimation based on GPM IMERG Data using a Site Specific Adjusted Antecedent Precipitation Index, International Journal of Remote Sensing,, Reviewed, published.

BACH, H., KLUG, P., BROHMEYER, F., HANK, T., KÜHL, K. & MAUSER, W. (2022): Digital Twins for Sustainable Fertilization., International Conference on Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production (DIGICROP), Bonn (Germany), virtual event, Abstract, published.

Karen Baumann, Patrick Jung, Lukas W. Lehnert, Elena Samolov, Christel Baum, Jörg Bendix, Ulf Karsten, Burkhard Büdel, Peter Leinweber (2022): Ökologische Nischen für Pioniere in der Atacama. Die Grüne Wüste ­Südamerikas? , Biologie Unserer Zeit, Proceeding, published.

BERGER, K., HALABUK, A., HANK, T., RIVERA-CAICEDO, J.P., WOCHER, M., MOJSES, M., GERHATOVA, K., TAGLIABUE, G., MORATA DOLZ, M., PASCUAL VENTEO, A.B., REYES MUNOZ, P., & VERRELST, J. (2022): Recent Progress and Challenges in the Derivation of Non-photosynthetic Cropland Biomass from Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data, 12th EARSeL Workshop 2022, Potsdam (Germany), Abstract, published.

BRELL, M.; GUANTER, L.; SCHEFFLER, D.; BOHN, N.; SEGL, K.; ALTENBURG SOPPA, M.; GORRONO, J.; BRACHER, A.; HANK, T.; BACHMANN, M.; CARMONA, E.; STORCH, T.; FOERSTER, S.; SCHICKLING, A. & CHABRILLAT, S. (2022): EnMAP Data Product Validation - Status, 12th EARSeL Workshop 2022, Potsdam (Germany), Abstract, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., VERRELST, J. & HANK, T. (2022): Retrieval of Carbon Content and Biomass from Hyperspectral Imagery over Cultivated Areas, 12th EARSeL Workshop 2022, Potsdam (Germany), Abstract, published.

Schneider J.M. , Zabel F., Schünemann F., Delzeit R., Mauser W. (2022): Global cropland could be almost halved: Assessment of land saving potentials under different strategies and implications for agricultural markets, PLOS ONE, Reviewed, published.

PROBST, E. & MAUSER, W. (2022): Evaluation of ERA5 and WFDE5 forcing data for hydrological modelling and the impact of bias correction with regional climatologies: A case study in the Danube River Basin, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 40, 101023, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101023, Reviewed, published.

MÜLLER, CH., JÄGERMEYR, J., ELLIOTT, J., RUANE, A., BALKOVIC, J., CIAIS, PH., FALLOON, P., FOLBERTH, CH., FRANCOIS, L., HANK, T., HOFFMANN, M., IZAURRALDE, C., KHABAROV, N., LIU, W., OLIN, S., PUGH, T., WANG, X., WILLIAMS, K. & ZABEL, F. (2022): Regional and model-specific response types in a global gridded crop model ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2022, EGU22-9266, Vienna, (Austria), Abstract, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K. & HANK, T. (2022): Quantifying seasonal dynamics in crops using the EnMAP-Box Agricultural Applications, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn (Germany), Abstract, published.

HARTWEG, R.B., HANK, T.B., STEINHAUSER, S., WOCHER, M., BERGER, K. & MAUSER, W. (2022): Development of a hand-held, low-cost, open-hardware hyperspectral VIS platform for educational and scientific applications, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn (Germany), Abstract, published.

RITTMÜLLER, E., WERNER, CH., BACH, H., KLUG, PH., MAUSER, W., MIGDALL, S., KAUSCH, I., PROBST, E. & HANK, T. (2022): Virtual Water Values - High resolution remote sensing based monitoring system for agricultural water use efficiency, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn (Germany), Abstract, published.

VERRELST, J., PORTALES-JULIÀ, E., AMIN, E., MORATA DOLZ, M., REYEZ MUÑOZ, P., PASCUAL-VENTEO, A.B., RIVERA-CAICEDO, J.P., TAGLIABUE, G., PANIGADA, C., BOSCHETTI, M., SEGL, K., GUILLASO, S., BERGER, K., WOCHER, M., HANK, T., ISOLA, C. (2022): Prototyping L2 vegetation traits models in support of the hyperspectral mission CHIME, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn (Germany), Abstract, published.

VERRELST, J., PORTALES, E., AMIN, E., MORATA, M., REYES, P., PASCUAL VENTEO, A.B., GARCIA, J., RIVERA, J., TAGLIABUE, J., PANIGADA, C., BOCANDIANI, G., SEGL, K., ISOLA, C., BOSCHETTI, M., HANK, T., WOCHER, M. & BERGER, K. (2022): Advances in Vegetation Traits Models in the Context of the Hyperspectral CHIME Mission Preparation, 12th EARSeL Workshop 2022, Potsdam (Germany), Abstract, published.

BRELL, M.; GUANTER, L.; SCHEFFLER, D.; BOHN, N.; SEGL, K.; ALTENBURG SOPPA, M.; GORRONO, J.; BRACHER, A.; HANK, T.; BACHMANN, M.; CARMONA, E.; STORCH, T.; FOERSTER, S.; SCHICKLING, A. & CHABRILLAT, S. (2022): EnMAP Data Product Validation Activities during the Commissioning Phase, 12th IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Rome (Italy), Abstract, published.

Maurischat, P., Lehnert, L., Zerres, V. H. D., Tran, T. V., Kalbitz, K., Rinnan, Å., Li, X. G., Dorji, T. & Guggenberger, G. (2022): The glacial–terrestrial–fluvial pathway: A multiparametrical analysis of spatiotemporal dissolved organic matter variation in three catchments of Lake Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau, Science of The Total Environment, 156542, Reviewed, published.

Phan, T.-N., Dashpurev, B., Wiemer, F. & Lehnert, L. W. (2022): A simple, fast, and accurate method for land cover mapping in Mongolia, Geocarto International., 1-17, Reviewed, published.

Mittermeier, M., Weigert, M., Rügamer, D., Küchenhoff, H., Ludwig, R. (2022): A deep learning based classification of atmospheric circulation types over Europe: projection of future changes in a CMIP6 large ensemble, Environmental Research Letters, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., MACHWITZ, M., KYCKO, M., KEFAUVER, S.C., VAN WITTENBERGHE, S., GERHARDS, M., VERRELST, J., ATZBERGER, C., VAN DER TOL, C., DAMM, A., RASCHER, U., HERRMANN, I., SOBEJANO PAZ, V., FAHRNER, S., PIERUSCHKA, R., PRIKAZIUK, E., BUCHAILLOT, L., HALABUK, A., CELESTI, M., KOREN, G., TUNC GORMUS, E., ROSSINI, M., FOERSTER, M., SIEGMANN, B., ABDELBAKI, A., TAGLIABUE, G., HANK, T., DARVISHZADEH, R., AASEN, H., GARCIA, M., PÔÇAS, I., BANDOPADHYAY, S., SULIS, M., TOMELLERI, E., ROZENSTEIN, O., FILCHEV, L., STANCILE, G. & SCHLERF, M. (2022): Multi-sensor spectral synergies for crop stress detection and monitoring in the optical domain: A review. , Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 280, 113198,, Reviewed, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., VERRELST, J. & HANK, T. (2022): Retrieval of carbon content and biomass from hyperspectral imagery over cultivated areas, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume 193, pp. 104-114., Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., VERRELST, J. & MAUSER, W. . (2022): Towards agriculturally relevant product retrieval from spaceborne spectroscopy data - Status and Challenges, 2nd Workshop on International Cooperation in Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

BERGER, K., ATZBERGER, C., HALABUK, A., HANK, T., RIVERA-CAICEDO, J.P., WOCHER, M., MOJSES, M., GERHATOVA, K., MORATA DOLZ, M., PASCUAL VENTEO, A.B., REYES MUÑOZ, PA. & VERRELST, J. (2022): Recent progress and challenges in the quantification of non-photosynthetic vegetation biomass from spaceborne imaging spectroscopy data, 2nd Workshop on International Cooperation in Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

Schneider, J.M., Zabel, F., Mauser, W. (2022): Global inventory of suitable, cultivable and available cropland under different scenarios and policies, Scientific Data, Reviewed, published.

Patrick Jung, Lukas W. Lehnert, Jörg Bendix, Guillaume Lentendu, Martin Grube, Fernando D. Alfaro, Camilo del Rio, José Luis Gutiérrez Alvarado, Liesbeth van den Brink and Michael Lakatos (2022): The grit crust: A poly-extremotolerant microbial community from the Atacama Desert as a model for astrobiology , Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences , Reviewed, published.


Hajat, S., Gampe, D., Sarsour, A., & Abuzerr, S. (2022): Climate Change and Diarrhoeal Disease Burdens in the Gaza Strip, Palestine: Health Impacts of 1.5° C and 2° C Global Warming Scenarios., International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(8), Reviewed, published.

Heil, J.; Jörges, C. & Stumpe, B. (2022): Fine-Scale Mapping of Soil Organic Matter in Agricultural Soils Using UAVs and Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.3390/rs14143349, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C. & Stumpe, B. (2022): Storm surge early warning with machine learning methods including dynamic bathymetries in the East Frisian North Sea, IGU 2022, oral presentation, Paris, France, Abstract, published.

Jörges, C. & Stumpe, B. (2022): Regional nearshore wave height prediction using a mixed-data CNN-LSTM neural network and dynamic bathymetric maps for the East Frisian North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2022, DOI: 10.5194/egusphere- egu22-5151, oral presentation, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

Heil, J.; Jörges, C. & Stumpe, B. (2022): Evaluation of using digital photography as a cost-effective tool for the rapid assessment of soil organic carbon at a regional scale, Soil Security, DOI: 10.1016/j.soisec.2021.100023, Reviewed, published.

MÜLLER, C., FRANKE, J., JÄGERMEYR, J., RUANE, A.C., ELLIOTT, J., MOYER, E., HEINKE, J., FALLOON, P., FOLBERTH, C., FRANCOIS, L., HANK, T., IZAURRALDE, R.C., JACQUEMIN, I., LIU, W., OLIN, S., PUGH, T.A.M., WILLIAMS, K., ZABEL, F. (2021): Exploring uncertainties of the full range of climate scenarios from CMIP5 and CMIP6 for global crop yields, Environmental Research Letters, 16(3),, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., RIVERA CAICEDO, J.P., MARTINO, L., WOCHER, M., HANK, T. & VERRELST, J (2021): A Survey of Active Learning for Quantifying Vegetation Traits from Earth Observation Data. Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing 13(2), 287;, Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., BERGER, K., DANNER, M., WOCHER, M. & MAUSER, W. (2021): Introducing the Potential of the EnMAP-Box for Agricultural Applications using DESIS and PRISMA Data, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2021, Brussels (Belgium), Proceeding, published.

DANNER, M., WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2021): Efficient training of machine learning regression algorithms to quantify biophysical & biochemical traits of agricultural crops, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Volume 173, pp. 278-296, ISSN 0924-2716,, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., HALABUK, A., VERRELST, J., MOJSES, M., GERHÁTOVÁ, K., TAGLIABUE, G., WOCHER, M. & HANK, T. (2021): Towards quantifying non-photosynthetic vegetation for agriculture using spaceborne imaging spectroscopy, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2021, Brussels (Belgium), Proceeding, published.

M. Mittermeier, E. Bresson, D. Paquin, R. Ludwig (2021): A deep learning approach for the identification of long-duration mixed precipitation in Montréal (Canada), Atmosphere-Ocean, Reviewed, published.

SCHILLACI, C., PEREGO, A., VALKAMA, E., MÄRKER, M., SAIA, S., VERONESI, F., PANI, A., LOMBARDO, L., TADIELLO, T., GAMPER, H., TEDONE, L., MOSS, C., PAREJA-SERRANO, E., AMATO, G., KÜHL, K., DĂMĂTÎRCĂ, C., COGATO, A., MZID, N., EESWARAN, R., RABELO, M., SPERANDIO, G., BOSINO, A., BUFALINI, M., TUNÇAY, T., DING, J., FIORENTINI, M., TISCORNIA, G., CONRADT, S., BOTTA, M., ACUTIS, M. (2021): New pedotransfer approaches to predict soil bulk density using WoSIS soil data and environmental covariates in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems, Science of The Total Environment (780), 146609, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., VERRELST, J., RIVERA-CAICEDO, J.P, TAGLIABUE, G., PANIGADA, C., WOCHER, M. & HANK, T. (2021): Monitoring Vegetation Nitrogen Content from Space Using Hybrid Retrieval Methods., Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, 19 July 2021 – 23 July 2021, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, Proceeding, published.

VERRELST, J., DE GRAVE, C., AMIN, E., REYES, P., MORATA, M., PORTALES, E., BELDA, S., TAGLIABUE, G., PANIGADA, C., BOSCHETTI, M., CANDIANI, G., SEGL, K., GUILLASSO, S., BERGER, K., WOCHER, M., HANK, T., RASCHER, U. & ISOLA, C. (2021): Prototyping vegetation traits models in the context of the hyperspectral CHIME mission preparation., International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2021, Brussels (Belgium), Proceeding, published.

ZABEL, F., MÜLLER, C., ELLIOTT, J., MINOLI, S., JÄGERMEYR, J., SCHNEIDER, J.M., FRANKE, J.A., MOYER, E., FOLBERTH, C., MARIE DURY, M., FRANCOIS, L., LIU, W., PUGH, T.A.M., OLIN, S., RABIN, S.S., MAUSER, W., HANK, T., RUANE, A.C. (2021): Large potential for crop production adaptation depends on available future varieties., Global Change Biology,, Reviewed, published.

Zabel, F., Mueller, C., Elliott, J., Minoli, S., Jägermeyr, J., Schneider, J.M., Franke, J. A., Moyer, E., Dury, M., Francois, L., Folberth, C. Wenfeng, L., Ogh, T. A. M., Olin, S., Rabin, S. S., Mauser, W., Hank, T., Ruane, A. C. (2021): Large potential for crop production adaptation depends on available future varieties, Global Change Biology, Reviewed, published.

VERRELST, J., RIVERA CAICEDO, J.P., REYES, P., MORATA, M., AMIN, E., TAGLIABUE, G., PANIGADA, C., HANK, T. & BERGER, K. (2021): Mapping landscape canopy nitrogen content from space using PRISMA data., ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume 178, pp. 382-395, Elsevier Amsterdam, Reviewed, published.

Pohl, Marius J., Lehnert, Lukas, Bader, Maaike Y., Gradstein, S. Robbert, Viehweger, Jonas, Bendix, Jörg (2021): A new fog and low stratus retrieval for tropical South America reveals widespread fog in lowland forests , Remote Sensing of Environment, 112620, Reviewed, published.

FRANKE, J., MUELLER, C., ELLIOTT, J., RUANEE, A., JAEGERMEYR, J., BALKOVIC, J., CIAIS, P., DURY, M., FOLBERTH, C., FRANCOIS¸ L., HANK, T., HOFFMANN, M., IZAURRALDE, C., JACQUEMIN, I., JONES, C., KHABAROV, N., KOCH, M., LI, M., LIU, W., OLIN, S., PHILLIPS, M., PUGH, T.A.M., REDDY, A., WANG, X., WILLIAMS, K., ZABEL, F. & MOYER, E. (2021): Agricultural breadbaskets may shift poleward given adaptive farmer behavior under climate change., Global Change Biology., Reviewed, published.

Felix Nieberding, Christian Wille, Yaoming Ma, Yuyang Wang, Philipp Maurischat, Lukas Lehnert, Torsten Sachs (2021): Winter daytime warming and shift in summer monsoon increase plant cover and net {CO} 2 uptake in a central Tibetan alpine steppe ecosystem, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Reviewed, published.

Böhnisch, A., Mittermeier, M., Leduc, M., & Ludwig, R. (2021): Hot Spots and Climate Trends of Meteorological Droughts in Europe–Assessing the Percent of Normal Index in a Single-Model Initial-Condition Large Ensemble., Frontiers in Water, Reviewed, published.

Batnyambuu Dashpurev, Karsten Wesche, Yun Jäschke, Khurelpurev Oyundelger, Thanh Noi Phan, Jörg Bendix, Lukas W. Lehnert (2021): A cost-effective method to monitor vegetation changes in steppes ecosystems: A case study on remote sensing of fire and infrastructure effects in eastern Mongolia, Ecological Indicators, Reviewed, published.

Jaegermeyr, J., Müller, C., Ruane, A., Elliott, J., Balkovic, J., Castillo, O., Faye, B., Foster, I., Folberth, Ch., Franke, J., Fuchs, K., Guarin, J., Heinke, J., Hoogenboom, G., Iizumi, T., Jain, A., Kelly, D., Khabarov, N., Lange, S., Lin, T-S., Liu, W., Mialyk, O., Minoli, S., Moyer, E., Okada, M., Phillips, M., Porter, C., Rabin, S., Scheer, C., Schneider, J.M., Schyns, J., Skalský, R., Smerald, A., Stella, T., Stephens, H., Webber, H., Zabel, F., Rosenzweig, C. (2021): Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models, Nature Food, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., HANK, T., HALABUK, A., RIVERA-CAICEDO, J.P., WOCHER, M., MOJSES, M., GERHATOVA, K., TAGLIABUE, G., DOLZ M.M., PASCUAL VENTEO, A.B. & VERRELST, J. (2021): Assessing non-photosynthetic cropland biomass from spaceborne hyperspectral imagery, Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 4711,, Reviewed, published.

Mittermeier, M., Weigert, M., & Rügamer, D. (2021): Identifying the atmospheric drivers of drought and heat using a smoothed deep learning approach, arXiv preprint, Proceeding, published.

Thomas Ramsauer, Thomas Weiß, Alexander Löw und Philip Marzahn (2021): RADOLAN_API: An Hourly Soil Moisture Data Set Based on Weather Radar, Soil Properties and Reanalysis Temperature Data, Remote Sensing, 1712,, Reviewed, published.

A. Böhnisch, M. Mittermeier, M. Leduc, R. Ludwig (2021): Hot Spots and Climate Trends of Meteorological Droughts in Europe: Assessing the Percent of Normal Index in a Single-Model Initial-Condition Large Ensemble, Frontiers in Water, Reviewed, published.

R. R. Wood, F. Lehner, A. G. Pendergrass, S. Schlunegger (2021): Changes in precipitation variability across time scales in multiple global climate model large ensembles, Environmental Research Letters 16(8); 10.1088/1748-9326/ac10dd, Reviewed, published.

M. I. Brunner, D. L. Swain, R. R. Wood, F. Willkofer, J. M. Done, E. Gilleland, R. Ludwig (2021): An extremeness threshold determines the regional response of floods to changes in rainfall extremes, Communications Earth & Environment 2(1):173, 10.1038/s43247-021-00248-x , Reviewed, published.

Gampe, D., Zscheischler, J., Reichstein, M., O’Sullivan, M., Smith, W. K., Sitch, S., & Buermann, W. (2021): Increasing impact of warm droughts on northern ecosystem productivity over recent decades. , Nature Climate Change, 11(9), 772-779, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C.; Berkenbrink, C. & Stumpe, B. (2021): Prediction and reconstruction of ocean wave heights based on bathymetric data using LSTM neural networks, Ocean Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109046, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C.; Berkenbrink, C.; Heil, J. & Stumpe, B. (2021): Quantification of morphodynamic variability and sea state damping of plates at the nearshore area in the East Frisian North Sea, Coastal Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103779, Reviewed, published.

Lukas Lehnert, Boris Thies, Jörg Bendix (2020): A new high spatial resolution low stratus/fog retrieval for the Atacama Desert, Remote Sensing of Environment, Reviewed, published.

Batnyambuu Dashpurev, Jörg Bendix & Lukas Lehnert (2020): Monitoring Oil Exploitation Infrastructure and Dirt Roads with Object-Based Image Analysis and Random Forest in the Eastern Mongolian Steppe, Remote Sensing, Reviewed, published.

Batnyambuu Dashpurev, Jörg Bendix & Lukas Lehnert (2020): Monitoring Oil Exploitation Infrastructure and Dirt Roads with Object-Based Image Analysis and Random Forest in the Eastern Mongolian Steppe, Remote Sensing, Reviewed, published, Reviewed, published.

Meier, J.; Mauser, W.; Hank, T.; Bach, H. (2020): Assessments on the impact of high-resolution-sensor pixel sizes for common agricultural policy and smart farming services in European regions, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 105205, Reviewed, published.

MEIER, J., MAUSER, W., HANK, T. & BACH, H. (2020): Assessments on the impact of high-resolution-sensor pixel sizes for common agricultural policy and smart farming services in European regions, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 169, 105205, Elsevier, Reviewed, published.

KÜHL, K., BROHMEYER, F., MAUSER, W., BACH, H. & HANK, T. (2020): Nnnovative - Development and validation of information services for the optimization of Nitrogen use in agriculture, iCROPM2020. 3.-5. February 2020, Montpellier (France), Abstract, published.

BERGER, K., CAMPS-VALLS, G., VERRELST, J., FERET, J.B., WOCHER, M. & HANK, T. (2020): Spectroscopic retrieval of above-ground crop nitrogen content with a hybrid machine learning regression method, EGU 2020, 3.-8. May 2020, Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

KÜHL, K., BROHMEYER, F., MAUSER, W., BACH, H., HANK, T. (2020): Nnnovative - Development and validation of information services for the optimization of Nitrogen use in agriculture, iCROPM2020 conference 3.-5. February 2020, Montpellier (France) , Abstract, published.

Putzenlechner B., Marzahn P., Sanchez-Azofeifa A. (2020): Accuracy assessment on the number of flux terms needed to estimate in situ fAPAR, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Reviewed, published.

BACH, H. BROHMEYER, F., LUTZ, F., HANK, T., KUEHL, K., & MAUSER, W. (2020): Digital Twins of Catchments in support of Nitrogen Management Policies, 8th conference of the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI 2020), 3.-7. Mai 2020, Berlin (Germany), Abstract, published.

KUEHL, K., BROHMEYER, F., MAUSER, W., BACH, H. & HANK, T. (2020): Nnnovative - Development And Validation Of EO-Based Information Services For The Optimization Of Nitrogen Use In Agriculture, ESA Workshop: EO for Agriculture under Pressure 2020, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

WERNER, CH., PROBST, E., KLUG, P., BRÜGGEMANN, L., BACH, H., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2020): Approaching a High Resolution Global Monitoring System for Agricultural Management within the Virtual Water Values project ViWA, ESA Workshop: EO for Agriculture under Pressure 2020, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

PROBST, E., WERNER, CH., KLUG, P., BRÜGGEMANN, L., BACH, H., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2020): Coupling Agro-Ecological Modeling and Sentinel-2 Observations to Measure the Water Use Efficiency of Crop Production - the Case of Agriculture in Romania, ESA Workshop: EO for Agriculture under Pressure 2020., Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

BERGER, K., VERRELST, J., FÉRET, J.-B., WANG, Z., WOCHER, M., STRATHMANN, M., DANNER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2020): Crop nitrogen monitoring: recent progress and principal developments in the context of imaging spectroscopy missions, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 242, 111758,, Reviewed, published.

IESP (Institute for Earth System Preservation) (2020): Wir blieben im Gespräch! Empfehlungen und Ergebnisse [Memorandum]., Proceeding, published.

Marzahn, P.; Flade, L.; Sanchez-Azofeifa, A. (2020): Spatial Estimation of the Latent Heat Flux in a Tropical Dry Forest by Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Forests, 604, Reviewed, published.

Thanh Noi Phan, Verena Kuch, Lukas Lehnert (2020): Land Cover Classification using Google Earth Engine and Random Forest Classifier - The Role of Image Composition , Remote Sensing, Reviewed, published.

Wang, L.; Marzahn, P.; Bernier, M. & Ludwig, R. (2020): Sentinel-1 InSAR measurements of deformation over discontinuous permafrost terrain, Northern Quebec, Canada, Remote Sensing of Environment, 248 , 111965 , Reviewed, published.

Campos-Vargas, C.; Sánchez-Azofeifa, A.; Laakso, K. & Marzahn, P. (2020): Unmanned Aerial System and Machine Learning techniques help to detect dead woody components at a tropical dry forest , Forests, 11, 827, Reviewed, published.

Hopp, L. and Glaser, B. and Klaus, J. and Schramm, T. (2020): The relevance of preferential flow in catchment scale simulations: Calibrating a 3D dual-permeability model using DREAM, Hydrological Processes, 34, 1237-1254, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13672, Reviewed, published.

Antonelli, M. and Glaser, B. and Teuling, A.J. and Klaus, J. and Pfister, L. (2020): Saturated areas through the lens: 2. Spatio-temporal variability of streamflow generation and its relationship with surface saturation, Hydrological Processes, 34, 1333-1349, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13607, Reviewed, published.

Antonelli, M. and Glaser, B. and Teuling, A.J. and Klaus, J. and Pfister, L. (2020): Saturated areas through the lens: 1. Spatio-temporal variability of surface saturation documented through thermal infrared imagery, Hydrological Processes, 34, 1310-1332, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13698, Reviewed, published.

Glaser, B. and Antonelli, M. and Hopp, L. and Klaus, J. (2020): Intra-catchment variability of surface saturation - insights from physically based simulations in comparison with biweekly thermal infrared image observations, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 1393–1413, DOI: 10.5194/hess-24-1393-2020, Reviewed, published.

KLUG, P., RITTMÜLLER, E., FRITZ, I., MUERTH, M., KAUSCH, I., NIGGEMANN, F., HODRIUS, M., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H., WERNER, C., PROBST, E., HANK, T.B., MAUSER, W., HACHINGER, S. (2020): Using Big Data Processing Facilities for Global Water Use Efficiency Derivation, ESA EO Phi-Week 2020 - Digital Twin Earth, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., DANNER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2020): RTM-based dynamic absorption integrals for the retrieval of biochemical vegetation traits, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, Volume 93, December 2020, 102219, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., VERRELST, J., FÉRET, J.-B., HANK, T., WOCHER, M., MAUSER, W. & CAMPS-VALLS, G. (2020): Retrieval of aboveground crop nitrogen content with a hybrid machine learning method, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Volume 92, October 2020, 102174,, Reviewed, published.

Marzahn, P. & Meyer, S (2020): Utilization of multi-dimensional microwave remote sensing data within a hybrid geostatistical regionalization approach for the derivation of soil physical properties, Remote Sensing, 2660, Reviewed, published.

Weiß, T., Ramsauer, T., Loew, A. & Marzahn, P. (2020): Evaluation of Different Radiative Transfer Models for Microwave Backscatter Estimation of Wheat Fields, Remote Sensing, 3037, Reviewed, published.

Wang, Y., Leng, P., Peng, J., Marzahn, P. & Ludwig, R. (2020): Global assessments of two blended microwave soil moisture products CCI and SMOPS with in-situ measurements and reanalysis data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 102234, Reviewed, published.

Peng, J.; Albergel, C.; Balenzano, A.; Brocca, L.; Cartus, O.; Cosh, M. H.; Crow, W. T.; Dabrowska-Zielinska, K.; Dadson, S.; Davidson, M. W. J.; de Rosnay, P.; Dorigo, W.; Gruber, A.; Hagemann, S.; Hirschi, M.; Kerr, Y. H.; Lovergine, F.; Mahecha, M. D.; Marzahn, P.; Mattia, F.; Musial, J. P.; Preuschmann, S.; Reichle, R. H.; Satalino, G.; Silgram, M.; van Bodegom, P. M.; E.C.Verhoest, N.; Wagner, W.; P.Walker, J.; Wegmüller, U. & Loew, A. (2020): A roadmap for high-resolution satellite soil moisture applications - confronting product characteristics with user requirements, Remote Sensing of Environment, Reviewed, published.

A. Böhnisch, R. Ludwig, M. Leduc (2020): Using a nested single-model large ensemble to assess the internal variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation and its climatic implications for central Europe , Earth System Dynamics, Reviewed, published.

R. R. Wood and R. Ludwig (2020): Analyzing Internal Variability and Forced Response of Subdaily and Daily Extreme Precipitation Over Europe, Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (17), e2020GL089300., Reviewed, published.

F. Willkofer, R. R. Wood, F. von Trentini, J. Weissmüller, B. Poschlod, R. Ludwig (2020): A Holistic Modelling Approach for the Estimation of Return Levels of Peak Flows in Bavaria, Water, 12 (9),, Reviewed, published.

B. Poschlod, J. Zscheischler, J. Sillmann, R. R. Wood, R. Ludwig (2020): Climate change effects on hydrometeorological compound events over southern Norway, Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 28, 2020,, Reviewed, published.

J. Leandro, K.-F. Chen, R. R. Wood, R. Ludwig (2020): A scalable flood-resilience-index for measuring climate change adaptation: Munich city, Water Research, 173,, Reviewed, published.

Reimuth, A., Locherer, V., Danner, M., & Mauser, W. (2020): How Does the Rate of Photovoltaic Installations and Coupled Batteries Affect Regional Energy Balancing and Self-Consumption of Residential Buildings?, Energies, 13(11), 2738, Reviewed, published.

Reimuth, A., Locherer, V., Danner, M., & Mauser, W. (2020): How do changes in climate and consumption loads affect residential PV coupled battery energy systems?, Energy, 198, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C. & Hoogen, A. (2020): Digitales Kartieren mit GIS. In: Digitale Kartographie, Geographie heute (350), Friedrich Verlag, Hannover, Germany, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C.; Berkenbrink, C. & Stumpe, B. (2020): Wave data prediction and reconstruction by recurrent neural networks at the nearshore area of Norderney, EGU General Assembly 2020, DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19772, online presentation, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B.; MARZAHN, P.; KIESE, R.; LUDWIG, R.; SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A. (2019): Assessing the variability and uncertainty of two-flux FAPAR measurements in a conifer-dominated forest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149-163, Reviewed, published.

JORDA-CAPDEVILLA, D.; GAMPE, D.; HUBER GARCIA, V.; LUDWIG, R.; SABATER, S.; VERGOÑOS, L.; ACUÑA; V. (2019): Impact and mitigation of global change on freshwater-related ecosystem services in Southern Europe, Science of The Total Environment 651, 895–908, Reviewed, published.

BERGER,K., DANNER, M., WOCHER, M., WANG, Z., MAUSER, W., HANK, T. (2019): Monitoring of Crop Nitrogen Status using a Hybrid Inversion Scheme in the Context of the Future Hyperspectral EnMAP Mission, EARSeL SIG 2019, Brno (Czech Republic), Abstract, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B.; SHARP, I.; MARZAHN, M.; KIESE, R.; LUDWIG, R.; SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A. (2019): Validating the Sentinel-2 FAPAR product in three Forest ecosystems considering uncertainties of ground measurements, ESA Living Planet Symposium 13-17 May, Milan, IT, Abstract, published.

BERGER, K., ATZBERGER, C., DANNER, M., WOCHER, M., MAUSER, W., & HANK, T. (2019): Modellbasierte Selektion hyperspektraler EnMAP Kanäle zur optimalen Invertierung von Strahlungstransfermodellen für landwirtschaftliche Kulturen, PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, Volume 86, Issue 5-6, pp. 263-272., Springer, Reviewed, published.

GRAF, L., KAUSCH, I., BACH, H. & HANK, T. (2019): Using harmonic analysis of green LAI time series obtained from Sentinel-2 imagery for daily representation of crop growth in a hydro-agroecological model, Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation, Band 28, pp. 214-225., Vienna (Austria), Proceeding, published.

MAUSER, W., HANK, T., PROBST, E., JAKSZTAT, T., HEINZELLER, C., ZABEL, F., DELZEIT, R., KLEPPER, G., ATTINGER, S., SAMANIEGO, L., MARX, A., V. HAAREN, C., BURKHARDT, K., SCHLATTMANN, A., NEUENDORF,F., BACH, H., KLUG, P., KAUSCH, I., DOTZLER, S., PFEIFFER, S., SCHUBERT-FRISIUS, M., WEISSMÜLLER, J., HACHINGER, S., KURZ, W., V. RAMM, A. (2019): Virtual Water Values - Multiscale Monitoring of Global Water Resources and Options for their Efficient and Sustainable Use, GROW Statuskonferenz 2019, pp. 52-55., Frankfurt (Germany), Proceeding, published.

HANK, T.B., BACH, H., PRESTELE, R., KLUG, P., MEIER, J., BROHMEYER, F., KLEINE, S., CERNY, M., STOLZ, R. & MAUSER, W. (2019): The Bavarian Virtual Water Space "VieWBay" - Exploring new Ways of assisting Environmental Administration in Bavaria through COPERNICUS-supported Land Surface Modelling, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, published.

HARTWEG, B., APPEL, F., STEINHAUSER, S. LAMM, M., ROESEL, A., HENKEL, P., BACH, H., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T.B. (2019): Assessing the effect of biomass growth on GNSS-derived soil moisture measurements, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, published.

KLUG, P., DOTZLER, S., BACH, H., MIGDALL, S., KAUSCH, I., PROBST, E., JAKSZTAT, T., HANK, T.B. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Towards a Global Monitoring System of Water Use Efficiency Based on Assimilation of Copernicus Data into a Water Balance and Crop Growth Model, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, published.

BRÜGGEMANN, L., BACH, H., BROHMEYER, F., BOSCH, J., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Increasing nitrogen efficiency through site-specific fertilization with information derived from Sentinel-2 data, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, published.

WISBOECK, S., BRÜGGEMANN, L., BACH, H., MAUSER, W., HANK, T. & JONECK, P. (2019): Potato Yield Modeling Using Optical Satellite Data and a Physically Based Plant Growth Model, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, published.

MEIER, J., CERNY, M., KLEINE, S., PRESTELE, R., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Assessment of Sentinel-2 coverage of agricultural fields in Bavaria, Germany, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., DANNER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2019): Extended Crop Water Content Retrieval from Multi-angular Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano (Italy), Proceeding, published.

MÜLLER, C., ELLIOTT, J., RUANE, A., JÄGERMEYR, J., BALKOVIC, J., FOLBERTH, CH., KHABAROV, N., CIAIS, P., WANG, X., DURY, M., FRANCOIS, L., JACQUEMIN, I., FALLOON, P., WILLIAMS, K., HANK, T., ZABEL, F., HOFFMANN, M., JONES, C., REDDY, A., KOCH, M., LIU, W., OLIN, S. & PUGH, T. A. M. (2019): Understanding crop model response types in a global gridded crop model ensemble, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-15023, 2019 EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

MÜLLER, C., ELLIOTT, J., RUANE, A., JÄGERMEYR, J., BALKOVIC, J., FOLBERTH, CH., KHABAROV, N., CIAIS, P., WANG, X., DURY, M., FRANCOIS, L., JACQUEMIN, I., FALLOON, P., WILLIAMS, K., HANK, T., ZABEL, F., HOFFMANN, M., JONES, C., REDDY, A., KOCH, M., LIU, W., OLIN, S. & PUGH, T. A. M. (2019): Understanding crop model response types in a global gridded crop model ensemble, 3rd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference 24-26 March 2019, Budapest (Hungary), Abstract, published.

Krumpen, T., H. J. Belter, A. Boetius, E. Damm, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, M. Nicolaus, E.-M. Nöthig, S. Paul, I. Peeken, R. Ricker & R. Stein (2019): Arctic warming interrupts the Transpolar Drift and affects long-range transport of sea ice and ice-rafted matter, Scientific Reports, 9:5459, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-41456-y, Reviewed, published.

von Trentini F., Leduc M., Ludwig R. (2019): Assessing natural variability in RCM signals: comparison of a multi model EURO-CORDEX ensemble with a 50-member single model large ensemble, Climate Dynamics, Reviewed, published.

Lukas W. Lehnert, Hanna Meyer, Wolfgang A. Obermeier, Brenner Silva, Bianca Regeling, Jörg Bendix (2019): Hyperspectral Data Analysis in R: The hsdar Package, Journal of Statistical Software, Reviewed, published.

Georg Miehe, Per-Marten Schleuss, Elke Seeber, Wolfgang Babel, Tobias Biermann, Martin Braendle, Fahu Chen, Heinz Coners, Thomas Foken, Tobias Gerken, Hans-F. Graf, Georg Guggenberger, Silke Hafner, Maika Holzapfel, Johannes Ingrisch, Yakov Kuzyakov, Zhongping Lai, Lukas Lehnert, Christoph Leuschner, Xiaogang Li, Jianquan Liu, Shibin Liu, Yaoming Ma, Sabine Miehe, Volker Mosbrugger, Henry J. Noltie, Joachim Schmidt, Sandra Spielvogel, Sebastian Unteregelsbacher, Yun Wang, Sandra Willinghöfer, Xingliang Xu, Yongping Yang, Shuren Zhang, Lars Opgenoorth, Karsten Wesche (2019): The Kobresia pygmaea ecosystem of the Tibetan highlands - Origin, functioning and degradation of the world's largest pastoral alpine ecosystem, Science of The Total Environment, Reviewed, published.

Thomas Ramsauer, Thomas Weiß und Philip Marzahn (2019): A Precipitation Radar and Soil Property based Soil Moisture Proxy, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-15828, Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

Jung, P.; Emrích, D.; Briegel‐Williams, L.; Schermer, M.; Weber, L.; Baumann, K.; Colesie, C.; Clerc, P.; Lehnert, L.; Achilles, S.; Bendix, J. & Büdel, B. (2019): Ecophysiology and phylogeny of new terricolous and epiphytic chlorolichens in a fog oasis of the Atacama Desert, Microbiology Open, 1-21, Reviewed, published.

Obermeier, W.A., Lehnert, L.W., Pohl, M.J., Makowski Gianonni, S., Silva B., Seibert, R., Laser, H., Moser, G., Müller, C., Luterbacher, J. & J. Bendix (2019): Grassland ecosystem services in a changing environment: The potential of hyperspectral monitoring, Remote Sensing of Environment, Reviewed, published.

Jung, P.; Schermer, M.; Briegel-Williams, L.; Baumann, K.; Leinweber, P.; Karsten, U.; Lehnert, L.; Achilles, S.; Bendix, J. & Büdel, B. (2019): Water availability shapes edaphic and lithic cyanobacterial communities in the Atacama Desert, Journal of Phycology, 1-22, Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., BERGER, K., BACH, H., CLEVERS, J., GITELSON, A., ZARCO-TEJADA, P. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy for Sustainable Agriculture: Contributions & Challenges, In: FOERSTER, S., GUANTER, L., LOPEZ, T., MORENO, J., RAST, M., SCHAEPMAN, M.E. (Eds.): Exploring the Earth System with Imaging Spectroscopy. ISSI Space Science Series, Editors: ISBN 978-3-030-24909-0., pp. 219-256, Springer, Article in Book, published.

DANNER, M., BERGER, K., WOCHER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2019): Fitted PROSAIL Parameterization of Leaf Inclinations, Water Content and Brown Pigment Content for Winter Wheat and Maize Canopies, Remote Sensing 11(10), 1150;, Basel (Switzerland), Reviewed, published.

Christine Kolbe, Boris Thies, Sebastian Egli, Lukas Lehnert, Hans Martin Schulz & Jörg Bendix (2019): Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the Geostationary Orbit—Part 1: Precipitation Area Delineation with Elektro-L2 and Insat-3D , Remote Sensing, Reviewed, published.

Patrick Jung, Karen Baumann, Lukas Lehnert, Elena Samolov, Sebastian Achilles, Michael Schermer, Luise M. Wraase, Kai-Uwe Eckhardt, Maaike Y. Bader, Peter Leinweber, Ulf Karsten, Jörg Bendix, Burkhard Büdel (2019): Desert breath - How fog promotes a novel type of soil biocenosis, forming the coastal Atacama Desert's living skin, Geobiology, Reviewed, published.

Putzenlechner, B., Marzahn, P., Kiese,R. , Ludwig, R. & Sanchez-Azofeifa, A. (2019): Validation of Sentinel-2 fAPAR products using ground observations across three forest ecosystems, Remote Sensing of Environment, Reviewed, published.

Tsyganskaya, V., S. Martinis & P. Marzahn, (2019): Monitoring flood in vegetated areas using multitemporal Sentinel-1 data: Impact of time series features, Water, Reviewed, published.

Seidel, M., Marzahn, P. & Ludwig, R. (2019): Monitoring of Sea Dike Structures by the means of combined StaMPS multi-temporal InSAR approach, JSTARS, Reviewed, published.

Xu, Y., Laakso, K., Marzahn P., G. A. Sanchez-Azofeifa (2019): Canopy temperature differences between liana-infested and non-liana infested areas at a neotropical dry forest, Forests, Reviewed, published.

MINOLI, S., MUELLER, C., ELLIOTT, J., RUANE, A.C., JAEGERMEYR, J., ZABEL, F., DURY, M., FOLBERTH, C., FRANCOIS, L., HANK, T., JACQUEMIN, I., LIU, W., OLIN, S. & PUGH, T.A.C. (2019): Global response patterns of major rainfed crops to adaptation by maintaining current growing periods and irrigation, Earth's Future, Volume 7, Issue 12, pp. 1464-1480, Wiley, Reviewed, published.

KÜHL, K., BROHMEYER, F., MAUSER, W., BACH, H. & HANK, T. (2019): Nnnovative - Entwicklung und Validierung von Dienstleistungen zur Unterstützung einer stickstoffoptimierten Landwirtschaft, Symposium: "Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung", 12.-13. November 2019, KOMED/Köln, Abstract, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2019): Ableitung von Informationsprodukten der Vitalität landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen aus hyperspektralen Erdbeobachtungsdaten, Symposium: "Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung", 12.-13. November 2019, KOMED/Köln, Abstract, published.

HANK, T.B., BACH, H., PRESTELE, R., KLUG, P., MEIER, J., BROHMEYER, F., KLEINE, S., CERNY, M., STOLZ, R. & MAUSER, W. (2019): The Bavarian Virtual Water Space "VieWBay" - Exploring new Ways of assisting Environmental Administration in Bavaria through COPERNICUS-supported Land Surface Modelling, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan (Italy), Abstract, published.

HARTWEG, B., APPEL, F., STEINHAUSER, S. LAMM, M., ROESEL, A., HENKEL, P., BACH, H., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T.B. (2019): Assessing the effect of biomass growth on GNSS-derived soil moisture measurements, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan (Italy), Abstract, published.

KLUG, P., DOTZLER, S., BACH, H., MIGDALL, S., KAUSCH, I., PROBST, E., JAKSZTAT, T., HANK, T.B. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Towards a Global Monitoring System of Water Use Efficiency Based on Assimilation of Copernicus Data into a Water Balance and Crop Growth Model, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan (Italy), Abstract, published.

BRÜGGEMANN, L., BACH, H., BROHMEYER, F., BOSCH, J., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Increasing nitrogen efficiency through site-specific fertilization with information derived from Sentinel-2 data, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan (Italy), Abstract, published.

WISBOECK, S., BRÜGGEMANN, L., BACH, H., MAUSER, W., HANK, T. & JONECK, P. (2019): Potato Yield Modeling Using Optical Satellite Data and a Physically Based Plant Growth Model, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan (Italy), Abstract, published.

MEIER, J., CERNY, M., KLEINE, S., PRESTELE, R., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2019): Assessment of Sentinel-2 coverage of agricultural fields in Bavaria, Germany, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan (Italy), Abstract, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., DANNER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2019): Extended Crop Water Content Retrieval from Multi-angular Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan (Italy), Abstract, published.

Glaser, B. and Jackisch, C. and Hopp, L. and Klaus, J. (2019): How meaningful are plot-scale observations and simulations of preferential flow for catchment models?, Vadose Zone Journal, 18, 2-18, DOI: 10.2136/vzj2018.08.0146, Reviewed, published.

FRANKE, J., MUELLER, C., ELLIOTT, J., RUANEE, A., JAEGERMEYR, J., BALKOVIC, J., CIAIS, P., DURY, M., FOLBERTH, C., FRANCOIS¸ L., HANK, T., HOFFMANN, M., IZAURRALDE, C., JACQUEMIN, I., JONES, C., KHABAROV, N., KOCH, M., LI, M., LIU, W., OLIN, S., PHILLIPS, M., PUGH, T.A.M., REDDY, A., WANG, X., WILLIAMS, K., ZABEL, F. & MOYER, E. (2019): The GGCMI Phase 2 experiment: global gridded crop model simulations under uniform changes in CO2, temperature, water, and nitrogen levels (protocol version 1.0), Geoscientific Model Development, 13,, pp. 2315–2336, Reviewed, published.

M. Mittermeier, M. Braun, M. Hofstatter, Y. Wang, R. Ludwig (2019): Detecting Climate Change E?ects on Vb-Cyclones in a 50-Member Single-Model Ensemble Using Machine Learning, Geophysical Research Letters, Reviewed, published.

Zabel, F., Delzeit, R., Schneider, J. M., Seppelt, R., Mauser, M., Václacík, T. (2019): Global impacts of future cropland expansion and intensification on agricultural markets and biodiversity., Nature Communications, 10:2844, 11., Reviewed, published.

Delzeit, R., Pongratz, J., Schneider, J. M., Schünemann, F., Mauser, W., Zabel, F. (2019): Forest restoration: Expanding agriculture. , Science, 366 (6463), 316-317., Reviewed, published.

Ø. Hodnebrog, L. Marelle, K. Alterskjær, R. R. Wood, R. Ludwig, E. M. Fischer, T. B. Richardson, P. M. Forster, J. Sillmann, G. Myhre (2019): Intensification of summer precipitation with shorter timescales in Europe, Environmental Research Letters, 14 (12),, Reviewed, published.

Reimuth, A., Prasch, M., Locherer, V., Danner, M., & Mauser, W. (2019): Influence of different battery charging strategies on residual grid power flows and self-consumption rates at regional scale., Applied Energy 238, 572–581, Reviewed, published.

Reimuth, A., Locherer, L., Danner, M. & Mauser, M. (2019): How do climate change and efficiency enhancement influence the self-consumption rates and grid flows of residential energy systems with PV-coupled battery systems?, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2019, Abstract, published.

Vrzel, J., Ludwig, R., Gampe, D., & Ogrinc, N. (2019): Hydrological system behaviour of an alluvial aquifer under climate change, Science of the Total Environment, 649, 1179-1188., Reviewed, published.

Jorda-Capdevila, D., Gampe, D., García, V. H., Ludwig, R., Sabater, S., Vergoñós, L., & Acuña, V. (2019): Impact and mitigation of global change on freshwater-related ecosystem services in Southern Europe. , Science of the Total Environment, 651, 895-908, Reviewed, published.

Gampe, D., Schmid, J., & Ludwig, R. (2019): Impact of reference dataset selection on RCM evaluation, bias correction, and resulting climate change signals of precipitation. , Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20(9), 1813-1828, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C. & Stumpe, B. (2019): Drohnen im Geographieunterricht - Das digitale Mensch-Umwelt Schülerlabor GeoIT, 15. LeLa-Jahrestagung, oral presentation, Dresden, Germany, Abstract, published.

Jörges, C. & Stumpe, B. (2019): Drohnen im Geographieunterricht - Die Chancen des Schülerlaborkonzeptes am Beispiel des GeoIT, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2019, oral presentation, Kiel, Germany, Abstract, published.

Jörges, C. & Stumpe, B. (2019): Räumliche und zeitliche Rekonstruktionen von Seegangsdaten durch künstliche neuronale Netze, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2019, oral presentation, Kiel, Germany, Abstract, published.

SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A; PUTZENLECHNER, B; SHARP, I.; GUZMAN, J. A.; LUDWIG, R.; MARZAHN, P. (2018): Validating FAPAR estimates across temporal and spatial scales: lessons using wireless sensor networks., Workshop on Land Product Validation and Evolution (LPV 2018) (27 Feb - 1 Mar), Frascati, IT, Abstract, published.

Tsyganskaya, V.; Martinis, S.; Marzahn, P. & Ludwig, R. (2018): SAR-based detection of flooded vegetation - a review of characteristics and approaches, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2255-2293, Reviewed, published.

MARZAHN, P., WEISS, T., RAMSAUER, T., WOCHER, M., HANK, T. & LUDWIG, R. (2018): Covariation of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data over the Munich-North-Isar test-site, Germany, EGU General Assembly , Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

BERGER, K., WANG, T., DANNER, M., WOCHER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2018): Simulation of spaceborne hyperspectral remote sensing to assist crop nitrogen content monitoring in agricultural crops, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 3809-3812, Valencia (Spain), Proceeding, published.

WOCHER, M., BERGER, K., DANNER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2018): Hyperspectral retrieval of canopy water content through inversion of the beer-lambert law, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 3813-3816, Valencia (Spain), Proceeding, published.

HANK, T., BACH, H., JAKSZTAT, T., KLUG, P., ZABEL, F., BRUEGGEMANN, L., PROBST, E., PEROSA, F., RUF, T., HEINZELLER, C. & MAUSER, W. (2018): Using Copernicus data and growth modelling to globally assess virtual water flows in agricultural production - the ViWA concept, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 9086-9089, Valencia (Spain), Proceeding, published.

BERGER, K., ATZBERGER, C., DANNER, M., D'URSO, G., MAUSER, W., VUOLO, F. & HANK, T. (2018): Evaluation of the PROSAIL model capabilities for future hyperspectral model environments: a review study, Remote Sensing, 10(1), 85; doi: 10.3390/rs10010085, Basel (Schweiz), Reviewed, published.

STOLZ, R. & HANK, T. (2018): Teaching snow hydrology - A research related educational concept for undergraduate programs, SnowHydro 2018 - International Conference on Snow Hydrology, Heidelberg (Germany), Abstract, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B.; MARZAHN, P.; KIESE, R.; SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A. (2018): Two-flux FAPAR observations with uncertainty estimates for the validation of the Sentinel-2 product in a pre-alpine forest, 2nd Sentinel-2 Validation Team Meeting (S2VT) 29-31 Jan 2018, Frascati, IT, Abstract, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B.; Marzahn, P.; LUDWIG, R.; SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A. (2018): How to link the Sentinl-2 FAPAR product to FAPAR ground measurements in a mixed coniferous forest considering different scales, EGU General Assembly 8-13 Apr 2018, Vienna, AT, Abstract, published.

Appel, F., Koch, F., Klug, P., Henkel, P., Lamm, M., Prasch, M., Bach, H., Mauser, W. (2018): Snow Water Equivalent from operational GNSS In-Situ Stations as service for hydrological applications – ESA IAP SnowSense Demo, SnowHydro 2018, 12.02.-15.02.2018 , Heidelberg, Germany, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Henkel, P., Appel, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Schweizer, J., Mauser, W. (2018): Snow monitoring with a novel GNSS approach at a high-alpine station, SnowHydro 2018, 12.02.-15.02.2018, Heidelberg, Germany, Abstract, published.

Henekl, P., Koch, F., Appel, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Schweizer, J., and Mauser, W. (2018): Snow water equivalent of dry snow derived from GNSS carrier phases, IEEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 12 pp, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2802494, Reviewed, published.

Meier, J.; Zabel, F.; Mauser, W. (2018): A global approach to estimate irrigated areas – a comparison between different data and statistics., Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 1119-1133, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., ATZBERGER, C., DANNER, M., D'URSO, G., MAUSER, W., VUOLO, F. & HANK, T. (2018): Evaluation of the PROSAIL model capabilities for future hyperspectral model environments: a review study, Remote Sensing, 10(1), 85, Basel (Schweiz), Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., BERGER, K., BACH, H., CLEVERS, J., GITELSON, A., ZARCO-TEJADA, P. & MAUSER, W. (2018): Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy for Sustainable Agriculture: Contributions & Challenges, Surveys in Geophysics, pp. 1-37,, Reviewed, published.

Aulicino, G.; Sansiviero, M.; Paul, S.; Cesarano, C.; Fusco, G.; Wadhams, P.; Budillon, G. (2018): A New Approach for Monitoring the Terra Nova Bay Polynya through MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Imagery and Its Validation during 2010 and 2011 Winter Seasons, Remote Sensing, 10, 366-389, doi:10.3390/rs10030366, Reviewed, published.

Wang, L.; Marzahn, P.; Bernier, M. & Ludwig, R. (2018): Mapping permafrost landscape features using object-based image classification of multi-temporal SAR images, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol 141, 10-29, Reviewed, published.

Herrero, A., Gutiérrez-Cánovas, C., Vigiak, O., Lutz, S., Kumar, R., Gampe, D., ... & Sabater, S. (2018): Multiple stressor effects on biological quality elements in the Ebro River: Present diagnosis and predicted responses., Science of the Total Environment, 1608-1618, Reviewed, published.

Paul, S., Hendricks, S., Ricker, R., Kern, S., and Rinne, E. (2018): Empirical parametrization of Envisat freeboard retrieval of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice based on CryoSat-2: progress in the ESA Climate Change Initiative, The Cryosphere , 12, 2437-2460, doi:10.5194/tc-12-2437-2018, Reviewed, published.

DANNER, M., BERGER, K., WOCHER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2018): Developing a sandbox environment for prosail, suitable for education and research, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 783-786, Valencia (Spain), Proceeding, published.

Tsyganskaya, V., Martinis, S.,Marzahn, P., Ludwig, R. (2018): Detection of Temporary Flooded Vegetation Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Data, Remote Sensing, Reviewed, published.

Wang. L., Jolivel, M., Marzahn, P. Bernier, M. and Ludwig, R. (2018): Thermokarst pond dynamics in subarctic environment monitoring with radar remote sensing , Permafrost and Periglacial Processes , Reviewed, published.

Li, Wei and Campos-Vargas, Carlos and Marzahn, Philip and Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo (2018): On the estimation of tree mortality and liana infestation using a deep self-encoding network, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Reviewed, published.

HUBER GARCIA, V.; MEYER, S.; KOK, K.; VERWEIJ, P.; LUDWIG, P. (2018): Deriving spatially explicit water uses from land use change modelling results in four river basins across Europe., Science of The Total Environment 628-629, 1079–1097, Reviewed, published.

HERRERO, A.; GUTIERREZ-CANOVAS, C.; VIGIAK, O.; LUTZ, S.; KUMAR, R.; GAMPE, D.; HUBER GARCIA, V.; LUDWIG, R.; BATALLA, R.; SABATER, S. (2018): Multiple stressor effects on biological quality elements in the Ebro River: Present diagnosis and predicted responses, In Science of The Total Environment 630, 1608–1618, Reviewed, published.

MAUSER, W., HANK, T., JAKSZTAT, T. & PROBST, E. (2018): Virtual Water Values - A project for global and regional assessment of agricultural yields and water use efficiency, Scientific Papers-Series E - Land Reclamation Earth Observation & Surveying Environmental Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 192-197, Bucharest (Romania), Proceeding, published.

PROBST, E., KLUG, P., MAUSER, W., DOGARU, D. & HANK, T. (2018): Water Use Efficiency of selected crops in the Romanian Plain - Model studies using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images, Scientific Papers-Series E - Land Reclamation Earth Observation & Surveying Environmental Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 198-208, Bucharest (Romania), Proceeding, published.

WOCHER, M., DANNER, M., BERGER, K., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2018): Physically-Based Retrieval of Canopy Equivalent Water Thickness Using Hyperspectral Data, Remote Sensing 10 (12), 1924, Bern (Switzerland), Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., ATZBERGER, C., DANNER, M., WOCHER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2018): Model-Based Optimization of Spectral Sampling for the Retrieval of Crop Variables with the PROSAIL Model, Remote Sensing 10(12), 2063, Basel (Switzerland), Reviewed, published.

Arndt, S., and S. Paul (2018): Variability of winter snow properties on different spatial scales in the Weddell Sea., Journalof Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 8862–8876, doi: 10.1029/2018JC014447, Reviewed, published.

He, H., A. Meyer, P.E. Jansson, M. Svensson, T. Rütting, L. Klemedtsson (2018): Simulating ectomycorrhiza in boreal forests: implementing ectomycorrhizal fungi model MYCOFON into CoupModel (V5), Geoscientific Model Development 11, 725-751, Reviewed, published.

Griebler, C., K. Hug, L. Fillinger, A. Meyer, M. Avramov (2018): Der B-A-E Index: Ein mikrobiologisch-ökologisches Konzept zur Bewertung und Überwachung von Grundwasser, Hydrologie & Wasserbewirtschaftung, 62, (6), 378-386; DOI: 10.5675/HyWa_2018.6_1, Reviewed, published.

Thomas Ramsauer, Thomas Weiß und Philip Marzahn (2018): Comparison of the GPM IMERG Final Precipitation Product to RADOLAN Weather Radar Data over the Topographically and Climatically Diverse Germany, Remote Sensing, 2029, Reviewed, published.

Thomas Ramsauer, Thomas Weiss und Philip Marzahn (2018): Comparison of IMERG GPM precipitation data with RADOLANweather radar data over Germany, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-14401, Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

Putzenlechner, B., Marzahn, P., Kiese,R. , Ludwig, R. & Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., (2018): Assessing the variability and uncertainty of two-flux FAPAR measurements in a conifer-dominated forest, AGRFORMET, 149-163, Reviewed, published.

Ramsauer, T., T. Weiß & Marzahn P. (2018): Comparison of the GPM IMERG Final Precipitation Product to RADOLAN Weather Radar Data over the Topographically and Climatically Diverse Germany, Remote Sensing, Reviewed, published.

Glaser, B. and Antonelli, M. and Chini, M. and Pfister, L. and Klaus, J. (2018): Technical note: Mapping surface-saturation dynamics with thermal infrared imagery, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 5987-6003, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018414, Reviewed, published.

B. Poschlod, Ø. Hodnebrog, R. R. Wood, K. Altersjær, R. Ludwig, G. Myhre, J. Sillmann (2018): Comparison and Evaluation of Statistical Rainfall Disaggregation and High-Resolution Dynamical Downscaling over Complex Terrain, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vol. 19, No. 12, 2018,, Reviewed, published.

Reimuth, A., Hofer, V., Prasch, M. & Mauser, W. (2018): Influence of different loading strategies for domestic PV-battery Energy systems on the residual loads at regional scale, Proceedings from the conference held 4-13 April, 2018 in Vienna, Austria, 19422, 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Proceeding, published.

Jörges, C., Berkenbrink, C. & Stumpe, B. (2018): Statistical analysis of sea state data to identify climate trends and morphodynamic variability in the nearshore area of the East Frisian North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2018, Bibcode: 2018EGUGA..20.1160J, poster presentation, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

Loew, A. (2017): Full list of publications of Prof. Dr. Alexander Löw can be found here:, Reviewed, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B.; SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A.; LUDWIG, R. (2017): Assessing the spatial and temporal sampling bias of instantaneous two-Flux fAPAR observations in a temperate mixed coniferous forest, ESA Remote Sensing of Fluorescence, Photosynthesis and Vegetation Status (FLEX) Workshop, 17-19 Jan 2017, Frascati, Italy, Abstract, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B.; MARZAHN, P.; SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A.; LUDWIG, R. (2017): Potenzial von Sensornetzwerken zur Beobachtung der photosynthetisch genutzten Strahlung, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Tübingen, Germany, Abstract, published.

Stolz, R., Prasch, M., Koch, F., Weber, M., Mauser, W. (2017): An impact assessment of climate change in the Danube River Basin. Analyzing research projects to determine adaptation strategies, Danube Conference 2017, 26th until 28th September 2017, Golden Sands, Bulgaria, Abstract, published.

Appel, F., Koch, F., Henkel, P., Klug, P., Prasch, M., Lamm, M., Bach, H., Mauser, W. (2017): Integration of GNSS, EO and SatCom for snow monitoring in Canada. First results of ESA IAP SnowSense Demo Project, Earth Observation Summit 2017, 20th until 22nd June 2017, Montréal, Canada, Abstract, published.

Appel, F., Koch, F., Henkel, P., Klug, P., Prasch, M., Lamm, M., Bach, H., Mauser, W. (2017): Integration of space technologies for snow monitoring GNSS, EO and SatCom. First results of ESA IAP SnowSense Demo Project, Conference '8th EARSeL Workshop SIG Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow’, 7th until 9th February 2017, Bern, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

Koch, F. (2017): Snow cover properties and soil moisture derived from GPS signals, Dissertation an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der LMU München, Munich, Germany, 143 pp., Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Appel, F., Mauser, W. (2017): Kontinuierliches Monitoring von Schneedeckenparametern und Bodenfeuchte mit GPS L1-Band, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017, 30th September until 5th October 2017, Tübingen, Deutschland, Abstract, published.

Wang, L., Marzahn, P., Bernier, M., Jacome, A., Poulin, J. and Ludwig, R. (2017): Comparison of TerraSAR-X and ALOS PALSAR Differential Interferometry With Multisource DEMs for Monitoring Ground Displacement in a Discontinuous Permafrost Region, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 1-20, Reviewed, published.

Weber, M., Bernhardt, M., Ludwig, R. (2017): Hydrologische Modellierung und Schneedeckenmonitoring auf dem Zugspitzplatt, Geographica Augustana, Beiträge zum 48. Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Hydrologie vom 17.-19. November 2016 in München, 43-48, Augsburg, Proceeding, published.

DANNER, M., BERGER, K., WOCHER, M., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2017): Retrieval of biophysical variables from multi-angular spectroscopy., Remote Sensing 9(7), 726, Basel (Schweiz), Reviewed, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B.; MARZAHN, P.; SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A.; LUDWIG, R. (2017): On the need for a bias assessment of FAPAR ground measurements to validate the Sentinel-2 FAPAR product in a pre-alpine mixed coniferous forest., EARSeL Symposium 27-30 June 2017, Prague, CZ, Abstract, published.

Koch F., Mauser, W., Appel, F., Henkel, P. (2017): Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Schneeparametern, German Patent Application, Offenlegungsschrift, patent appl. no.: 10 2017 110 994.3, appl. date: 19.05.2017 and Swiss Patent Application, patent appl. no.: 00827/17, appl. date: 23.06.2017., Reviewed, published.

Koch F., Mauser, W., Appel, F., Henkel, P. (2017): Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung von Schneeparametern, German Patent Application, Offenlegungsschrift, patent appl. no.: 10 2017 110 992.7, Reviewed, published.

BERGER, K., DANNER, M., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2017): Towards Globally Applicable Retrieval of Bio-Geophysical Variables - Developing An EnMAP Canopy Reflectance Model Environment, 10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Zurich (Switzerland), Abstract, published.

GUANTER, L., SEGL, K., CHABRILLAT, S., FÖRSTER, S., HOLLSTEIN, A. , KUESTER, T., ROSSNER, G., CHLEBEK, C., FISCHER, S., SCHRADER, S., STORCH, T., HEIDEN, U., MUELLER, A., BACHMANN. M., HILL, J., BUDDENBAUM, H., HOSTERT, P., VAN DER LINDEN, S., DOERFFER, R., KRASEMANN, H., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2017): Overview of the EnMAP spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission, 10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Zurich (Switzerland), Abstract, published.

HANK, T. (2017): Improving the field-scale Simulation of Agricultural Crop Production through enhanced Process Description and explicit Spatial Parametrization by Earth Observation Data, Habilitation Thesis, Faculty of Geosciences LMU Munich, pp. 287, Munich (Germany), Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Henkel, P., Appel, P., Appel, F., Schmid, L., Bach, H., Schweizer, J., Mauser, W. (2017): Schneedeckenparameter und Bodenfeuchte abgeleitet aus GPS Signalen, 2. Workshop zur Alpinen Hydrologie ‚Hydrologische Prozesse im Hochgebirge im Wandel der Zeit‘, 15.11.-17.11.2017, Obergurgl, Österreich, Abstract, published.

Gampe, D., & Ludwig, R. (2017): Evaluation of Gridded Precipitation Data Products for Hydrological Applications in Complex Topography. , Hydrology, Reviewed, published.

Baumbach, L., Siegmund, J. F., Mittermeier, M., & Donner, R. V. (2017): Impacts of temperature extremes on European vegetation during the growing season, Biogeosciences, Reviewed, published.

Appel, F., Klug, P., Koch, F., Prasch, M., Henkel P., Migdall S., Bach H., Mauser W. (2016): Regional snow parameter monitoring in remote areas. Integration of space assets within the ESA IAP SnowSense Demo Project, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, 09.05.-13.05., Prague, CZ, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Schlenz, F., Prasch, M., Mauser, W. (2016): A new method for continuous and non-invasive soil moisture measurements based on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, 09.05.-13.05., Prague, CZ, Abstract, published.

BRUEGGEMANN, L., RUF, T., BACH, H., MIGDALL, S., APPEL, F., HANK, T.B., MAUSER, W. & EIBLMEIER, P. (2016): Determination of winter wheat phenology in Bavaria - a contribution to regional crop health monitoring from space, ESA Special Publication 740 - Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague (Czech Republic), Proceeding, published.

KLUG, P., SCHLENZ, F., HANK, T., MIGDALL, S., WEISS, I., DANNER, M., BACH, H. & MAUSER, W. (2016): Implementation of Sentinel-2 data in the M4Land system for the generation of continuous information products in agriculture, ESA Special Publication 740 - Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague (Czech Republic), Proceeding, published.

HANK, T.B., BACH, H., DANNER, M., HODRIUS, M., GOETZ, H. & MAUSER, W. (2016): Tracing Crop Nitrogen Dynamics on the Field-Scale by combining Multisensoral EO data with an integrated Process Model - A Validation Experiment for Cereals in Southern Germany, ESA Special Publication 740 - Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague (Czech Republic), Proceeding, published.

DANNER, M., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2016): Comparing the Potential of the Sentinel-2 MSI and the future EnMAP HSI for the Retrieval of Winter Wheat Crop Parameters in Southern Germany, ESA Special Publication 740 - Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague (Czech Republic), Proceeding, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B., SANCHEZ-AZOFEIFA, A., LUDWIG, R. (2016): Assessing the spatial and temporal variability of fAPAR 2-flux estimates in a temperate mixed coniferous forest, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Reiter, A., Bach, H. (2016): Hydropower plants, Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts, Chapter: 23, Editors: Wolfram Mauser, Monika Prasch, 185-191, Springer, Article in Book, published.

Koch, F., Reiter, A., Bach, H. (2016): Energy: Simulation of Hydropower Generation and Reservoir Management, Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts, Chapter: 35, Editors: Wolfram Mauser, Monika Prasch, 279-286, Springer, Article in Book, published.

Koch, F., Reiter, A., Bach, H. (2016): Effects of Climate Change an Hydropower Generation and Reservoir Management, Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts, Chapter: 68, Editors: Wolfram Mauser, Monika Prasch, 593-599, Springer, Article in Book, published.

SUESS, A., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2016): Deriving diurnal variations in sun-induced chlorophyll-a fluorescence in winter wheat canopies and maize leaves from ground-based hyperspectral measurements., International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(sup1), 60-77, Taylor & Francis, Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Schlenz, F., Prasch, M., Appel, F., Ruf, T. and Mauser, W. (2016): Soil moisture retrieval based on GPS signal strength attenuation, Water, 8(7), 276, Reviewed, published.


Koch, F., Schlenz, F., Prasch, M., Appel, F., Ruf, T. and Mauser, W. (2016): Soil moisture retrieval based on GPS signal strength attenuation, Water, 8(7), 276, Reviewed, published.

Daphne Gondhalekar, Thomas Ramsauer (2016): Nexus City: Operationalizing the urban Water-Energy-Food Nexus for climate change adaptation in Munich, Germany , Urban Climate, Reviewed, published.

Weber, M., Bernhardt, M., Pomeroy, J.W., Fang, X., Härer, S., Schulz, K. (2016): Description of current and future snow processes in a small basin in the Bavarian Alps, Environmental Earth Sciences,, 18, Reviewed, published.

HOFER, V., SÜß, A., PRASCH, M., MAUSER, W., REINHARDT, J., DILLMANN, A. UND MAYER, W. (2016): Potenzialanalyse für Energien der Region „Energiewende Oberland“, Zwischenergebnisbericht des Projektes INOLA, 136p, Proceeding, published.

Preußer, A., S. Willmes, G. Heinemann, S. Paul (2016): Circumpolar polynya regions and ice production in the Arctic: Results from MODIS thermal infrared imagery from 2002/2003 to 2014/2015 with a regional focus on the Laptev Sea, The Cryosphere, 10, 3021-3042, doi:10.5194/tc-10-3021-2016, Reviewed, published.

Hellmer, H. H., M. Rhein, G. Heinemann, J. Abalichin, W. Abouchami, O. Baars, U. Cubasch, K. Dethloff, L. Ebner, E. Fahrbach, M. Frank, G. Gollan, R. J. Greatbatch, J. Grieger, V. M. Gryanik, M. Gryschka, J. Hauck, M. Hoppema, O. Huhn, T. Kanzow, B. P. Koch, G. König-Langlo, U. Langematz, G. C. Leckebusch, C. Lüpkes, S. Paul, A. Rinke, B. Rost, M. R. van der Loeff, M. Schröder, G. Seckmeyer, T. Stichel, V. Strass, R. Timmermann, S. Trimborn, U. Ulbrich, C. Venchiarutti, U. Wacker, S. Willmes, D. Wolf-Gladrow (2016): Meteorology and oceanography of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean—a review of German achievements from the last decade, Ocean Dynamics, 66, 11, 1379-1413, doi:10.1007/s10236-016-0988-1, Reviewed, published.

Gampe, D., Nikulin, G., & Ludwig, R. (2016): sing an ensemble of regional climate models to assess climate change impacts on water scarcity in European river basins., Science of the Total Environment, 1503-1518, Reviewed, published.

Gampe, D., Ludwig, R., Qahman, K., & Afifi, S. (2016): Applying the Triangle Method for the parameterization of irrigated areas as input for spatially distributed hydrological modeling—Assessing future drought risk in the Gaza Strip (Palestine)., Science of the Total Environment, 877-888, Reviewed, published.

KOPP, M.; RIEGER, W.; GARVELMANN, J.; FERSCH,B.; DISSE, M.; KUNSTMANN, H.; PUTZENLECHNER, B.; LUDWIG, R. (2016): Abflussbildung, Schneedynamik und photosynthetische Aktivität in subalpinen Höhenlagen: Instrumentierung und Analyse für den Dreisäulerbach in den Ammergauer Alpen, Tag der Hydrologie 2016, Koblenz, GER, Abstract, published.

He, H., P.E. Jansson, M. Svensson, A. Meyer, L. Klemedtsson, Å. Kasimir (2016): Factors controlling Nitrous Oxide emission from a spruce forest ecosystem on drained organic soil, derived using the CoupModel, Ecological Modelling 321, 46–63, Reviewed, published.

Glaser, B. and Klaus, J. and Frei, S. and Frentress, J. and Pfister, L. and Hopp, L. (2016): On the value of surface saturated area dynamics mapped with thermal infrared imagery for modeling the hillslope-riparian-stream continuum, Water Resources Research 52, 8317-8342, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018414, Reviewed, published.

Jörges, C., Berkenbrink, C., Wurpts, A. & Stumpe, B. (2016): Statistische Analyse von Seegangsdaten zur Identifizierung von Klimatrends an der ostfriesischen Nordseeküste, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2016, poster presentation, Tübingen, Germany, Abstract, published.

Feher, J., Muerth, M., Pistocchi, A. (2015): Water models and scenarios inventory for the Danube region, Report EUR 27537, Book, published.

LOCHERER, M., HANK, T., DANNER, M. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Retrieval of Seasonal Leaf Area Index from simulated EnMAP data through optimized LUT-based Inversion of the PROSAIL Model, Remote Sensing 7 (8), pp. 10321-10346, Basel (Switzerland), Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Marke. Th., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2015): Large Scale Distributed Hydrological Modelling, Sharma, N. and Flügel, W.-A. (Ed.): Applied Geoinformatics for Sustainable Integrated Land and Water Resources Management (ILWRM) in the Brahmaputra River Basin, Chapter 8, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-1967-5_8, 37-43, Article in Book, published.

ZABEL, F., MAUSER, W. & HANK, T. (2015): Impact of climate change on global agricultural potentials, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 29, ISSN 1878-0296, pp. 260-261, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Abstract, published.

HODRIUS, M., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H. & HANK, T. (2015): The Impact of Multi-Sensor Data Assimilation on Plant Parameter Retrieval and Yield Estimation for Sugar Beet, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-7/W3, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-7-W3-19-2015., 19-25, Berlin (Germany), Proceeding, published.

BACH, H., KLUG, P., MIGDALL, S., SCHLENZ, F., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Satellite image simulations for model-supervised, dynamic retrieval of crop type and land use intensity, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-7/W3, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-7-W3-1-2015., 1-7, Berlin (Germany), Proceeding, published.

MAUSER, W., HANK, T. & BACH, H. (invited paper) (2015): EnMAP - a scientific seed instrument for information-driven sustainable agriculture, 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ISRSE, Berlin (Germany), Abstract, published.

MAUSER, W., HANK, T & BACH, H. (2015): Earth Observation for food security and sustainable agriculture, In JAXA (Edt.): Applications of Satellite Earth Observations: Serving society, science, & industry. Full Report. 2015 Edition, Committee On Earth Observation Satellites, pp. 169-174, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Article in Book, published.

DANNER, M., LOCHERER, M., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Analyzing Uncertainties in simulated Canopy Reflectance through exhaustive Comparison with in-situ measured Optical Properties, 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Luxembourg, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Schmid, L., Prasch, M., Heilig, A., Eisen, O., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2015): Combining low-cost GPS receivers with upGPR to derive continuously liquid water content, snow height and snow water equivalent in Alpine snow covers, EGU General Assembly 2015, 12.-17.04.2015, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Schmid, L., Prasch, M., Heilig, A., Eisen, O., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2015): Continuous and non-destructive snow information for remote areas based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), 26th IUGG General Assembly, 22.06.-02.07.2015, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract, published.

Schmid, L., Koch, F., Heilig, A., Prasch, M., Eisen, O., Mauser, W., Maurer, H., and Schweizer, J. (2015): Measurement of snow properties using upward-looking GPR applying (1) a combination with GPS technology and (2) full-waveform inversion, 26th IUGG General Assembly, 22.06.-02.07.2015, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Schmid, L., Prasch, M., Heilig, A., Eisen, O., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2015): ombining low-cost GPS receivers with upGPR to derive continuously liquid water content, snow height and snow water equivalent in Alpine snow covers, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Schmid, L., Prasch, M., Heilig, A., Eisen, O., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2015): Continuous and non-destructive snow information for remote areas based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), 6th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract, published.

Schmid, L., Koch, F., Heilig, A., Prasch, M., Eisen, O., Mauser, W., Maurer, H., and Schweizer, J. (2015): Measurement of snow properties using upward-looking GPR applying (1) a combination with GPS technology and (2) full-waveform inversion, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract, published.

HANK, T., BACH, H. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Using a Remote Sensing-Supported Hydro-Agroecological Model for Field-Scale Simulation of Heterogeneous Crop Growth and Yield: Application for Wheat in Central Europe, Remote Sensing, 2015, 7 (4), 3934-3965, Basel (Switzerland), Reviewed, published.

Schmid*, L., Koch*, F., Heilig, A., Prasch, M., Eisen, O., Mauser, W., Schweizer J. (*both authors contributed equally) (2015): A novel sensor combination (upGPR – GPS) to continuously and non-destructively derive snow cover properties, Geophysical Research Letters, 42(9) , 3397-3405, Reviewed, published.

BACH, H., KLUG, P., MIGDALL, S., SCHLENZ, F., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Satellite image simulations for model-supervised, dynamic retrieval of crop type and land use intensity, 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ISRSE, Berlin (Germany), Proceeding, published.

Mauser, W. and Prasch, M. (Eds.) (2015): Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts. The Project GLOWA-Danube, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-16750-3, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16751-0, 390, Book, published.

GUANTER, L., KAUFMANN, H., SEGL, K., FOERSTER, S., ROGASS, C., CHABRILLAT, S., KUESTER, T., HOLLSTEIN, A., ROSSNER, G., CHLEBEK, C., STRAIF, C., FISCHER, S., SCHRADER, S., STORCH, T., HEIDEN, U., MUELLER, A., BACHMANN, M., MUEHLE, H., MÜLLER, R., HABERMEYER, M., OHNDORF, A., HILL, J., BUDDENBAUM, H., HOSTERT, P., VAN DER LINDEN, S., LEITÃO, P., RABE, A., DOERFFER, R., KRASEMANN, H., XI, H., MAUSER, W., HANK, T., LOCHERER, M., RAST, M., STAENZ, K., & SANG, B. (2015): The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission for Earth observation., Remote Sensing 7 (7), pp. 8830-8857, Basel (Switzerland), Reviewed, published.

DANNER, M., LOCHERER, M., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Describing the Quality of simulated Canopy Reflectance by comparing modelled Spectra with in-situ measured Optical Properties, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE Explore, pp. 4009-4012, Milano (Italy), Reviewed, published.

LOCHERER, M., HANK, T., Danner, M. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Systematic Analysis of the LUT-based Inversion of Prosail using full range Hyperspectral Data for the Retrieval of Leaf Area Index in View of the future EnMAP Mission, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE Explore, pp. 4013-4016, Milano (Italy), Reviewed, published.

SCHLENZ, F., KLUG, P., HANK, T., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Continuous Land Management Monitoring of near-natural Areas through an integrated Analysis of Multi-Sensoral Satellite Data in a Model Framework, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE Explore, pp. 2638-2641, Milano (Italy), Reviewed, published.

KLUG, P., SCHLENZ, F., HANK, T., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Generating continuous Information Products on Land Use, Water Availability and Cultivation Intensity of agricultural Areas from high resolution Satellite Data, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE Explore, pp. 3989-3992, Milano (Italy), Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., BACH, H. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Simulation of field-scale Winter Wheat Nitrogen Dynamics using a Remote Sensing supported Land Surface Model, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE Explore, pp. 4021-4024, Milano (Italy), Reviewed, published.

GUANTER, L., KAUFMANN, H., SEGL, K., CHABRILLAT, S., FÖRSTER, S., ROGASS, C., KUESTER, T., ROSSNER, G., CHLEBEK, C., STRAIF, C., FISCHER, S., SCHRADER, S., STORCH, T., HEIDEN, U., MUELLER, A., HILL, J., BUDDENBAUM, H., HOSTERT, P., VAN DER LINDEN, S., LEITAO, P., RABE, A., DOERFFER, R., KRASEMANN, H., XI, H.Y., MAUSER, W., HANK, T., LOCHERER, M., RAST, M., STAENZ, K. & SANG, B. (2015): Overview Of The Technical And Scientific Status Of The Enmap Imaging Spectroscopy Mission, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Milano (Italy), Abstract, published.

HANK, T. (2015): Trends in Evapotranspiration of Heterogeneous Landscapes Under Scenario Conditions, In Mauser, W. & Prasch, M. (Eds.): Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts, ISBN: 978-3-319-16750-3, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16751-0, pp. 517-523, Springer International Publishing, Article in Book, published.

BACH, H., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2015): EO for food security and sustainable agriculture., In JAXA (Edt.): Applications of Satellite Earth Observations: Serving society, science, & industry. 2015 Edition, Committee On Earth Observation Satellites, pp.28-29, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Article in Book, published.

MAUSER, W., ZABEL, F., KLEPPER, G., DELZEIT, R., HANK, T., PUTZENLECHNER, B. & CALZADILLO, A. (2015): Global biomass production potentials exceed expected future demand without the need for cropland expansion, Nature Communications 6, 8946, Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., LOCHERER, M. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Neusling (Landau a.d.Isar) 2012 - A Multitemporal and Multisensoral Agricultural EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign, EnMAP Flight Campaigns Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. DOI: 10.2312/enmap.2015.004, pp. 28, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

HANK, T., RICHTER, K., LOCHERER, M., FRANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Neusling (Landau a.d. Isar) 2011 - An Agricultural EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign using the APEX Instrument, EnMAP Flight Campaigns Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. DOI: 10.2312/enmap.2015.003, pp. 57, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

HANK, T., RICHTER, K. & MAUSER, W. (2015): Neusling (Landau a.d. Isar) 2009 - An Agricultural EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign using the HyMap Instrument, EnMAP Flight Campaigns Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. DOI: 10.2312/enmap.2015.002, pp. 124, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

Schmid*, L., Koch*, F., Heilig, A., Prasch, M., Eisen, O., Mauser, W., Schweizer J. (*both authors contributed equally) (2015): A novel sensor combination (upGPR – GPS) to continuously and non-destructively derive snow cover properties, Geophysical Research Letters 42 (9), 3397-3405, Reviewed, published.

DANNER, M., LOCHERER, M., HANK, T. & RICHTER, K. (2015): Determining Leaf Area Index (LAI) with the LI-Cor LAI 2200c or LAI-2200 (+ 2200Clear Kit) – Theory, Measurement, Problems, Interpretation. An EnMAP Field Guide, Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. , pp. 24, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

DANNER, M., LOCHERER, M., HANK, T. & RICHTER, K. (2015): Spectral Sampling with the ASD FieldSpec 4 – Theory, Measurement, Problems, Interpretation. An EnMAP Field Guide, Technical Report, GFZ Data Services., pp. 20, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

SÜß, A., OBSTER, C., DANNER, M., LOCHERER, M., HANK, T. & RICHTER, K. (2015): Determining Leaf Chlorophyll Content with the Konica Minolta SPAD-502Plus – Theory, Measurement, Problems, Interpretation. An EnMAP Field Guide, Technical Report, GFZ Data Services., pp. 13, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

DOTZLER, S., DANNER, M., LOCHERER, M., HANK, T. & RICHTER, K. (2015): Measuring Soil Moisture with TDR-Probes – Theory, Measurement, Problems, Interpretation. An EnMAP Field Guide, Technical Report, GFZ Data Services., pp. 8, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

DANNER, M., LOCHERER, M. & HANK, T. (2015): Defining Campaign Layouts & Sampling Strategies – Theory - Principles - Problems - Practice. An EnMAP Field Guide, Technical Report, GFZ Data Services. , pp. 18, Potsdam (Germany), Book, published.

MAUSER, W., KLEPPER, G., ZABEL, F., DELZEIT, R., HANK, T., PUTZENLECHNER, B., CALZADILLA, A. (2015): Global biomass production potentials exceed expected future demand without the need for cropland expansion, Nature Communications 6, doi:10.1038/ncomms9946, Reviewed, published.

Klug, P., Schlenz, F., Hank, T., Migdall, S., Bach, H., Mauser, W. (2015): GENERATING CONTINUOUS INFORMATION PRODUCTS ON LAND USE AND THE INTENSITY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION FROM HIGH RESOLUTION SATELLITE DATA, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Mailand, 2015. IGARSS 2015. IEEE International, Proceeding, published.

Schlenz, F., Klug, P., Hank, T., Migdall, S., Bach, H., Mauser, W. (2015): LAND MANAGEMENT MONITORING OF NEAR-NATURAL AREAS THROUGH AN INTEGRATED ANALYSIS OF MULTI-TEMPORAL SATELLITE DATA IN A MODEL FRAMEWORK, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Mailand, 2015. IGARSS 2015. IEEE International, Proceeding, published.

Preußer, A., S. Willmes, G. Heinemann, S. Paul (2015): Thin-ice dynamics and ice production in the Storfjorden polynya for winter seasons 2002/2003–2013/2014 using MODIS thermal infrared imagery, The Cryosphere, 9, 1063-1073, doi:10.5194/tc-9-1063-2015, Reviewed, published.

Preußer, A., S. Willmes, G. Heinemann, S. Paul (2015): Multi-Decadal variability of Thin-Ice Dynamics and Ice Production in the North Water Polynya by means of Passive Microwave and Thermal Infrared Satellite Imagery, Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs71215807, Reviewed, published.

Paul, S., S. Willmes, G. Heinemann (2015): Long-term coastal-polynya dynamics in the Southern Weddell Sea from MODIS thermal-infrared imagery, The Cryosphere, 9, 2027-2041, doi:10.5194/tc-9-2027-2015, Reviewed, published.

Paul, S., S. Willmes, O. Gutjahr, A. Preußer, G. Heinemann (2015): Spatial Feature Reconstruction of Cloud-Covered Areas in Daily MODIS Composites, Remote Sensing, 7, 5042-5056, doi:10.3390/rs70505042, Reviewed, published.

Paul, S., S. Willmes, M. Hoppmann, P. A. Hunkeler, C. Wesche, M. Nicolaus, G. Heinemann, R. Timmermann (2015): The impact of early-summer snow properties on Antarctic landfast sea-ice X-band backscatter, Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 263-273, doi:10.3189/2015AoG69A715, Reviewed, published.

Hunkeler, P. A., S. Hendricks, M. Hoppmann, S. Paul, R. Gerdes (2015): Towards an estimation of sub-sea ice platelet-layer volume with multi-frequency electromagnetic induction sounding, Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 137-146, doi:10.3189/2015AoG69A705, Reviewed, published.

Hoppmann, M., M. Nicolaus, S. Paul, P. A. Hunkeler, G. Heinemann, S. Willmes, R. Timmermann, O. Boebel, T. Schmidt, M. Kühnel, G. König-Langlo, R. Gerdes (2015): The role of ice platelets for Weddell Sea land-fast sea ice, Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 175-190, doi:10.3189/2015AoG69A678, Reviewed, published.

ZABEL, F., MAUSER, W., PUTZENLECHNER, B., DELZEIT, R., KLEPPER, G. (2014): Potential of improving food security through closing yield gaps and land use expansion, 2nd Global Land Project Open Science Meeting 2014, Berlin, Germany, Abstract, published.

MIGDALL, S., HODRIUS, M., BACH, H., HANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2014): How Landsat 8 improves parameter retrieval for agriculture, LPVE-Workshop on Land Product Validation and Evolution, Frascati (Italy), Abstract, published.

Appel, F., Bach, H., Koch, F., Prasch, M. and Mauser, W. (2014): SNOWSENSE.Using satellite navigation, communication and remote sensing for timely access to high-quality and reliable information on snow, Conference '7th EARSeL Workshop SIG Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow', 3rd until 6th February 2014, Bern, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Ruesch, M., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2014): Liquid water con-tent of a snowpack derived from low-cost GPS receivers. Experimental setup and measurements at the test site Weissfluhjoch, Liquid water in snow - Measurement techniques and modeling approaches, Davos, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Ruesch, M., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2014): Measuring the hydrological snow storage in Alpine catchments with a new low-cost GPS technology, Danube Conference 2014, Deggendorf, Germany, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weidinger, R., Koch, F., Mauser, W., Mair, R., and Beyer, K. (2014): mpacts of Climate Change on the Water Resources and Adaptation Measures in the Danube River Basin – the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, Danube Conference 2014, Deggendorf, Germany, Abstract, published.

SCHLENZ, F., KLUG, P., HANK, T. B., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H., MAUSER, W. (2014): M4Land – model based, multi-temporal multi-scale and multi-sensoral extraction of continuous land management information, EARSeL SIG LULC - NASA LCLUC Workshop, Berlin (Germany), Abstract, published.

KLUG, P., SCHLENZ, F., HANK, T. B., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H., MAUSER, W. (2014): Generation of continuous agricultural information products using multi-temporal high resolution optical da-ta in a model framework – The M4Land project, ESA Special Publication SP-726, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

GAO L., BERNHARDT M. AND SCHULZ K. (2014): Statistical downscaling of ERA-Interim forecast precipitation data in complex terrain using LASSO algorithm. , Advances in Meteorology, Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Ruesch, M., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2014): Liquid water content of a snowpack derived from low-cost GPS receivers. Experimental setup and measurements at the test site Weissfluhjoch, Workshop: Liquid water in snow - Measurement techniques and modeling approaches, 2 - 4 April 2014, Davos, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2014): Measuring the hydrological snow storage in Alpine catchments with a new low‐cost GPS technology, Danube Conference 2014, , Deggendorf, Germany, Proceeding, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B, ZABEL, F., DELZEIT, R., MAUSER, W., KLEPPER, G. (2014): Global agricultural potentials - ecological and economic considerations, Sustainability in the Water-Food-Energy-Nexus 2014, 69-70, Bonn, Germany, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weidinger, R., Koch, F., Mauser, W., Mair, R., and Beyer, K. (2014): Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Resources and Adaptation Measures in the Danube River Basin – the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, Danube Conference 2014, Deggendorf, Germany, Proceeding, published.

HODRIUS, M., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H., HANK, T., MAUSER, W. (2014): Potential Benefits of Sentinel-2 for On-Farm ResearchComparison, ESA Special Publication SP-726, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

KAUFMANN, H., BUDENBAUM, H., CHABRILLAT, S., DOERFFER, R., FÖRSTER, S., HANK, T., HEIDEN, U., HELDEN, W., HILL, J., HOSTERT, P., ITZEROTT, S., KLEEBERG, U., KRASEMANN, H., KÜSTER, T., LEITÃO, P., VAN DER LINDEN, S., MAUSER, W., MÜLLER, A., SEGL, K., SUESS, S., WULF, H. (2014): Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program – Preparing to exploit the Science Potentials, GFZ Potsdam, 28 pp., Potsdam, Book, published.

LOCHERER, M., HANK, T., DANNER, M. & MAUSER, W. (2014): Synergistic Capacity of the Satellite Missions EnMAP and SENTINEL-2 for the Multiseasonal Retrieval of Biophysical Land Surface Parameters, ESA Special Publication SP-726, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

ZABEL, F., PUTZENLECHNER, B., MAUSER, W. (2014): Global agricultural land resources - a high resolution suitability evaluation and its perspectives until 2100 under climate change conditions, PLOSONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107522, Reviewed, published.

MÜLLER, B.; BERNHARDT, M. AND SCHULZ, K.: (2014): Identification of catchment functional units by time series of thermal remote sensing Images., Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discuss, Reviewed, published.

Jennifer D Watts and John S Kimball and Annett Bartsch and Kyle C McDonald (2014): Surface water inundation in the boreal-Arctic: potential impacts on regional methane emissions, Environmental Research Letters, 075001, Reviewed, published.

DWA (Hrsg.) (2014): Anpassungsstrategien für Stauanlagen an den Klimawandel, DWA-Themen (Franke, J., Ganz, T., Hille, H., Ihringer, J., Koch, F., Pohl, R., Popp, M., Rudolf, A., Schlenkhoff, A., Schulz, A., Sieber, H.-U., Strasser, K.-H.), Hennef, Book, published.

M. Muerth, D. Dogaru, M. Sima, D. Balteanu & W. Mauser (2014): Transboundary collaboration on a Global Change Atlas of water resources, agriculture and renewable energies in the Danube Region, XXVI Conference of the Danubian Countries, Deggendorf, Germany, 271-274, Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2014): Measuring Snow Liquid Water Content with Low-Cost GPS Receivers, Sensors, 14, doi:10.3390/s141120975 , 20975-20999, Reviewed, published.

PRASCH, M., WEIDINGER, R., KOCH, F., MAUSER, W., MAIR, R. AND BEYER, K. (2014): Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Resources and Adaptation Measures in the Danube River Basin – the ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, Danube Conference 2014, Deggendorf, Germany, Proceeding, published.

KOCH, F., PRASCH, M., SCHMID, L., RUESCH, M., SCHWEIZER, J. AND MAUSER, W. (2014): Measuring the hydrological snow storage in Alpine catchments with a new low-cost GPS technology, Danube Conference, Deggendorf, Germany, Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schmid, L., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2014): Measuring Snow Liquid Water Content with Low-Cost GPS Receivers, Sensors, 14(11), 20975-20999, Reviewed, published.

Appel, F., Bach, H., Koch, F., Prasch, M. and Mauser, W. (2014): SNOWSENSE. Using satellite navigation, communication and remote sensing for timely access to high-quality and reliable information on snow, Conference '7th EARSeL Workshop SIG Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow', 3rd until 6th February 2014, Bern, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

KLUG, P., SCHLENZ, F., HANK, T. B., MIGDALL, S., BACH, H., MAUSER, W. (2014): Generation of continuous agricultural information products using multi-temporal high resolution optical da-ta in a model framework - The M4Land project, ESA Special Publication SP-726, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

Richter, K., Breitner, S., Webb, A.R., Huth, C., Thorand, B., Kift, R., Linseisen, J., Schuh, A., Kratzsch, J., Mielck, A., Weidinger, S., Peters, A., Schneider, A. (2014): Influence of external intrinsic and individual behaviour variables on serum 25(OH)D in a German survey, Photochemistry Photobiology B: Biology 140, 120-129, Reviewed, published.

Deckmyn, G., A. Meyer, M.M. Smits, A. Ekblad, T. Grebenc, A. Komarov, H. Kraigher (2014): Simulating ectomycorrhizal fungi and their role in carbon and nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems, Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(6), 535-553 , Reviewed, published.

Rütting, T., R.G. Björk, A. Meyer, L. Klemedtsson, U. Sikström (2014): Reduced global warming potential after wood ash application in drained Northern peatland forests, Forest Ecology and Management 328, 159–166, Reviewed, published.

J. T. dall'Amico, F. Schlenz, A. Loew, W. Mauser, J. Kainulainen, J. Balling, C. Bouzinac (2013): The SMOS Validation Campaign 2010 in the Upper Danube Catchment: A Data Set for Studies of Soil Moisture, Brightness Temperature, and Their Spatial Variability Over a Heterogeneous Land Surface , IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51, 1. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2196523, 364-377, Reviewed, published.

Velázquez, J.A., Schmid, J., Ricard, S., Muerth, M., Gauvin St-Denis, B., Minville, M., Chaumont, D., Caya, D., Ludwig, R. and Turcotte, R. (2013): An ensemble approach to assess hydrological models' contribution to uncertainties in the analysis of climate change impact on water resources, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 17, 565-578, Reviewed, published.

Muerth, M. J., Gauvin St-Denis, B., Ricard, S., Velázquez, J. A., Schmid, J., Minville, M., Caya, D., Chaumont, D., Ludwig, R., and Turcotte, R. (2013): On the need for bias correction in regional climate scenarios to assess climate change impacts on river runoff, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 17, 1189-1204, Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schweizer, J. and Mauser, W. (2013): Observing snow storage with GPS receivers , Mountains under Watch 2013 - Observing Climate Change Effects in the Alps, 20.-21.02.2013, Aostatal, Italien, Abstract, published.

Semmens, K.A., Ramage, J., Bartsch, A. & G.E. Liston (2013): Early snowmelt events: detection, distribution, and significance in a major sub-arctic watershed, Environ. Res. Lett. 8 , 014020 , Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., LOCHERER, M., RICHTER, K. & MAUSER, W. (2013): Multiseasonal retrieval of biophysical variables for agricultural information systems through cost efficient airborne spectroscopy, 8th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes (France), Abstract, published.

HANK, T., FRANK, T., BACH, H., SPANNRAFT, K., & MAUSER, W. (2013): Assessing the required temporal frequency of optical EO acquisitions for the modelling of winter wheat yield in Northern Germany, In: BORG, E., DAEDELOW, H. & JOHNSON, R. (Hrsg.): RapidEye Science Archive – From the Basics to the Service ISBN 978-3-95545-002-1, pp. 39 - 55, GITO Berlin, Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Schweizer, J. und Mauser, W. (2013): Observing snow storage with GPS receivers, Mountains under Watch 2013 - Observing Climate Change Effects in the Alps, Aostatal, Italien, Abstract, published.

AVELLAN, T., ZABEL, F., PUTZENLECHNER, B., MAUSER, W. (2013): A Comparison of Using Dominant Soil and Weighted Average of the Component Soils in Determining Global Crop Growth Suitability, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2(3), doi: 10.5539/ep.v2n3p40, 40-51, Reviewed, published.

PAUSE M., A. LAUSCH, M. BERNHARDT, J. HACKER AND K. SCHULZ (2013): Improving soil moisture retrieval from airborne L-band radiometer data by considering spatially varying roughness., Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Reviewed, published.

DOTZLER, S., BACH, H., SPANNRAFT, K., MIGDALL, S., HANK, T., FRANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2013): LAI Retrieval and Yield Modeling for Winter Wheat with TerraSAR-X Data Compared to Using Optical Data, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Special Publication SP-722 , Edinburgh (UK), Proceeding, published.

LOCHERER, M., HANK, T., & MAUSER, W. (2013): On the potential of the future EnMAP mission for the multiseasonal retrieval of biophysical land surface parameters, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Special Publication SP-722 , Edinburgh (UK), Proceeding, published.

MIGDALL, S., SPANNRAFT, K., BACH, H., HANK, T., FRANK, T., MAUSER, W., BURGSTALLER, S., TÜLLER, G. & ANGERMAIR, W. (2013): On-Farm Application of Operational Integrated Satellite Services, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Special Publication SP-722 , Edinburgh (UK), Proceeding, published.

HANK, T., FRANK, T., BACH, H. & MAUSER, W. (2013): On the effect of multiseasonal earth observation availability for assimilation-supported modelling of winter wheat yield, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Special Publication SP-722 , Edinburgh (UK), Proceeding, published.

PUTZENLECHNER, B., ZABEL, F., MUERTH, M., MAUSER, W. (2013): Validation of simulated MM5-coupled PROMET land surface temperatures using MSG/SEVIRI data, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Edinburgh (UK), Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Ruesch, M., Schweizer, J. und Mauser, W. (2013): NAVSTAR-GPS for continuous snow measurements, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, 08.07.-12.07.2013, Davos, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

Wilson, R.R., Bartsch A, Joly, K., Reynolds, J.H., Orlando, A., Loya, W.M. (2013): Frequency, timing, extent, and size of winter thaw-refreeze events in Alaska 2001–2008 detected by remotely sensed microwave backscatter data, Polar Biology 36, 419-426, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Mauser, W., and Weber, M. (2013): Quantifying present and future glacier melt-water contribution to runoff in a central Himalayan river basin, The Cryosphere, 7, 889-904, doi:10.5194/tc-7-889-2013, Reviewed, published.

Schneider, M., Berkmüller, R., Bokelmann, M., Mauser,W., Schmude, J., Prasch, M. und Soboll, A. (2013): Klimawandel - müssen sich Verkehr, Tourismus und Ernergieversorgung anpassen?, bifa-Text Nr. 59, ISSN 09444-593, 59, Augsburg, Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M., Soboll, A., Mauser, W. and Schmude, J. (2013): Exkurs: Die Sicht der Klimaforschung - GLOWA Danube, in: Schneider, M., Berkmüller, R., Bokelmann, M., Mauser,W., Schmude, J., Prasch, M. und Soboll, A. (2013): Klimawandel - müssen sich Verkehr, Tourismus und Ernergieversorgung anpassen? , bifa-Text Nr. 59, ISSN 09444-593, 15-24, Augsburg, Proceeding, published.

ICPDR - International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (Ed.) (2013): ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, prepared by ICPDR RBMEG with support of the LMU Munich (Wolfram Mauser, Ruth Weidinger, Monika Prasch, Franziska Koch), Vienna, Book, published.

Trofaier A. M., Bartsch, A., Rees, G. & M. Leibman (2013): ssessment of spring floods and surface water extent over the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Environ. Res. Lett. 8 045026 , Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Ruesch, M., Schweizer, J. und Mauser, W. (2013): NAVSTAR-GPS for continuous snow measurements, avos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, Davos, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

ICPDR - International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (Ed.) (2013): ICPDR Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, prepared by ICPDR RBMEG with support of the LMU Munich (Wolfram Mauser, Ruth Weidinger, Monika Prasch, Franziska Koch), Vienna , Book, published.

Meyer, A., L. Tarvainen, A. Nousratpour, R. G. Björk, M. Ernfors, A. Grelle, Å. Kasimir Klemedtsson, A. Lindroth, M. Räntfors, T. Rütting, G. Wallin, P. Weslien, L. Klemedtsson (2013): A fertile peatland forest does not constitute a major greenhouse gas sink, Biogeosciences 10, 7739–7758 , Reviewed, published.

Muerth, M. & Mauser, W. (2012): Rigorous evaluation of a soil heat transfer model for mesoscale climate change impact studies, Environmental Modelling & Software 35, 149-162, Reviewed, published.

BERNHARDT M., K. SCHULZ, G. E. LISTON, G. ZÄNGL (2012): The influence of lateral snow redistribution processes on snow melt and sublimation in alpine regions, Journal of Hydrology, Reviewed, published.

Muerth, M., Gauvin St-Denis, B., Ludwig, R. & Caya, D. (2012): Evaluation of different sources of uncertainty in Climate Change impact research using a hydro-climatic model ensemble, R. Seppelt, A.A. Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.): International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany, Proceeding, published.

J. T. dall'Amico, F. Schlenz, A. Loew, W. Mauser (2012): First Results of SMOS Soil Moisture Validation in the Upper Danube Catchment, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50, 5.1, SMOS special issue, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2171496, 1507-1516, Reviewed, published.

F. Schlenz, J. Fallmann, P. Marzahn, A. Loew, W. Mauser (2012): Characterization of Rape Field Microwave Emission and Implications to Surface Soil Moisture Retrievals, Remote Sensing, Vol. 4(1), 247-270, Reviewed, published.

F. Schlenz, J. T. dall'Amico, A. Loew, W. Mauser (2012): Uncertainty Assessment of the SMOS Validation in the Upper Danube Catchment, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50, 5.1, SMOS special issue, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2171694, 1517-1529, Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., BACH, H., SPANNRAFT, K., FRIESE, M., FRANK, T. & MAUSER, W. (2012): Prozessbasierte Modellierung der Wachstumsheterogenität landwirtschaftlicher Bestände durch Assimilation von Erdbeobachtungsdaten, In: BORG, E., DAEDELOW, H. & JOHNSON, R. (Hrsg.): RapidEye Science Archive – Vom Algorithmus zum Produkt. ISBN: 978-3-942183-61-1, pp. 219-238, GITO Berlin, Reviewed, published.

RICHTER, K., HANK, T., VOULO, F., MAUSER, W. AND D’URSO, G. (2012): Optimal Exploitation of the Sentinel-2 Spectral Capabilities for Crop Leaf Area Index Mapping, Remote Sensing 4(3), pp. 561-582, Reviewed, published.

RICHTER, K., ATZBERGER, C., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2012): Derivation of biophysical variables from Earth Observation data: validation and statistical measures, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 6 (1) , 063557, Reviewed, published.

BACH, H., MIGDALL, S., SPANNRAFT, K., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2012): Potential and Challenges of Using Sentinel-2 for Smart Farming, Sentinel-2 Preparatory Symposium, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

MAUSER, W., BACH, H., HANK, T., ZABEL, F. AND PUTZENLECHNER, B. (2012): How spectroscopy from space will support world agriculture, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE Explore, pp. 7321-7324, Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., BACH, H., SPANNRAFT, K., FRIESE, M., FRANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2012): Improving the process-based simulation of growth heterogeneities in agricultural stands through assimilation of earth observation data, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE Explore, pp. 1006-1009, Reviewed, published.

RICHTER, K., HANK, T., ATZBERGER, C., LOCHERER, M. AND MAUSER, W. (2012): Comparison of different regularization strategies for agricultural monitoring, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE Explore, pp. 6613-6616, Reviewed, published.

BACH, H., FRIESE, M., HANK, T., FRANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2012): Integrative use of multitemporal RapidEye and TerraSAR-X Data for agricultural monitoring, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE Explore, pp. 3748-3751, Reviewed, published.

Waldmann, D., Muerth, M. & Mauser, W. (2012): Design and implementation of the land surface model NaturalEnvironment within the generic framework OpenDanubia for integrative, distributed environmental modelling, R. Seppelt, A.A. Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.): International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany, Proceeding, published.

Muerth, M., Gauvin St-Denis, B., Ludwig, R. & Chaumont, D. (2012): Analysis of the effects of correcting biases in RCM precipitation fields with the local intensity scaling method for a small alpine catchment, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012-12045, Abstract, published.

Muerth, M., Waldmann, D., Heinzeller, C., Hennicker, R. & Mauser, W. (2012): OpenDanubia - An integrated, modular simulation system to support regional water resource management, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012-10581, Abstract, published.

Muerth, M., Gauvin St-Denis, B., Ricard, S., Velázquez, J.A., Schmid, F.J., Ludwig, R., Chaumont, D. & Turcotte, R. (2012): Investigating the impact of correcting regional climate scenarios on the projected changes in river runoff, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012-10723, Abstract, published.

Richter, K., Hank, T., Vuolo, F., Mauser, W., D'Urso, G. (2012): Optimal Exploitation of the Sentinel-2 Spectral Capabilities for Crop Leaf Area Index Mapping, Remote Sensing, 4, 561-582, Reviewed, published.

Atzberger, C., Richter, K. (2012): Spatially constrained inversion of radiative transfer models for improved LAI mapping from future Sentinel-2 imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, 208-218, Reviewed, published.

Schmid, J., Ludwig, R. & Muerth, M. (2012): Modelling a reservoir and transfer system under climate change conditions using a fuzzy-logic approach, R. Seppelt, A.A. Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.): International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany, Proceeding, published.

Richter, K., Vuolo, F., D'Urso, G., Palladino, M. (2012): Evaluation of near-surface soil water status through the inversion of soil–canopy radiative transfer models in the reflective optical domain, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (17), 5473-5491, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M. and Mauser, W. (2012): Modeling snow and ice hydrology in mountain environments, University of Alberta - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Second Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring, Munich, Germany, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Soboll, A., Mauser, W. and Schmude, J. (2012): Die Sicht der Klimaforschung – GLOWA Danube, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit (Ed.): Folgen des Klimawandels – Verkehr, Tourismus und Energieversorgung vor neuen Herausforderungen - Ein Leitfaden, pp. 8-18, Munich, Germany, Article in Book, published.

Prasch, M., Soboll, A., Mauser, W. and Schmude, J. (2012): Die Sicht der Klimaforschung: Szenarien für Oberbayern, Regionalkonferenz "Folgen des Klimawandels - Verkehr, Tourismus und Energieversorgung vor neuen Herausforderungen", Freising, Germany, Abstract, published.

Schlenz, F. (2012): Coupled land surface and radiative transfer models for the analysis of passive microwave observations, Phd thesis, Department for Geography, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, Book, published.

Prasch, M., Koch, F., Weidinger, R. and Mauser, W. (2012): Danube Climate Adaptation Study – Overview Results: Part 2: Adaptation activities and possible adaptation measures, Danube Climate Adaptation Workshop, Munich, Germany, Abstract, published.

GAO. L, M. BERNHARDT AND K. SCHULZ (2012): Downscaling ERA-Interim temperature data in complex terrain, Hydrology and Earth system sciences, Reviewed, published.

Jobst, A., Schmid, J., Ludwig, R. and Muerth, M. (2012): Impacts of climate change on the water management system on the alpine Upper Isar river with regards to hydro power potential and residual flow, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012-11319, Wien, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Koch, F., Weidinger, R. and Mauser, W. (2012): Danube Climate Adaptation Study – Overview Results: Adaptation activities and possible adaptation measures, Danube Climate Adaptation Workshop, Munich, Germany, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Koch, F., Weidinger, R. and Mauser, W. (2012): Danube Climate Adaptation Study – Overview Results: Part 1: Impact of climate change on the water sector in the Danube River Basin, Danube Climate Adaptation Workshop, Munich, Germany, Abstract, published.

Marzahn, P.; Seidel, M. & Ludwig, R. (2012): Decomposing dual scale soil surface roughness for microwave remote sensing applications, Remote Sensing, 2016-2032, Reviewed, published.

Schlenz, F.; Fallmann, J.; Marzahn, P.and Loew, A. & Mauser, W. (2012): Characterization of Rape Field Microwave Emission and Implications to Surface Soil Moisture Retrievals, Remote Sensing, 247-270, Reviewed, published.

Marzahn, P.; Rieke-Zapp, D. & Ludwig, R. (2012): Assessment of soil surface roughness statistics for microwave remote sensing applications using a simple photogrammetric acquisition system, International Journal of Photogrametry and Remote Sensing ISPRS, 80-89, Reviewed, published.

Marzahn, P.; Rieke-Zapp, D.; Wegmuller, U. & Ludwig, R. (2012): Multi-Dimensional Roughness Characterization for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications using a Simple Photogrametric Acquisition System, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 423-428, Reviewed, published.

Schlenz, F., dall’Amico, J.T., Mauser, W. and A. Loew (2012): Analysis of SMOS brightness temperature and vegetation optical depth data with coupled land surface and radiative transfer models in Southern Germany, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 3517-3533, Reviewed, published.

MAUSER, W., BACH, H., HANK, T., ZABEL, F., PUTZENLECHNER, B. (2012): How spectroscopy from space will support world agriculture, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International, 7321-7324, Munich (GER), Proceeding, published.

KAUFMANN, H., FÖRSTER, S., WULF, H., SEGL, K., GUANTER, L., BOCHOW, M., HEIDEN, U., MUELLER, A., HELDENS, W., SCHNEIDERHAN, T., LEITÃO, P.J., VAN DER LINDEN, S., HILL, J., BUDDENBAUM, H., MAUSER, W., HANK, T., KRASEMANN, H., RÖTTGERS, R., OPPELT, N. & HEIM, B. (2012): Science Plan of the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), EnMAP Technical Report, GFZ Data Services, DOI: 10.2312/enmap.2015.013, 63 pp., Potsdam, Book, published.

Prasch, M., Mauser, W. and Weber, M. (2012): Quantifying present and future glacier melt-water contribution to runoff in a Central Himalayan river basin, The Cryosphere Discuss., 6, 4557-4598, doi:10.5194/tcd-6-4557-2012, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Koch, F., Weidinger, R. and Mauser, W. (2012): Danube Climate Adaptation Study – Overview Results: Part 1: Impact of climate change on the water sector in the Danube River Basin, Danube Climate Adaptation Workshop, Munich, Germany, Abstract, published.

Giorgio Cassiani, Nadia Ursino, Rita Deiana, Giulio Vignoli, Jacopo Boaga, Matteo Rossi, Maria Teresa Perri,Michael Blaschek, Rainer Duttmann, Swen Meyer, Ralf Ludwig, Antonino Soddu, Peter Dietrich and Ulrike Werban (2012): Noninvasive Monitoring of Soil Static Characteristics and Dynamic States: A Case Study Highlighting Vegetation Effects on Agricultural Land, Vadose Zone Journal, 16, USA, Reviewed, published.

KAUFMANN, H., BUDENBAUM, H., CHABRILLAT, S., DOERFFER, R., FÖRSTER, S., HANK, T., HEIDEN, U., HELDEN, W., HILL, J., HOSTERT, P., ITZEROTT, S., KLEEBERG, U., KRASEMANN, H., KÜSTER, T., LEITÃO, P., VAN DER LINDEN, S., MAUSER, W., MÜLLER, A., SEGL, K., SUESS, S., WULF, H. (2012): Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program – Wissenschaftliche Anwendungspotentiale und Nutzungsvorbereitung, GFZ Potsdam, 27 pp., Potsdam, Book, published.

HÄRER S., BERNHARDT M., CORRIPIO J. G. and SCHULZ K. (2012): PRACTISE – Photo Rectification And ClassificaTIon SoftwarE (V.1.0), Geoscientific Model Development Discussion (GMDD), Reviewed, published.

Reschke J., Bartsch A., Schlaffer S., Schepaschenko D (2012): Capability of C-Band SAR for Operational Wetland Monitoring at High Latitudes, Remote Sensing 4, 2923-2943, Reviewed, published.

Naeimi, V., Paulik, C., Bartsch, A., Wagner, W., Kidd, R., Boike, J. and K. Elger (2012): Extracting Information on Surface Freeze/Thaw Conditions From Backscatter Data Using an Empirical Threshold-Analysis Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50, 2566 - 2582, Reviewed, published.

Zwieback, S., Bartsch, A., Melzer, T. & W. Wagner (2012): Probabilistic Fusion of Ku and C Band Scatterometer Data for Determining the Freeze/Thaw State, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50, 2583 - 2594, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A., Trofaier, A., Hayman, G., Sabel, D., Schlaffer, S., Clark D. & E. Blyth (2012): Detection of open water dynamics with ENVISAT ASAR in support of land surface modelling at high latitudes, Biogeosciences 9, 703-714, Reviewed, published.

dall'Amico, J. T., Mauser, W., Schlenz, F., and Bach, H. (2012): Precipitation fields interpolated from gauge stations versus a merged radar-gauge precipitation product: influence on modelled soil moisture at local scale and at SMOS scale, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 9, 3385-3413, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., Prasch, M., Koch, F. and Weidinger R. (2012): Final project report of the Danube Study – Climate Change Adaptation: Study to provide a common and basin-wide understanding towards the development of a Climate Change adaptation strategy in the Danube River Basin, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, 174 p., 174 p., Book, published.

Mauser, W., Prasch, M., Koch, F. and Weidinger R. (2012): Final project report of the Danube Study – Climate Change Adaptation: Study to provide a common and basin-wide understanding towards the development of a Climate Change adaptation strategy in the Danube River Basin, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, 174 p, Book, published.

Avellan, T.; Meier, J.; Mauser, W. (2012): Are urban areas endangering the availability of rainfed crop suitable land?, Remote Sensing Letters, 631-638, Reviewed, published.

Richter, K., Atzberger, C., Hank, T., Mauser, W. (2012): Derivation of biophysical variables from Earth Observation data: validation and statistical measures., Journal of Applied Remote Sensing , 063557, Reviewed, published.

Dong, L., Marzahn, P. and Ludwig, R. (2012): Operational surface soil moisture retrieval by c-band SAR imagery in a semi-arid environment, 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 626 - 629, Proceeding, published.

Meyer, A., R. Grote, K. Butterbach-Bahl (2012): Integrating mycorrhiza in a complex model system: effects on ecosystem C and N fluxes, European Journal of Forest Research 131, 1809-1831, Reviewed, published.

Braun, L., Weber, M., Mauser, W. and Prasch, M. (2011): Understanding water in Alpine basins through observations and modeling, 15th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, February 2011, Munich, Abstract, published.

Braun, L., Weber, M., Mauser, W. and Prasch, M. (2011): Hydrometeorological monitoring of Vernagtferner as an essential basis for snow and glacier modelling in the GLOWA-Danube project, Proceedings of the conference "Water in mountain areas, better observations for better forecasting" of the Societe Hydrotechnique France in Lyon, 16-17 March 2011, Proceeding, published.

Löw, A. and Schlenz, F. (2011): A dynamic approach for evaluating coarse scale satellite soil moisture products, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 75-90, doi:10.5194/hess-15-75-2011, 2011., Reviewed, published.

Richter, K., Atzberger, C., Vuolo, F., D'Urso, G. (2011): Evaluation of Sentinel-2 spectral sampling for radiative transfer model based LAI estimation of wheat, sugar beet, and maize , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 4 (2) , 458-464, Reviewed, published.

Timmermans, W., Jiménez-Muñoz, J.C., Hidalgo, V., Richter, K., Sobrino, J. A., D'Urso, G. et al. (2011): Estimation of the spatially distributed surface energy budget for AgriSAR 2006, Part I: Remote sensing model intercomparison., IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 4 (2), 465 - 481, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Mauser, W. and Braun, L. (2011): Vergleich der Bedeutung des Eisschmelzanteils für den Abfluss eines zentralasiatischen mit einem mitteleuropäischen Einzugsgebiet, Tag der Hydrologie 2011, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

RICHTER, K., HANK, T., ATZBERGER, C. AND MAUSER, W. (2011): Goodness-of-fit measures: what do they tell about vegetation variable retrieval performance from Earth observation data, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIII, Vol. 8174, Prague (Czech Republic), Proceeding, published.

Wegmüller, U.; Santoro, M.; Mattia, F.; Balenzano, A.; Satalino, G.; Marzahn, P.; Ludwig, R. & Floury, N. (2011): Progress in the understanding of narrow directional microwave scattering of agricultural fields, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2423-2433, Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Weber, M., Braun, L. & Mauser, W. (2011): The Influence of Snow- and Ice-melt on Hydropower in the Upper Danube Watershed under Future Climate Conditions, 15th Alpine Glaciology Meeting, February 2011, Munich, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): On the determination of the contribution of glacier melt water along the river network in large-scale river basins, 15th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, February 2011, Munich, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Weber, M., Braun, L. and Mauser, W. (2011): The Influence of Snow- and Ice-melt on Hydropower in the Upper Danube Watershed under Future Climate Conditions, 15th Alpine Glaciology Meeting, February 2011, Munich, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Marke, T., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2011): Large scale integrated hydrological modelling of the impact of climate change on the water balance with DANUBIA, Adv. Sci. Res., 7, doi:10.5194/asr-7-61-2011, pp. 61-70, Proceeding, published.

BERGER, S., WINTER, F., LUDWIG, R. (2011): Large scale hydrological modelling - River Basin Modelling and Management under Global Change Conditions, Hydrology and Water Recources Management, Koblenz, Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): Distributed modelling of snow- and ice-melt in the Lhasa River basin from 1971 to 2080, Cold Regions Hydrology in a Changing Climate (Proceedings of an international symposium, H02, held during IUGG2011 in Melbourne, Australia, July 2011), IAHS Publ. 346, pp. 57-64, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Mauser, W. and Weber, M. (2011): Water scarcity for lowland cultures as a consequence of climate change impacts on mountainous headwatersheds?, ESF-LFUI Conference "Water Governance: Meeting the Challenges of Global Change", 5-10 June 2011, Obergurgl, Austria, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): GLOWA-Danube: Integrative techniques, scenarios and strategies for the future of water in the Upper Danube Basin, Danube News, Nr. 23, Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Weber, M., Braun, L. and Mauser, W. (2011): Klimawandel und Energie - Einfluss der Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze auf die Wasserkraft im Einzugsgebiet der Oberen Donau, KW - Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, Nr. 6, pp. 319-328, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M. and Mauser, W. (2011): GLOWA-Danube: Integrative techniques, scenarios and strategies for the future of water in the Upper Danube Basin, XXVth Conference of the Danubian Countries, 16-17 June 2011 , Budapest, Hungary, Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Weber, M., Braun, L. und Mauser, W. (2011): Klimawandel und Energie - Einfluss der Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze auf die Wasserkraft im Einzugsgebiet der Oberen Donau, KW - Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, Nr. 6, 319-328, Reviewed, published.

Barthel, R., Reichenau, T., Muerth, M., Heinzeller, C., Schneider, K. & Mauser, W. (2011): Folgen des Globalen Wandels für das Grundwasser in Süddeutschland - Teil 1: naturräumliche Aspekte, Grundwasser 16, 247-257, Reviewed, published.

May, I., Ludwig, R., Bernier, M. (2011): Using TerraSAR-X imagery for the monitoring of permafrost dynamics in Northern Quebec, Oberpfaffenhofen, Deutschland, Proceeding, published.

May, I., Ludwig, R., Bernier, M. (2011): Using TerraSAR-X imagery for the monitoring of small-scaled permafrost dynamics in Northern Quebec, Arctic Science Summit Week, Seoul Korea, Abstract, published.

May, I., Sinclair, K. (2011): Geosciences and the Future of Planet Earth: Perspectives from the Cryospheric Sciences , IUGG Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M. (2011): Can climate change mitigation reduce water stress?, Proceedings of the Workshop "Water management options in a globalised world - Promoting the dialogue between economics, ethics and other disciplines" in Bad Schönbrunn, Switzerland, June 2011 (, Proceeding, published.

FRIESE, M., FRANK, T., HANK, T., Bach, H. AND MAUSER, W. (2011): RapidSAR - Integrative Nutzung von RapidEye und TerraSAR-X durch Datenassimilation in landwirtschaftliche Produktionsmodelle. , In: Borg, E., Daedelow, H. (Hrsg.): RapidEye Science Archive „Erste Ergebnisse“ ISBN: 9783942183383., Neustrelitz, Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Bach, H., Masuer, W., Appel. F. and Weber, M. (2011): How will hydroelectric power generation develop under climate change scenarios? A case study in the Upper Danube basin, Energies, 4, 1508-1541, doi:10.3390/en4101508, Reviewed, published.

Koch, F., Prasch, M., Bach, H., Mauser, W., Appel. F. and Weber, M. (2011): How will hydroelectric power generation develop under climate change scenarios? A case study in the Upper Danube basin, Energies, 4, 1508-1541, Reviewed, published.

Kiese Ralf; Heinzeller Christoph; Werner Christian; et al. (2011): Quantification of nitrate leaching from German forest ecosystems by use of a process oriented biogeochemical model. , Source: Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) Volume: 159 Issue: 11 Pages: 3204-14 Published: 2011-Nov (Epub 2011 Jul 28) , Reviewed, published.

Roland Barthel, Tim G. Reichenau, Markus Muerth, Christoph Heinzeller, Karl Schneider, Rolf Hennicker und Wolfram Mauser (2011): Folgen des Globalen Wandels für das Grundwasser in Süddeutschland – Teil 1: Naturräumliche Aspekte , 11, Grundwasser, (Vol. 16/4) , Reviewed, published.

Bach, H., Muerth, M. & Mauser, W. (2011): A new rigorous approach to model water temperatures in rivers, Modelcare 2011 Abstractbook, 74, Leipzig, Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M. (2011): Zugspitze: Germany highest mountain transforms from ungauged to gauged , Abstracts of the PUB meeting P3: "Putting PUB into practice", Abstract, published.

HANK, T. & BACH, H. (2011): Satellitengestützte Ertragsmodellierung - Realistische Vorhersagen, Neue Landwirtschaft - Das Fachmagazin für den Agrarmanager 11/2011, 57-61, Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbHS, Article in Book, published.

Richter, K., Hank, T., Atzberger, C., Mauser, W. (2011): Goodness-of-fit measures: what do they tell about vegetation variable retrieval performance from Earth observation data, Proc. SPIE 2011 Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology, 8174, 81740R, Proceeding, published.

S.-E. Park, Bartsch, A., D. Sabel, W. Wagner, V. Naeimi, Y., Yamaguchi (2011): Monitoring Freeze/Thaw Cycles using ENVISAT ASAR Global Mode , Remote Sensing of Environment 115, 3457–3467, Reviewed, published.

Wagner, W., Vetter, M. & A. Bartsch (2011): Novel Microwave and Lidar Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring of In-Land Water Resources, acateh Materialien Nr. 7, Article in Book, published.

HANK, T., MAUSER, W. AND GEBHARDT, T. (2010): Entwicklung, Kalibrierung und Erprobung eines neuen kosteneffizienten abbildenden Spektrometers für umweltrelevante Forschungsanwendungen, Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation, Band 19, 423-432, Vienna (Austria), Proceeding, published.

Muerth, M., Hank, T. & Mauser, W. (2010): Potential effect of changing soil temperature within an integrated biophysical-hydrological modelling system, Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-9181, Abstract, published.

RICHTER, K., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Preparatory analyses and development of algorithms for agricultural applications in the context of the EnMAP hyperspectral mission, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XII, Vol. 7824, Toulouse (France), Proceeding, published.

Vuolo, F., Atzberger, C., Richter, K., D'Urso, G., Dash, J. (2010): Retrieval of biophysical vegetation products from Rapideye imagery, ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7A , 281-286, Reviewed, published.

Stagl, J., Prasch, M. und Weidinger, R. (2010): Teilprojekt Hydrologie/Fernerkundung - Klimatisches Waldbrandrisiko, Kapitel 3.3.3, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Richter, K., Hank, T. and Mauser, W. (2010): Preparatory analyses and development of algorithms for agricultural applications in the context of the EnMAP hyperspectral mission, Proceeding of SPIE 2010: Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology, 20 - 23 September 2010, Toulouse (France), Proceeding, published.

Atzberger, C. & Richter, K. (2010): Vegetation biophysical variable retrieval using object-based inversion of hyperspectral CHRIS/PROBA data, Hyperspectral Workshop 2010: From CHRIS/Proba to PRISMA & EnMAP and beyond. 17.-19. März 2010, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

Muerth, M., Schlenz, F., Loew, A. & Mauser, W. (2010): Coupled simulation of soil energy and water content to compare dielectric behaviour with TDR measurements in frozen soil, Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-14320, Abstract, published.

MUERTH, M., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Effects of potential climate change on soil water content and evapotranspiration – A study in the Upper Danube basin, Water 2010: Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources in an Uncertain Environment. 5. – 7. July, Quebec City (Canada), Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M. und Mauser, W. (2010): Glowa Danube und die Supertestsite Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, Presentation at the Workshop "Klimafolgenforschung im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden", February 2010, Berchtesgaden, Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M. AND SCHULZ K. (2010): SnowSlide: a simple routine for calculating gravitational snow transport, Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), Reviewed, published.

MIGDALL, S., BACH, H., OHL, N., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Towards a Sentinel-2 scenario for operational precision farming services, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, June 28th – July 2nd 2010, Bergen (Norway), Abstract, published.

MAUSER, W., PRASCH, M., WEBER, M., KUHN, M., BARTHEL, R., HANK, T. AND BACH, H. (2010): Modellierung des Wasserhaushalts, GLOWA-Regionalkonferenz am Deutschen Museum München, 26. Mai 2010, Munich (Germany), Abstract, published.

FRIESE, M., MIGDALL, S., HANK, T., BACH, H., KRÄTZ, D., BORCHARDT, D. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Water quality assessment using hyperspectral techniques for the inland waterway Main and its connected standing water bodies, Hyperspectral Workshop 2010 – From CHRIS/Proba to PRISMA & EnMAP and beyond. 17. – 19. März 2010, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

HANK, T., MARZAHN, P., SCHLENZ, F. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Assessing Moisture Conditions of Heterogeneous Landsurfaces through Hyperspectral Analysis of Water Absorption Features, Proceedings of the ‘Hyperspectral Workshop 2010’ ESRIN (ESA SP-683, May 2010), ISBN 978-92-9221-247-6, ISSN 1609-042X., Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

MUERTH, M., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Spatially explicit simulation of potential changes in soil temperature with an integrated biophysical-hydrological modelling system, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-0, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

Prasch, M. und Mauser, W. (2010): Globaler Wandel des Wasserkreislaufs am Beispiel der Oberen Donau, In: Arbeitskreis KLIWA (Ed.): 4. KLIWA-Symposium am 3. und 4.12.2009 in Mainz, KLIWA-Berichte, Heft 15, S. 293-302, Karlsruhe, Proceeding, published.

BACH, H., MIGDALL, S., HANK, T., ANGERMAIR, W. AND SEPHTON, A. (2010): An integrative approach of using satellite based information for precision farming: TalkingFields, IAC - 61st International Aeronautical Congress: Space for Human Benefit and Exploration, 27.9. – 1.10.2010, Prague (Czech Republic), Abstract, published.

Weber, M., Braun, L., Mauser, W. and Prasch. M. (2010): Contribution of rain, snow- and icemelt in the Upper Danube discharge today and in the future, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria 33(2), pp. 221-230, Reviewed, published.

ZABEL, F., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Improving arable land heterogeneity information in available land cover products for land surface modelling using MERIS NDVI data, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 14 (10), pp. 2073-2084, Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., RICHTER, K., FRANK, T., FRIESE, M., BACH, H., LOCHERER, M. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Potential of the upcoming German EnMAP hyperspectral mission for the assimilation of agricultural remote sensing products into biophysical land surface models, AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 December 2010, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco (USA), Abstract, published.

Weber, M., Prasch, M. and Braun. L. (2010): Relative contribution of snow and ice melt in the Upper Danube discharge today and in the future, 14th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, March 2010, Milano, Italy, Abstract, published.

Weber, M. und Prasch, M. (2010): Teilprojekt Glaziologie - Einfluss der Schneedecke auf das Abflussregime in der Vergangenheit, Kapitel 3.1.8, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau , München, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Schlenz, F., Dall'Amico, J., Loew, A. (2010): Europäischer Bodenfeuchtesatellit SMOS wird validiert - Validation of European Soil Moisture Satellite SMOS, Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung - Hydrology and Water Resources Management - Germany, H. 4, 252-254, Proceeding, published.

Schlenz, F., Dall'Amico, J. T., Loew, A., Mauser, W. (2010): SMOS VALIDATION IN THE UPPER DANUBE CATCHMENT (UDC): A STATUS REPORT EIGHT MONTHS AFTER LAUNCH, Paper presented at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, Norway, 28 June - 2 July 2010, ESA special publication SP-686, Proceeding, published.

Schlenz, F., Gebhardt, T., Loew, A., Marzahn, P., Mauser, W. (2010): L-Band Radiometer Experiment in the SMOS Test Site Upper Danube, Paper presented at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, Norway, 28 June – 2 July 2010, ESA special publication SP-686, Proceeding, published.

BERNHARDT M., G. E. LISTON , U. STRASSER, G. ZÄNGL and K. SCHULZ (2010): High resolution modelling of snow transport in complex terrain using downscaled MM5 wind fields, The Cryosphere, Reviewed, published.

Waldmann, D. (2010): Large-Scale Process-Oriented Modelling of Soil Erosion by Water in Complex Watersheds, Dissertation der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, 227, Book, published.

I. May, J. S. Kim, K. Spannraft, R. Ludwig, I. Hainsek, M. Bernier and M. Allard (2010): Using in-field and D-InSar-techniques for the monitoring of small-scale permafrost dynamics in Northern Québec, Canada, IPY Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, Abstract, published.

I.May, D.Carlson, M. Ardyna, M.Geoffroy, M. Heikkilä, K. Warner (2010): Using new technologies to make sciences more accessible and transparent to the general public, IPY Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, Abstract, published.

I.May, J. S. Kim, K. Spannraft, R. Ludwig, I. Hainsek, M. Bernier and M. Allard (2010): Using in-field and D-InSar-techniques for the monitoring of seasonal lithalsa dynamics in Northern Quebec, Third european conference on Permafrost, Lonyearbyen, Norway, Abstract, published.

Bernhardt, M., G.E. Liston, U. Strasser, G. Zängl & K. Schulz (2010): High resolution modelling of snow transport in complex terrain using simulated wind fields, The Cryosphere, 4, 99-113, Reviewed, published.

Bernhardt, M. & K. Schulz (2010): SnowSlide: a simple routine for calculating gravitational snow transport, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2010GL043086, Reviewed, published.

Borzuchowski, J. & K. Schulz (2010): Retrieval of leaf area index (LAI) and soil water content (WC) using hyperspectral remote sensing under controlled glass house conditions for spring barley and sugar beet, Remote Sens., 2(7), 1702-1721, doi: 10.3390 /rs2071702, Reviewed, published.

Hank, T.; Marzahn, P.; Schlenz, F. & Mauser, W. (2010): Assessing Moisture Conditions of Heterogeneous Landsurfaces through Hyperspectral Analysis of Water Absorption Features, Proceedings of the ‘Hyperspectral Workshop 2010’ ESRIN (ESA SP-683, May 2010), ISBN 978-92-9221-247-6, ISSN 1609-042X., , Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

D'Urso, G., Richter, K., Calera, A., Osann, A., Escadafal, R., Garatuza-Payan, J., Hanich, L., Perdigão, A., Tapia, J. B., Vuolo, F. (2010): Earth Observation products for operational irrigation management in the context of the PLEIADeS project, Agricultural Water Management, 98, 271-282, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., Stöber, S. and Prasch, M. (2010): Climate change and extreme events: scenarios of changing flood frequencies in the Upper Danube River basin, Presentation at the HydroPredict 2010, September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract, published.

Mauser, W. und Prasch, M. (2010): Klimawandel im Alpenraum - Ergebnisse von GLOWA-Danube, In: Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband (Hrsg.): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft in Österreich - Präsentation der aktuellen Studien , S. 89-100, Wien, Proceeding, published.

Dall'Amico, J. T., Schlenz, F., Loew, A., Mauser, W. (2010): AIRBORNE CAMPAIGNS IN THE UPPER DANUBE CATCHMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION OF SMOS, Paper presented at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, Norway, 28 June – 2 July 2010, ESA special publication SP-686, Proceeding, published.

Dall'Amico, J. T., Schlenz, F., Loew, A., Mauser, W. (2010): SMOS SOIL MOISTURE VALIDATION: STATUS AT THE UPPER DANUBE CAL/VAL SITE EIGHT MONTHS AFTER LAUNCH, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2010. IGARSS 2010. IEEE International, p. 3801 - 3804, doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5651200, Proceeding, published.

J. Kainulainen, K. Rautiainen, P. Sievinen, J. Seppänen, E. Rouhe(1), M. Hallikainen, J. Dall'Amico, F. Schlenz, A. Loew, S. Bircher, C. Montzka (2010): SMOS CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION ACTIVITIES WITH AIRBORNE INTERFEROMETRIC RADIOMETER HUT-2D DURING SPRING 2010, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2010. IGARSS 2010. IEEE International, p. 702 - 705, doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5654137, Proceeding, published.

Koch, F., Reiter, A. & Bach, H. (2010): Wasserkraftwerke, Kapitel 1.19, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Koch, F., Reiter, A. & Bach, H. (2010): Simulation der Jahresarbeit von Wasserkraftwerken und Talsperrenbewirtschaftung, Kapitel 2.7.1, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Koch, F., Reiter, A. & Bach, H. (2010): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Energiegewinnung aus Wasserkraft und auf die Talsperrenbewirtschaftung, Kapitel 3.2.1, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H., Reiter, A. & Mauser, W. (2010): Climate Change effects on hydropower plants in the Upper Danube watershed, IAHS Publications, Hydropredict 2010 Conference Papers, Prague, Czech Republic, Proceeding, published.

Bach, H., Ohl, N., Appel, F., Koch, F. & Mauser, W. (2010): Runoff and Hydropower Modeling based on Operational Snow Cover Mapping from Polar View Snow Service, Workshop "Cold Regions Hydrology", Innsbruck, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H. & Mauser, W. (2010): Climate Change effects on hydropower plants in the Upper Danube watershed, Hydropredict 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstract, published.

Koch, F., Bach, H. & Mauser, W. (2010): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Wasserkraft im Einzugsgebiet der Oberen Donau, Workshop der AG Hydrologische Modellierung, Dresden, Abstract, published.

Horn, J. E. & K. Schulz (2010): Post-processing analysis of MODIS leaf area index subsets, J. Appl. Remote Sens., 4(1), 043557, doi:10.1117/1.3524265., Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M. (2010): Distributed Process Oriented Modelling of the Future Impact of Glacier Melt Water on Runoff in the Lhasa River Basin in Tibet, Dissertation an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der LMU München, Digitale Hochschulschriften der LMU München, available from , 228 pp., Munich, Germany, Reviewed, published.

Muerth, M., Mauser, W. & Heinzeller, C. (2010): Impact of potential climate change on plant available soil water and percolation in the Upper Danube basin, Hydropredict 2010, Prag, Tschechische Republik, Proceeding, published.

Muerth, M., Ludwig, R. (2010): Bodenarten, GLOWA-DANUBE-PROJEKT (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, Kap. 1.2, München, Article in Book, published.

May, I., Ludwig, R., Bernier, M. (2010): Using land - and snow cover as indicators for permafrost distribution, ArcticNet conference, Ottawa, Canada, Abstract, published.

MIGDALL, S., BACH, H., ANGERMAIR, W., TUELLER, G., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): From Satellite to Tractor - TalkingFields services for Precision Farming., GeoFARMatics 2010, Cologne (Germany), Abstract, published.

Zabel, F., Hank, T. B., Mauser, W. (2010): Improving arable land heterogeneity information in available land cover products for land surface modelling using MERIS NDVI data, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 14 , 2073–2084, Reviewed, published.

Weber, M., Braun, L., Mauser, W. and Prasch. M. (2010): Contribution of rain, snow- and icemelt in the Upper Danube discharge today and in the future, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria , Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., Schlenz, F., Dall'Amico, J., Loew, A. (2010): Europäischer Bodenfeuchtesatellit SMOS wird validiert - Validation of European Soil Moisture Satellite SMOS, Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 252-254, Reviewed, published.

Dall'Amico, J. T., Schlenz, F., Loew, A., Mauser, W. (2010): SMOS SOIL MOISTURE VALIDATION: STATUS AT THE UPPER DANUBE CAL/VAL SITE EIGHT MONTHS AFTER LAUNCH, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2010. IGARSS 2010. IEEE International, doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5651200, 3801 - 3804, Reviewed, published.

Marke, T., Mauser, W., Pfeiffer, A., Zängle, G., Jacob, D., Preuschmann, S. (2010): Klimavarianten der regionalen Klimamodelle MM5 und REMO, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W. (2010): Der statistische Klimaantriebs-Generator, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W. (2010): Die GLOWA-Danube Klimavarianten aus dem statistischen Klimaantriebs-Generator, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W. (2010): GLOWA-Danube Ergebnisse und Kernaussagen, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W. (2010): Szenarien zur Entwicklung des Hochwassers an der Oberen Donau, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W. (2010): Validierung der hydrologischen Modellierung in DANUBIA, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Ludwig, R. (2010): Abflussbildung, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Marke, T., Reiter, A., Jacob, D., Preuschmann, S. (2010): Die GLOWA-Danube Klimatrends, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Reiter, A. (2010): Analyse der Abflussverhältnisse an der Donau zwischen Kehlheim und Achleiten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schifffahrt, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Weidinger R., Stöber, S. (2010): Das Projekt GLOWA-Danube, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Zabel, F., Marke, T. Reiter, A. (2010): Szenarien zur Entwicklung des Niedrigwassers an der Oberen Donau, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

Zabel, F., Mauser, W., Marke, T. (2010): Zwei-Wege Kopplung der Modelle PROMET und MM5, Global Change Atlas – Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau (2010), ISBN 978-3-00-026548-8, Article in Book, published.

HANK, T., MARZAHN, P., SCHLENZ, F. AND MAUSER, W. (2010): Assessing Moisture Conditions of Heterogeneous Landsurfaces through Hyperspectral Analysis of Water Absorption Features, Proceedings of the Hyperspectral Workshop 2010’ ESRIN (ESA SP-683, May 2010), ISBN 978-92-9221-247-6, ISSN 1609-042X, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

Muerth, M., Turcotte, R., Chaumont, D., Mauser, W. & Ludwig, R. (2010): Adaptation of regional watershed management to climate change – The Québec-Bavarian collaborative project Q-BIC3, Water 2010 Abstractbook, Quebec City, Canada, Abstract, published.

Muerth, M., Hank, T. & Mauser, W. (2010): Effects of potential climate change on soil water content and evapotranspiration – A study in the Upper Danube basin, Water 2010 Abstractbook, Quebec City, Canada, Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M., K. SCHULZ AND G.E. LISTON (2010): Parameterize a snow slide routine (SnowSlide) on the basis of remotely sensed data, Abstracts of the Cold Regions Hydrology Workshop. , Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M., K.SCHULZ AND G.E. LISTON (2010): The influences of modeled snow cover heterogeneity on the timing and intensity of melt water generation within an alpine catchment. , Abstracts of the 2010 AGU Fall meeting, (invited)., Abstract, published.

J. Dall'Amico, A. Loew, F. Schlenz, W. Mauser (2010): SMOS SOIL MOISTURE VALIDATION: STATUS AT THE UPPER DANUBE CAL/VAL SITE EIGHT MONTHS AFTER LAUNCH, IEEE International Geosience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 25-30 July 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Proceeding, published.

J. Dall'Amico, J. Kainulainen, A. Loew, W. Mauser (2010): COMPARING DATA OF TWO AIRBORNE L-BAND RADIOMETERS WITH DIFFERENT SPATIAL RESOLUTION OVER A HETEROGENEOUS LAND SURFACE, IEEE International Geosience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 25-30 July 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Proceeding, published.

Wegmueller, U.; Santoro, M.; Mattia, F.; Balenzano, A.; Satalino, G.; Marzahn, P; Fischer, G.; Ludwig, R. & Floury, N. (2010): Progress in the Understanding of Narrow Directional Scattering over Agricultural Fields, Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010 Bergen, Norway, Proceeding, published.

Bartsch, A. (2010): Ten Years of SeaWinds on QuikSCAT for Snow Applications , Remote Sensing 2, 1142-1156, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A., Kumpula, T., Forbes, B., Stammler, F. (2010): Detection of snow surface thawing and refreezing in the Eurasian Arctic using QuikSCAT: implications for reindeer herding, Ecological Applications 20, 2346-2358, Reviewed, published.

Pijanowski, B.C., Iverson, L.R., Drew, C.A., Bulley, H.N.N., Rhemtulla, J.M., Wimberly, M.C.,Bartsch A., Peng, J. (2010): Addressing the interplay of poverty and the ecology of landscapes: a Grand Challenge Topic for landscape ecologists? , Landscape Ecology 25, 5–16, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A., D. Sabel, C. Pathe, S. Sinclair, T. Vischel, M. Doubkova, W. Wagner, G. Pegram (2010): Soil moisture dynamics from Synthetic Aperture Radar for Hydrometeorological Applications in the Southern African Development Community, UNESCO Working Series SC-2010/WS/15, IHP-VII Technical Documents in Hydrology N°85, 133-143, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A., Wagner, W. & R. Kidd (2010): Remote sensing of spring snowmelt in Siberia, Balzter H. (Ed.) Environmental Change in Siberia, Advances in Global Change Research 40, Springer, 135-156, Article in Book, published.

Bartsch, A. (2010): Monitoring of terrestrial hydrology at high latitudes with scatterometer data, Imperatore, P., Riccio, D. (Ed.) Geoscience and Remote Sensing New Achievements. INTECH, 247-262, Article in Book, published.

Meyer, A., J. Bergmann, K. Butterbach-Bahl, N. Brüggemann (2010): A new 15N tracer method to determine N turnover and denitrification of Pseudomonas stutzeri, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 46, 409-421, Reviewed, published.

Meyer, A., R. Grote, A. Polle, K. Butterbach-Bahl (2010): Simulating mycorrhiza contribution to forest C. and N cycling: The MYCOFON model, Plant and Soil 327, 493-517, Reviewed, published.

BERNHARDT M., G. ZÄNGL, G. E. LISTON, U. STRASSER, W. MAUSER (2009): Using wind fields from a high resolution atmospheric model for simulating snow dynamics in mountainous terrain, S119 special issue of Hydrological Processes - De Jong, Lawler and Essery Eds - MOUNTAIN HYDROLOGY AND SNOW SEASONALITY, Reviewed, published.

Richter, K,. Palladino, M., Vuolo, F., Dini, L., D'Urso, G. (2009): Spatial distribution of soil water content from airborne thermal and optical remote sensing data, SPIE's 2009 conference proceedings: Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XI, Proceeding, published.

Weber, M., Braun, L., Mauser, W. und Prasch, M. (2009): Die Bedeutung der Gletscherschmelze für den Abfluss der Donau gegenwärtig und in der Zukunft. The relevance of glacier melt for the Upper Danube River discharge today and in the future, Mitteilungsblatt des hydrographischen Dienstes in Österreich, Nr. 86, S. 1-29, Wien, Proceeding, published.

M. Palladino, K. Richter, G. D'Urso (2009): Stima dello stato idrico dei suoli con sensori ottici, IX Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria Ischia Porto, 12-16 sept. 2009 , 3-21, Proceeding, published.

Waldmann, D., Muerth, M., Ludwig, M., Schäffler, U., Heinzeller, C., Mauser, W. (2009): Prozessierung, Analyse und Präsentation räumlich-zeitlich verteilter Datensätze des Decision Support Systems DANUBIA , FOSSGIS 2009 , Hannover, Proceeding, published.

Heinzeller, Ch. (2009): Hydrologie – Grundwasserneubildung, Kapitel 3.7.1 , GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München. ISBN: 978-3-00-026548-8 , Article in Book, published.

Braun, L.N., Prasch, M. und Weber, M. (2009): Mechanismus des beschleunigten Gletscherrückgangs in der nahen Zukunft: Neuere Erkenntnisse aufgrund regionaler Klimaszenarien-Modellierung (Glowa-Danube), Gletscherworkshop Obergurgl 2009, 3.-4. August 2009, Obergurgl, Austria, Abstract, published.

Marzahn, P. & Ludwig, R. (2009): On the derivation of soil surface roughness from multi parametric PolSAR data and its potential for hydrological modeling, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 13, 381-394, Reviewed, published.

Weber. M., Prasch, M., Kuhn, M. and Lambrecht, A. (2009): Teilprojekt Glaziologie - Veränderung der Eisreserve in der Zukunft, Kapitel 2.4.2, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Weber, M. and Prasch, M. (2009): Teilprojekt Glaziologie - Mittlere Schneedeckendauer von November bis Juni unter dem Klimatrend Remo regional und der Klimavariante Baseline, Kapitel 3.1.1, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Atzberger, C., Richter K. (2009): Geostatistical regularization of inverse models for the retrieval of vegetation biophysical variables, SPIE's 2009 conference proceedings: Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology IX, Proceeding, published.

Weber. M. und Prasch, M. (2009): Teilprojekt Glaziologie - Einfluss der Gletscher auf das Abflussregime in der Vergangenheit, Kapitel, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Loew, A., Schwank, M., and Schlenz, F. (2009): Assimilation of an L-band microwave soil moisture proxy to compensate for uncertainties in precipitation data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 47, Issue 8, Aug. 2009 Page(s):2606 - 2616 , Reviewed, published.

J. T. Dall'Amico, A. Loew, F. Schlenz, and W. Mauser (2009): SMOS rehearsal campaign 2008: radiometer data analysis and soil moisture retrieval using the LPRM, Paper presented at Earth Observation and Water Cycle conference, Frascati (Rome), 18 - 20 November 2009, ESA Special Publication SP- 674, Proceeding, published.

F. Schlenz, T. Gebhardt, A. Loew, W. Mauser (2009): L-BAND RADIOMETER EXPERIMENT IN THE SMOS TEST SITE UPPER DANUBE, Paper presented at Earth Observation and Water Cycle conference, Frascati (Rome), 18 - 20 November 2009, ESA Special Publication SP- 674, Proceeding, published.

A. Loew, J. T. Dall'Amico, F. Schlenz, W. Mauser (2009): The Upper Danube soil moisture validation site: measurements and activities, paper presented at Earth Observation and Water Cycle conference, Frascati (Rome), 18 - 20 November 2009, ESA Special Publication SP-674, Proceeding, published.

F. Schlenz, A. Loew, J. T. Dall'Amico, W. Mauser (2009): SMOS rehearsal campaign 2008: Data analysis and soil moisture retrieval at the Upper Danube test site, Paper presented at Earth Observation and Water Cycle conference, Frascati (Rome), 18 - 20 November 2009, ESA Special Publication SP- 674, Proceeding, published.

F. Schlenz, A. Loew, W. Mauser (2009): SENSITIVITY OF THE SOIL MOISTURE RETRIEVAL FROM PASSIVE MICROWAVE DATA AT THE UPPER DANUBE TEST SITE, Paper presented at Earth Observation and Water Cycle conference, Frascati (Rome), 18 - 20 November 2009, ESA Special Publication SP- 674, Proceeding, published.

D. C. Mason, P. D. Bates and J. T. Dall'Amico (2009): Calibration of uncertain flood inundation models using remotely sensed water levels, vol. 368, Journal of Hydrology, Reviewed, published.

Richter, K., Timmermans, W. (2009): Physically based retrieval of crop characteristics for improved water use estimates, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 663-674, Reviewed, published.

Richter K., Atzberger C., Vuolo, F., D'Urso G. (2009): Experimental assessment of the Sentinel-2 band setting for RTM-based LAI retrieval of sugar beet and maize, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 35 (3), 465 - 481, Reviewed, published.

Camp-Valls, G., Muñoz-Marí, J., Gómez-Chova, L., Richter, K., Calpe-Maravilla, J. (2009): Biophysical Parameter Estimation With a Semisupervised Support Vector Machine, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6 (1), 248-252, Reviewed, published.

Richter, K. (2009): Fernerkundliche Untersuchung von Trockenstress und Schätzung von Vegetationsparametern für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Anwendungsgebiete, Dissertation am Institut für Meteorologie, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Österreich, 107, Wien, Reviewed, published.

De Michele, C., Vuolo, F., D'Urso, G., Marotta, L., Richter, K. (2009): The Irrigation Advisory Program of Campania Region: from research to operational support for the Water Directive in Agriculture, 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Proceeding, published.

D'Urso, G., Vuolo, F., Richter, K., Calera Belmonte, A., Osann, M. A. (2009): Earth Observation products for operational irrigation management: the PLEIADeS project, SPIE's 2009 conference proceedings: Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XI, Proceeding, published.

HANK, T. (2009): Entwicklung der Verdunstung heterogener Landoberflächen unter Szenarienbedingungen, In: GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, Universität München (LMU) (Hrsg.). Global Change Atlas, Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau. Eigenverlag LMU München, München (Germany), Reviewed, published.

BACH, H., MIGDALL, S., OHL, N. AND HANK, T. (2009): An integrative approach of using satellite based information for precision farming: Talking.Fields., Proceedings of the JIAC - Joint International Agricultural Conference, Wageningen UR, 6. - 8. July 2009, Wageningen (The Netherlands), Abstract, published.

Muerth, M. (2009): Szenarien zur Temperatur der obersten Bodenschicht, GLOWA-Danube Projekt (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, Kap. 3.3.2, München, Article in Book, published.

Prasch, M., Marke. Th., Weber. M., Strasser, U. und Mauser, W. (2009): Using the hydrological model DANUBIA for water availability scenarios in the Upper Brahmaputra basin, Presentation at the Brahmatwinn International Symposium, November 2009, Kathmandu, Nepal, Abstract, published.

Samaniego, L. & K. Schulz (2009): Supervised classification of agricultural land cover using a modified k-NN technique (MNN) and Landsat remote sensing imagery, Remote Sens., 1(4), 875-895, doi:10.3390/rs1040875, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Mauser, W. und Strasser, U. (2009): Integrierte subskalige Schnee- und Gletschermodellierung im Einzugsgebiet der oberen Donau, Tag der Hydrologie 2009: Hydrologische Systeme im Wandel, Kiel, Abstract, published.

HANK, T. AND MAUSER W. (2009): Simulation des Gaswechsels von aktiver Vegetation zur Modellierung der Landoberflächenverdunstung unter Szenarienbedingungen , In: Conference Proceedings of the 'Tag der Hydrologie - Hydrologische Systeme im Wandel', 26. - 27. März 2009, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel (Germany), Abstract, published.

OPPELT, N. AND HANK, T. (2009): Improved modeling of maize growth by combining a biophysical model of photosynthesis with hyperspectral remote sensing., In: Henten, E.J.; Goense, D.; Lokhorst, C (Eds): Precision agriculture ´09, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 133-140, Wageningen (The Netherlands), Reviewed, published.

HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2009): Modelling Vegetation Response to Climate Change in the Upper Danube Subcatchment applying a Biophysical Landsurface Model., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0, EGU General Assembly 2009., Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2009): Distributed Modelling of Glacier Dynamics under Climate Change Conditions from 2000 to 2060, Presentation at the 13th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, February 2009, Innsbruck, Austria, Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2009): Application of the physically based glacier model SURGES in the Lhasa River Catchment in Tibet, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, Abstract, published.

Mauser, W., Muerth, M. & Stoeber, S. (2009): Climate change scenarios of low-flow conditions and hydro power production in the upper Danube River basin, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, S29.18 , Abstract, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Strasser U. and Mauser, W. (2009): Physikalisch basierte, subskalige Gletschermodellierung in den Einzugsgebieten der Oberen Donau und des Lhasa River, Präsentation im Geographischen Kolloquium der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (invited), Erlangen, Abstract, published.

MARKE, T. AND HANK, T. (2009): Using a Regional Climate Model for the Simulation of Hydrologic Processes in the High Himalayan Wangchu Watershed, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-11150, EGU General Assembly 2009., Vienna (Austria), Abstract, published.

Waldmann, D., Muerth, M., Ludwig, M., Schäffler, U., Heinzeller, C., Mauser, W. (2009): Prozessierung, Analyse und Präsentation räumlich-zeitlich verteilter Datensätze des Decision Support Systems DANUBIA, FOSSGIS 2009, Hannover, Proceeding, published.

R. Ludwig, I. May, R. Turcotte, L. Vescovi, M. Braun, J.-F. Cyr, L.-G. Fortin, D. Chaumont, S. Biner, I. Chartier, D. Caya, and W. Mauser (2009): The role of hydrological model complexity and uncertainty in climate change impact assessment, Adv. Geosci., 63.71, Proceeding, published.

L. Vescovi, D. Chaumont, R. Ludwig, M. Braun, I. May, W. Mauser, J.-F. Cyr, R..Turcotte and L.-G. Fortin (2009): A Multi Model Experiment to Assess and Cope with Climate Change Impacts on the Châteauguay Watershed in Southern Québec, The United Nations World Water Assessment Programme 2009, Reviewed, published.

I. May, R. Ludwig, M. Bernier and M. Allard (2009): Using Remote Sensing for Monitoring of Snow Cover Dynamics and Permafrost Decline, ArcticNet conference, Victoria, Canada, Abstract, published.

Lievens, H.; Alvarez-Mozos, J.; Marzahn, P.; Ludwig, R.; Matgen, P.; Hoffmann, L. & Verhoest, N. (2009): Soil Mositure Retreival from SAR using Modeled Effective Roughness, Proceedings of ESA Earth Observation and Water Cycle Symposium, Frascati, Italy, Proceeding, published.

Siebel, F., Mauser, W., Moutari, S., Rascle, M. (2009): Balanced vehicular traffic at a bottleneck, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 689-702, Reviewed, published.

Migdall, S., Bach, H., Bobert,J., Werhan, M., Mauser, W. (2009): Inversion of a canopy reflectance model using hypersoectral imagery for monitoring wheat growth and estimating yield, Precision Agric, 508-524, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W. (2009): Water Resources: Efficient, Sustainable and Equitable Use, Haus Publishing, London, Book, published.

Mauser, W., T. Marke (2009): Climate Change and Water Resources: scenarios for low-flow conditions in the Upper Danube River Basin, IAHS-Publications No. 327: “The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management (Ed. H.-J. Liebscher, R. Clarke, J. Rodda, G. Schultz, A. Schumann, L. Ubertini, G. Young), 225-236, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., Bach H. (2009): PROMET – a Physically Based Hydrological Model to Study the Impact of Climate Change on the Water Flows of Medium Sized, Mountain Watersheds, J. Hydrol, 362-377, Reviewed, published.

BORCHZUCHOWSKI J., M. BERNHARDT AND K.SCHULZ (2009): Spectral response of spring barley and sugar beet due to differences in water and nitrogen availability. , Abstracts of the 2009 AGU Fall meeting, Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M., G. E. LISTON, G. ZÄNGL, K. SCHULZ (2009): ): Integration of a snow slide routine into a 3 dimensional snow model (SnowTran-3D), Abstracts of the 2009 AGU Fall meeting, Abstract, published.

Marzahn, P. & Ludwig, R. (2009): Using fully polarimetric SAR data for the retrieval of soil surface roughness: potentials and limitations for an operational use, Proceedings of the ESA PolInSAR Workshop, Frascati, Italy, on CD-ROM, Proceeding, published.

Bartsch A., Balzter H., George, C. (2009): Influence of regional surface soil moisture anomalies on forest fires in Siberia observed from satellites, Environmental Research Letters 4, 045021, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch A., Wagner W., Pathe C., Scipal, K., Sabel, D. and P. Wolski (2009): Global monitoring of wetlands – the value of ENVISAT ASAR global mode, Journal of Environmental Management 90, 2226-2233, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A., Gude, M., Gurney, S. (2009): Quantifying sediment transport processes in periglacial mountain environments at a catchment scale using geomorphic process units, Geografiska Annaler 91 A, 1-9, Reviewed, published.

Koch, F. (2009): Wasserkraft und Kimawandel. Physikalisch basierte Modellierung im alpinen Einzugsgebiet des Inns. Diplomarbeit am Department für Geographie der LMU München , 103 p., München, Reviewed, published.

BERNHARDT M., G.E. LISTON, U. STRASSER and W. MAUSER (2008): High resolution modelling of snow transport in complex terrain using simulated wind fields, The Cryosphere Discuss, Reviewed, published.

Stauch, V.J., A.J. Jarvis & K. Schulz (2008): Estimation of net carbon exchange using eddy covariance CO2 flux observations and a stochastic model, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D03101, doi:10.1029/2007JD008603 , Reviewed, published.

Samaniego, L., A. Bardossy & K. Schulz (2008): Supervised classification of remotely sensed imagery using a modified k-NN technique , IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 46(7), 2112-2125, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2008.916629, Reviewed, published.

STRASSER, U., BERNHARDT, M., WEBER, M., LISTON, G.E. and MAUSER, W. (2008): Is snow sublimation important in the alpine water balance?, The Cryosphere, 2, 53-66, Reviewed, published.

MAUSER,W. AND HANK, T. (2008): Adapting to Water Scarcity in Europe, Proceedings of the 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration, EXPO 2008, pp. 15, Zaragoza (Spain), Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M., Bernhardt, M., Weber, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2008): Physically based modelling of snow cover dynamics in Alpine regions, In: Borsdorf, A., Stötter, J. and Veulliet, E. (eds.): Managing Alpine Future. Proceedings of the Innsbruck Conference October 15-17, 2007, IGF Forschungsberichte, Band 2, Innsbruck, Austria, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2008): Validation of a physically based snow model for the simulation of the accumulation and ablation of snow (ESCIMO), Proceedings of the Alpine*Snow*Workshop (, Munich, October 5-6, 2006, Germany. Berchtesgaden National Park research report, Nr. 53., pp. 78-91, Berchtesgaden, Germany, Reviewed, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2008): Embedded grid-modelling of 500 glaciers in the upper Danube basin , Presentation at the 12th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, March 2008, Chamonix, Abstract, published.

Bach H., Appel F., Ohl N., Prasch M., Strasser U. and Mauser W. (2008): Assimilation of snow melt information from SAR in the water balance and runoff model PROMET, 5th EARSeL Workshop: Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow, Changing Climate - Changing Cryosphere, February 11-13, 2008, Berne, Switzerland, Abstract, published.

Strasser, U., Weber, M. and Prasch, M. (2008): How important is glacier melt in the water balance?, 12th Alpine Glaciological Meeting, March 2008, Chamonix, France, Abstract, published.

Franz, H., Bernhardt, M., Prasch, M., Konnert, V. and Strasser, U. (2008): Field trip to the Ice Chapel in the National Park Berchtesgaden on Saturday, October 7, 2006, Proceedings of the Alpine*Snow*Workshop (, Munich, October 5-6, 2006, Germany. Berchtesgaden National Park research report, Nr. 53, Berchtesgaden, Proceeding, published.

Weber, M., Prasch, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2008): Embedded grid-modelling of 506 glaciers in the upper Danube basin, Geophysical Research Abstracts, abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Abstract, published.

PRASCH, M., BERNHARDT, M., WEBER, M., STRASSER, U. and MAUSER, W. (2008): Physically based modelling of snow cover dynamics in Alpine regions, In: Borsdorf, A., Stötter, J. and Veulliet, E. (eds.): Managing Alpine Future. Proceedings of the Innsbruck Conference October 15-17, 2007, IGF Forschungsberichte, Band 2, Innsbruck, Austria, Proceeding, published.

Linke, R., Richter, K., Haumann, J., Schneider W., Weihs, P. (2008): Occurrence of repeated drought events: can repetitive stress situations and recovery from drought be traced with leaf reflectance?, Periodicum Biologorum, 110 (3), 219-229, Reviewed, published.

Richter, K., Rischbeck P., Eitzinger J., Schneider W., Suppan F., Weihs P. (2008): Plant growth monitoring and potential drought risk assessment by means of Earth Observation data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29 (17-18), 4943 – 4960, Reviewed, published.

Weihs, P. Suppan, F.; Richter, K., Petritsch, R., Hasenauer, H., Schneider, W (2008): Validation of forward and inverse modes of a homogeneous canopy reflectance model, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29 (5), 1317 – 1338, Reviewed, published.

Ohl, N., Appel, F., Bach, H., Prasch, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2008): Assimilation of snow information derived from Earth Observation in the water balance and runoff model PROMET, Abstracts of the Workshop:'Applied Remote Sensing in Mountain Regions', 1-2 February 2007, EURAC, Bolzano, Italy, Abstract, published.

D'Urso, G., Dini, L., Richter, K., Palladino, M. (2008): Analysis of leaf area index and soil water content retrieval from Agrisar data sets, ESA Workshop Proceedings, AGRISAR and EAGLE Campaigns Final Workshop , Proceeding, published.

Vuolo, F., D'Urso, G., Richter, K., Prueger, J., Kustas, W. (2008): Physically-based methods for the estimation of crop water requirements from E.O. optical data, IGARSS 2008, Proceeding, published.

F. Schlenz, A. Loew, W. Mauser (2008): Soil Moisture Retrieval from Passive Microwave Data: A Sensitivity Study Using a Coupled Svat-Radiative Transfer Model at the Upper Danube Anchor Site, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008. IEEE International , vol.2, no., pp.II-680-II-683, 7-11 July 2008, Proceeding, published.

Richter, K., Vuolo, F., D'Urso, G. (2008): Leaf area index and surface albedo estimation: comparative analysis from vegetation indexes to radiative transfer models, IGARSS 2008, Proceeding, published.

Richter, K., Vuolo, F., D'Urso, G., Fernandez, G. (2008): Retrieval of crop characteristics from high resolution airborne scanner data, ESA Workshop Proceedings, AGRISAR and EAGLE Campaigns Final Workshop, Proceeding, published.

Muerth, M. & Mauser, W. (2008): Implications of a regional scale soil temperature and freezing model in the Upper Danube Basin for Climate Change scenarios, In: BORSDORF, A., STÖTTER, J. & VEULLIET, E. (Hrsg.): Managing Alpine Future, IGF-Forschungsberichte 2, 305-313, Innsbruck, Article in Book, published.

Muerth, M. & Mauser, W. (2008): Effects of a coupled soil water and heat transfer model on simulated winter runoff in mesoscale catchments, Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, EGU2008-A-11076, Vienna, Abstract, published.

Mauser, W. & Muerth, M. (2008): GLOWA-Danube: Climate change and the future of water in the Upper Danube basin, In: BORSDORF, A., STÖTTER, J. & VEULLIET, E. (Hrsg.): Managing Alpine Future, IGF-Forschungsberichte 2, 54-61, Innsbruck, Article in Book, published.

HANK, T. (2008): A Biophysically Based Coupled Model Approach for the Assessment of Canopy Processes Under Climate Change Conditions., Dissertation der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Digitale Hochschulschriften der LMU München, pp. 307, München (Germany), Reviewed, published.

HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2008): Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on the Phenological Development of Forest Trees in the Upper Danube Basin., In: Borsdorf, A., Stötter, J. and Veulliet, E. (Eds.): Managing Alpine Future - Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Change, 15-17 October 2007, IGF Forschungsberichte Band 2, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 347-355, Innsbruck (Austria), Reviewed, published.

HANK, T. AND MAUSER W. (2008): Vergleichende Analyse von modellierter Oberflächenverdunstung für das Einzugsgebiet der Oberen Donau unter Verwendung statischer und dynamischer Vegetationsbeschreibung [Comparative analysis of modelled landsurface evapotranspiration for the Upper Danube subcatchment applying a static and a dynamic description of canopy processes]., In: Conference Proceedings of the 'Tag der Hydrologie- Hochwasser, Wassermangel, Gewaesserverschmutzung - Problemloesung mit modernen hydrologischen Methoden', 27. - 28. März 2008, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover (Germany), Abstract, published.

Weber. M., Prasch, M., Kuhn, M., Lambrecht, A. and Hagg, W. (2008): Eisreserve - Teilprojekt Glaziologie, Kapitel 1.8, GLOWA-Danube-Projekt, LMU München (Hrsg.): Global Change Atlas. Einzugsgebiet Obere Donau, München, Article in Book, published.

Muerth, M. (2008): A soil temperature and energy balance model for integrated assessment of Global Change impacts at the regional scale, Dissertation der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, 145, Digitale Hochschulschriften der LMU München, Book, published.

Prasch, M., Weber, M., Mauser, W. und Strasser, U. (2008): Ein Ansatz zur integrierten subskaligen Schnee- und Gletschermodellierung im Einzugsgebiet der oberen Donau, 12. Workshop "Großskalige hydrologische Modellierung", Kiel, Abstract, published.

Muerth, M. & W. Mauser (2008): Gekoppelte Simulation von Bodengefrornis und Abflußbildung in Teileinzugsgebieten der Oberen Donau, 12. Workshop Großskalige Hydrologische Modellierung, Kiel, Abstract, published.

HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2008): Modelling Plant Growth Under Climate Change Conditions Applying an Explicit Description of Photosynthetic Processes., In: BROWN, D.G., HÖLL, B.S., MAUSER, W. AND ROBINSON, D.T. (Eds.): Report on the German-US Conference 'Tough Choices - Land Use Under a Changing Climate - Opportunities for joint German-US research activities in the field of land-use and Global Change', pp. 21, 2./3. October 2008, Berlin (Germany), Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M. (2008): Using wind fields from a high resolution atmospheric model for simulating snow dynamics in mountainous terrain, Dissertation an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der LMU. , München, Book, published.

Prasch, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2008): hysically based Modelling of Climate Change Impact on Snow Cover Dynamics in the Upper Danube Catchment, Vortrag im Rahmen des Polarview User Meetings, Dezember 2008, Munich, Abstract, published.

Waldmann, D., Mauser, W. (2008): Temporal disaggregation of precipitation data for modelling soil erosion in landuse change scenarios, BORSDORF, A., STÖTTER, J. & VEULLIET, E. (Hrsg.): Managing Alpine Future, IGF-Forschungsberichte, Innsbruck, Proceeding, published.

Waldmann, D., Mauser, W. (2008): Zeitliche Disaggregation von Niederschlag für die mesoskalige Erosionsmodellierung in einem integrativen Modellverbund, Tag der Hydrologie - Hochwasser, Wassermangel, Gewässerverschmutzung - Problemlösung mit modernen hydrologischen Methoden, 27. - 28. März 2008, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Abstract, published.

Strasser, U., Bernhardt, M., Weber, M., Liston, G.E. and Mauser, W. (2008): Is snow sublimation important in the alpine water balance?, The Cryosphere, 53-66, Reviewed, published.

Niebergall, S.. Loew, A., Mauser, W. (2008): Integrative Assessment of Informal Settlements Using VHR Remote Sensing Data—The Delhi Case Study, IEEE J. on Selected Topics in Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 193-205, Reviewed, published.

M. Bernhardt, G. Zängl, G. E. Liston, U. Strasser, W. Mauser (2008): Using wind fields from a high resolution atmospheric model for simulating snow dynamics in mountainous terrain, Hydrolo. Process., 2008, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7208, Reviewed, published.

Barthel, R., Janisch, S., Schwarz, N., Trifkovic, A., Nickel, D., Schulz, C., Mauser, W. (2008): An integrated modelling framework for simulating regional-scale actor responses to global change in the water domain, Environmental Modelling and Software 23/2008. , 1095-1121, Reviewed, published.

Löw, A. and. Mauser, W. (2008): On the Disaggregation of Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Data Using a priori Knowledge of Temporally Persistent Soil Moisture Fields, IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens., Vol. 46(3), 819-834., 819-834, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., Marke, T., Stoeber, S. (2008): Climate Change and Water Resources: Scenarios of Low-flow Conditions in the Upper Danube River Basin, Earth and Environ Sci. doi:10.1088/1755-1307/4/1/012027, Reviewed, published.

BERNHARDT M., STRASSER U., ZÄNGL G., MAUSER W., LISTON G. E., UND POHL S. (2008): Using wind fields from a high resolution atmospheric model for simulating snow dynamics in mountainous terrain, Abstracts of the 2008 AGU Fall meeting, Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M., STRASSER U. AND MAUSER W. (2008): Parametrisierung der subskaligen Schneeverteilung für SVAT Modelle, Tag der Hydrologie, Hannover, Abstract, published.

STRASSER U., BERNHARDT M., WEBER M., LISTON G.E. AND MAUSER W (2008): On the role of snow sublimation in the alpine water balance, Geophysical Research Abstracts, abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008, Abstract, published.

Yao-jie Yue, Lu Gao, Jing-ai Wang (2008): Effectiveness of Survey Points’ Density and Distribution on Vegetation Coverage Field Measurement, The 16th International Conference on Geoinformatics and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment, Geoinformatics 2008.Advanced Spatial Data Models and Analyses[C], SPIE, 2008, Vol. 7146: 714622-1-714622-8, Guangzhou, China, Proceeding, published.

Lu Hao, Jing-ai Wang, Lu Gao (2008): Assessing Drought Risk of Laohahe River Basin Using SWAT , The International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response. Theory and Practice of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Guangzhou, China, Proceeding, published.

Lu Gao, Si Chen, Hong-jian Zhou, Kui Luo, Jing-ai Wang, Jia Mao (2008): Analysis of Drought Catastrophe in Chongqing in 2006 and Research on Post-Drought Resilience, Journal of Natural Disasters (In Chinese), 17(1): 21-26, Reviewed, published.

Jing-ai Wang, Pei-jun Shi, Lu Hao, Lu Gao (2008): Ecological Education Migration in Regional Sustainable Development, Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences) (In Chinese), 4:139-145, Reviewed, published.

Hong-jian Zhou, Pei-jun Shi, Jing-ai Wang, Lu Gao, Jing Zheng, De-yong Yu (2008): River Network Change and Its Ecological Effects in Shenzhen Region in Recent 30 Years, Acta Geographica Sinica(In Chinese), 63(9):969-980, Reviewed, published.

Lu Hao, Jing-ai Wang, Lu Gao, Dong-hua Pan (2008): Trend and Jump Analysis on the Runoff in Recent 40 Years in Laohahe River Basin, Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Sciences) (In Chinese), 44(6):16-21, Reviewed, published.

Hong-jian Zhou, Jing-ai Wang, Pei-jun Shi, Dong-hua Pan, Lu Gao, Hui-cong Jia (2008): Influence of River Network Change in 1980-2005 on Flood Hazard in Shenzhen City, China, Journal of Natural Disaster (In Chinese), 17(1): 97-103, Reviewed, published.

Jin-hong Wan, Jing-ai Wang, Zhen Liu, Hong-jian Zhou, Lu Gao, Li-long Gao, Feng Zhang (2008): Drought resilience in view of income diversity of peasant household: a case study on Xinghe Country, Inner Mongolia, Journal of Natural Disaster (In Chinese), 17(1):122-126, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A., Gude, M., Gurney, S. (2008): A geomatics-based approach for the derivation of the spatial distribution of sediment transport processes in periglacial mountain environments, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33 , 2255-2265, Reviewed, published.

Vischel, T., Pegram, G., Sinclair, S., Wagner, W. and A. Bartsch (2008): Comparison of soil moisture fields estimated by catchment modelling and remote sensing: A case study in South Africa, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 12, 751-767, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch A., Pathe C., Wagner W., and K. Scipal (2008): Detection of permanent open water surfaces in central Siberia with ENVISAT ASAR wide swath data with special emphasis on the estimation of methane fluxes from tundra wetlands, Hydrology Research 39 , 89-100, Reviewed, published.

Wagner, W., C. Pathe, M. Doubkova, D. Sabel, A. Bartsch, S. Hasenauer, G. Blöschl, K. Scipal, J. Martínez-Fernández, A. Löw (2008): Temporal stability of soil moisture and radar backscatter observed by the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR), Sensors 8, 1174-1197, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A (2008): Data from Active sensors, Fitoka E & Keramitsoglou I (Eds.) Inventory, assessment and monitoring of Mediterranean Wetlands: Mapping wetlands using Earth Observation techniques, EKBY & NOA, 75-78, Article in Book, published.

Bartsch, A & C. Pathe (2008): What data can I extract from active sensor images?, Fitoka E & Keramitsoglou I (Eds.) Inventory, assessment and monitoring of Mediterranean Wetlands: Mapping wetlands using Earth Observation techniques, EKBY & NOA, 94-96, Article in Book, published.

Bartsch, A & M. Doubkova (2008): Time series analyses with active microwave data: Okavango Delta, BW, Fitoka E & Keramitsoglou I (Eds.) Inventory, assessment and monitoring of Mediterranean Wetlands: Mapping wetlands using Earth Observation techniques, EKBY & NOA, 109-113, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W., Prasch, M. and Strasser, U. (2007): Physically based Modelling of Climate Change Impact on Snow Cover Dynamics in Alpine Regions using a Stochastic Weather Generator, In: Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (eds): MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2138-2145, Reviewed, published.

Weber, M., Prasch, M., Strasser, U. and Kuhn, M. (2007): Embedded sub- grid modelling of glacier change within the DANUBIA-system, Poster for the International Workshop 'Glaciers in Watershed and Global Hydrology, Obergurgl, Austria, Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT M., G. E. LISTON, G. ZÄNGL, U. STRASSER, W. MAUSER (2007): High resolution modelling of snow transport in complex terrain using simulated wind fields, Berchtesgaden National Park Research Report (special issue Alpine*Snow*Workshop), Proceeding, published.

Zehe, E., H. Elsenbeer, F. Lindenmaier, K. Schulz & G. Blöschl (2007): Patterns of predictability in hydrological threshold systems, Water Resour. Res., 43, W07434, doi:10.1029/2006WR005589 , Reviewed, published.

Weichel, T., F. Pappenberger & K. Schulz (2007): Sensitivity and uncertainty in flood inundation modelling – concept of an analysis framework, Adv. Geosci., 11, 31–36, Reviewed, published.

FRANZ, H., BERNHARDT, M., PRASCH, M., KONNERT, V. and STRASSER, U. (2007): Field trip to the Ice Chapel in the National Park Berchtesgaden, Proceedings of the Alpine*Snow*Workshop ( National Park research report, Nr. 53, , Berchtesgaden, Proceeding, published.

Marzahn, P.; Kruger, K. & Ludwig, R. (2007): Derivation of soil surface roughness dynamics from multi-temporal and multi-parametric airborne PolSAR-data, Proceedings of Multitemp2007, International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, 18-20 July 2007, 1-5, Leuven, Belgium, Proceeding, published.

Marzahn, P.; Kruger, K. & Ludwig, R. (2007): Derivation of soil surface dynamics from multi-temporal airborne POLSAR data, AGRISAR and EAGLE Campaigns Final Workshop. 15 - 16 October 2007 ESA/ESTEC , Noordwijk, the Netherlands, Proceeding, published.

Prasch, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2007): Application of a physically based snow model in the alpine mountain regions of the Upper Danube and the Upper Brahmaputra, Beitrag zur 16. Jahrestagung des AK Hochgebirge des VGDH, Marburg, 26.-27.1.2007, Abstract, published.

D. C. Mason, M. S. Horritt, J. T. Dall 'Amico, T. R. Scott and P. D. Bates (2007): Improving river flood extent delineation from synthetic aperture radar using airborne laser altimetry, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 45, no. 12, Reviewed, published.

D. C. Mason, M. S. Horritt, J. T. Dall 'Amico, T. R. Scott and P. D. Bates (2007): Using airborne laser altimetry to improve river flood extents delineated from SAR data, IEEE International Geosience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 23-27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain, Proceeding, published.

Richter, K., Vuolo, F., D'Urso, G., Dini, L. (2007): Evaluation of different methods for the retrieval of LAI using high resolution airborne data, SPIE's conference proceedings: Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology IX, Proceeding, published.

STRASSER, U., BERNHARDT, M., WEBER, M., LISTON, G.E. and MAUSER, W. (2007): Is snow sublimation important in the alpine water balance?, The Cryosphere Discuss., 1, 303-350, Reviewed, published.

OPPELT, N., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2007): (INVITED PAPER) GVIS - Ground Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol V, Post Conference Issue, Proceedings, 8-11 Juli 2007, pp. 295-300, Orlando (USA), Reviewed, published.

OPPELT, N., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2007): Assessment of vertical variation of chlorophyll using hyperspectral, multiangular imagery., In: STAFFORD, J. V.: Precision Agriculture 07 (Proc. of the 6th European Conference on Precision Agriculture), pp. 181-188, Wageningen (The Netherlands), Reviewed, published.

HANK, T., OPPELT, N. AND MAUSER, W. (2007): Physically based modelling of photosynthetic processes., In: STAFFORD, J. V.: Precision Agriculture '07, Skiathos, Greece, 03-06 June 2007, pp. 165-172, Wageningen (The Netherlands), Reviewed, published.

Heinzeller, Ch. (2007): Regionalisierung des Nitrataustrags aus Wäldern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Dissertation, 167, Freiburg im Breisgau, Book, published.

HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2007): Modelling the Impact of Climate Change on the Phenological Development of Forest Trees in the Upper Danube Basin., Book of Abstracts - Managing Alpine Future, 56, Innsbruck (Austria), Abstract, published.

Mauser, W. (2007): Wie lange reicht die Ressource Wasser? – vom Umgang mit dem blauen Gold, S. Fischer Verlag, Book, published.

Loew, A., Mauser, W. (2007): Generation of geometrically and radiometrically terrain corrected SAR image products, Rem. Sens. Env, 106(3) , 337-349, Reviewed, published.

Oppelt. N.; Mauser, W. (2007): The Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer AVIS: Design, characterization and calibration, SENSORS, 7 , 1934-1953, Reviewed, published.

W. Mauser (2007): Globaler Wandel und Grenzen des Wachstums, Geographie - Physische Geographie und Humangeographie, Elsevier, München, Article in Book, published.

BERNHARDT, M., STRASSER, U., LISTON, G.E. AND MAUSER, W. (2007): On snow cover variability in alpine terrain, Abstracts of the XXIV IUGG General Assembly 2007, Abstract, published.

MAUSER, W., STRASSER, U. AND BERNHARDT, M. (2007): Integrative Techniques, Scenarios and Strategies regarding the Global Change of the Water Cycle in the Upper Danube Catchment, 3rd Global Change Research Networking Meeting for European Mountains., Abstract, published.

Lu Gao, Yao-jie Yue, Jing-ai Wang (2007): Comparison of Error Analysis of TM Image Rough Registration from Three Different Methods , The 5th International Symposium on Digital Earth Proposal Form, ISDE5, The University of California, Berkery, San Francisco, U.S.A, Proceeding, published.

Lu Gao, Si Chen, Hong-jian Zhou, Kui Luo, Jing-ai Wang, Jia Mao (2007): Research on Tremendous Drought System Process and Resilience after Drought in Chongqing in 2006, International Disaster Reduction Conference, IDRC 2007,Strategy and Implementation of Integrated Risk Management, Harbin, China, Proceeding, published.

Bartsch A., Kidd R., Pathe C., Wagner W., and K. Scipal (2007): Satellite radar imagery for monitoring inland wetlands in boreal and sub-arctic environments, Journal of Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 17, 305-317, Reviewed, published.

Bartsch, A., Kidd, R., Wagner, W. and Z. Bartalis (2007): Temporal and spatial variability of the beginning and end of daily spring freeze/thaw cycles derived from scatterometer data, Remote Sensing of Environment 106, 360-374, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K., R. Seppelt, E. Zehe, H.J. Vogel & S. Attinger (2006): The importance of structures in advancing hydrological sciences, Water Resour. Res., 42, W03S03, doi:10.1029/2005WR004301, Reviewed, published.

Bogena, H., K. Schulz & H. Vereecken (2006): Towards a network of obser¬vatories in terrestrial environmental research, Adv. Geosci., 9, 1-6, Reviewed, published.

OPPELT, N., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2006): Use of multi-angular chris data for analysis of the vertical structure of biophysical variables, Proceedings of the 4th ESA CHRIS-PROBA-Workshop 19-21 September, ESA/ESRIN EWSA Publication, pp. 7, Frascati (Italy), Proceeding, published.

Rothbart, M., Strasser, U. and Mauser, W. (2006): ESCIMO - a physically based model for the simulation of accumulation and ablation of snow , Abstracts of the Alpine*Snow*Workshop (, Munich, October 5-6, 2006, Germany, Abstract, published.

HANK, T., OPPELT, N., HUWE, B. AND MAUSER, W. (2006): Simulation of a Winter Wheat Site Using the Physically-Based SVAT Model WHNSIM, Session: Modelling and Management of Site Specific Data / Book of abstracts of the fifth European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA), Uppsala (Sweden), Abstract, published.

Muerth, M., Mauser, W. & Ludwig, R. (2006): Development of a soil heat flux and storage model for Global Change assessment on the regional scale, Geophysical Research Abstracts 8, EGU2006-A-04742, Vienna, Abstract, published.

HANK, T., OPPELT, N. AND MAUSER W. (2006): Simulation of a winter wheat site using the physically based SVAT model WHNSIM., In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, 23-26 July 2006, Minneapolis (USA), Reviewed, published.

OPPELT, N., HANK, T. AND MAUSER, W. (2006): Potential of the tractor mounted hyperspectral system GVIS for the monitoring of winter wheat - a field study in 2004, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, 23-26 July,, Minneapolis (USA), Reviewed, published.

Horn, J., Harter, Th. (2006): Geologic and Landuse Controls of the Risk for Domestic Well Pollution from Septic Tank Leachate, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract, published.

Siebel, F., Mauser, W. (2006): Synchronized flow and wide moving jams from balanced vehicular traffic, Physical Review E, Reviewed, published.

Löw A., W. Mauser (2006): A two parameter surface backscattering model for bare soil surfaces and its application to the derivation of surface roughness, IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens.. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sensing. vol 44(4). , 1022-1035, Reviewed, published.

Löw A., R. Ludwig, W. Mauser (2006): Derivation of surface soil moisture from ENVISAT ASAR WideSwath and Image mode data in agricultural areas, IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens.. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sensing. Vol. 44(4). , 889-899, Reviewed, published.

Pongratz, J., L. Bounoua, R.S. DeFries, D.C. Morton, L.O. Anderson, W. Mauser, C.A. Klink (2006): The Impact of Land Cover Change on Surface Energy and Water Balance in Mato Grosso, Brazil, Earth Interact., 10. doi: 10.1175/EI176.1, 1–17, Reviewed, published.

BERNHARDT, M., STRASSER, U., ZÄNGL, G. & MAUSER, W. (2005): Using MM5-derived wind fields for the modelling of snow transport processes., Abstracts of the 3rd Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Proceeding, published.

Horn, J., Harter, Th. (2005): Risk of domestic well pollution from septic tank leachate, 25th Biennial Groundwater Conference and 14th Annual Meeting of the Groundwater Resources Association of California, Sacramento, USA, Abstract, published.

OPPELT, N., HANK, T., KLOTZ, P. AND MAUSER, W. (2005): 2-Dimensional Field Spectroscopy - Potential of the tractor mounted hyperspectral system GVIS for the monitoring of vegetation., Book of Abstracts of the 4th EARSel Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy - New quality in environmental studies, pp. 149, Warshaw (Poland), Abstract, published.

Bach, H., Begiebing, S., Waldmann, D., Rowotzki, B. (2005): Analyses of hyperspectral and directional data for agricultural monitoring using the canopy reflectance model SLC, Progress in the Upper Rhine Valley and Baasdorf test-sites, 3rd CHRIS/Proba Workshop 2005, ESA Special Publication SP-593, CD-Rom, Proceeding, published.

Begiebing, S., Bach, H., Waldmann, D., Mauser, W. (2005): Analyses of spaceborne hyperspectral and directional CHRIS data to deliver crop status for precision agriculture, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture , J. Stafford, A. Werner (ed.), Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Proceeding, published.

Probeck, M., Ludwig, R., Mauser, W. (2005): Fusion of NOAA/AVHRR imagery and GIS techniques to derive sub-scale land cover information for the Upper Danube watershed, Hydrological Processes, 2407-2418, Reviewed, published.

Löw, A., Ludwig, R., Mauser, W. (2005): Use of microwave remote sensing data to monitor spatio temporal characteristics of surface soil moisture at local and regional scales, Advances in Geosciences. vol. 5, , 49-56, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W. (2005): Das blaue Gold: Wasser, Die Zukunft der Erde, Was verträgt unser Planet noch? (edt: E.P. Fischer und K. Wiegand), S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., Article in Book, published.

MAUSER, W., STRASSER, U., BERNHARDT, M. LUDWIG, R. AND SIEBEL, F. (2005): Integrative hydrological simulations of the Upper Danube Catchment, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Abstract, published.

BERNHARDT, M., STRASSER, U., ZÄNGL, G. & MAUSER, W. (2005): MM5-derived Fields of Wind Speed and Direction for the Simulation of Snow Transport Processes in the Berchtesgaden National Park Area (Germany), Geophysical Research Abstracts, abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005. , Abstract, published.

Gurney, S. D. & A. Bartsch (2005): Mapping the spatial distribution of geomorphological processes in the Okstindan area of northern Norway, using Geomorphic Process Units as derived from remote sensing and ground survey, Fennia 183 , 1-14, Reviewed, published.

Jarvis, A.J., V.J. Stauch, K. Schulz & P.C. Young (2004): The seasonal temperature dependency of photosynthesis and respiration in two deciduous forests, Glob. Change Biol., 10, 939-950, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K. & A.J. Jarvis (2004): Environmental and biological controls on the seasonal variations in latent heat derived from flux data for three forest sites, Water Resour. Res., 40, W12501, doi:10.1029/2004WR003155, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K. (2004): Unsicherheiten bei der Erfassung und Modellierung von Wasser-, Stoff- und Energieflüssen im Kontinuum Boden-Pflanze-Atmosphäre, Habilitation, Natural Sciences Fakulty of the Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig, Germany, Book, published.

Zeiger, M., P. Marzahn, A.L. Horn und N. Fohrer (2004): Digitale Bildanalyse der Oberflächenstruktur von Ackerböden, Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch., 104 , 67-68, Proceeding, published.

Mauser, W., Ludwig, R., Löw. A, Willems, W. (2004): Glowa-Danube – Ein multiskaliger Validierungsansatz zur Simulation nachhaltigen Wasserhaushaltsmanagements in der Oberen Donau mit ENVISAT-Daten, Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 48, Heft 6, , 225-232, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., R. Barthel (2004): Integrative Hydrologic Modelling Techniques for Sustainable Water Management Regarding Global Environmental Change in the Upper Danube River Basin, Research Basins and Hydrological Planning (Ed., Xi, R.-Z., Gu, W.-Z., Seiler, K.-P.), Balkema, Leiden, 2004, 53-61, Article in Book, published.

Mauser, W. (2004): Global Change – What Do We Expect And What Do We Know, Research Basins and Hydrological Planning (Ed., Xi, R.-Z., Gu, W.-Z., Seiler, K.-P.), Balkema, Leiden, 2004, 53-61, Article in Book, published.

Oppelt N.; Mauser W. (2004): Hyperspectral Monitoring of Physiological Parameters of Wheat during a Vegetation Period Using AVIS Data, Int.J.Remote Sensing, Vol. 25, No.1, 145-159, Reviewed, published.

Siebel, F., Mauser, W. (2004): On the fundamental diagram of traffic flow, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 66 , 1150-1162, Reviewed, published.

Jeganathan, P., Green, R. E., Norris, K., Vogiatzakis, I. N., Bartsch, A., Wotton, S. R., Bowden, C. G. R., Griffiths, G. H., Pain, D. & A. R. Rahmani (2004): Modelling habitat selection and distribution of the critically endangered Jerdon's courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus in scrub jungle: an application of a new tracking method, Journal of Applied Ecology 41 , 224-237, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K. & K. Beven (2003): Data supported robust parameterisations in land surface-atmosphere flux predictions: towards a Top-down approach, Hydrol. Process., 17, 2259-2277, Reviewed, published.

Ludwig, R., Taschner, S., Mauser, W. (2003): Modelling floods in the Ammer watershed – Experiences, Limita-tions and Challenges from a Coupled Meteo-Hydrological Model Approach, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 7(6), p. , 833 - 847, Reviewed, published.

Ludwig, R., Mauser, W., Niemeyer, S., Colgan, A., Stolz, R., Escher-Vetter, H., Kuhn, M., Reichstein, M., Ten-hunen, J., Kraus, A., Ludwig, M., Barth, M., Hennicker, R. (2003): Web-based modeling of water, energy and matter fluxes to support decision making in mesoscale catchments – the integrative perspective of GLOWA-Danube, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28, , 621-634, Reviewed, published.

Bach, H., Mauser, W., Schneider, K. (2003): The use of radiative transfer models for remote sensing data assimilation in crop growth models, Precision Agriculture, J. Stafford, A. Werner (ed.), ISBN 9076998213, , 35-40, Reviewed, published.

Bach, H., Mauser W. (2003): Methods and examples for remote sensing data assimilation in land surface process modelling, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.41, No.7, , 1629-1637, Reviewed, published.

Klotz, P., Bach, H., Mauser, W. (2003): GVIS – Ground operated Visible/Near Infrared Imaging Spectrometer, Precision Agriculture, J. Stafford, A. Werner (ed.), ISBN 9076998213, , 315-323, Reviewed, published.

Kneer, J, A. Ernst, R. Eisentraut, M. Nethe, W. Mauser (2003): Interdisziplinäre Modellbildung: Das Beispiel GLOWA-Danube, Umweltpsychologie, 7.Jg., Heft 2, 2003, , 54-70, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W. (2003): GLOWA-Danube: Integrative hydrologische Modellentwicklung zur Entscheidungsunterstützung beim Einzugsgebietsmanagement, Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen (PGM), Jg. 147, No. 6,, 68-75, Reviewed, published.

Oppelt N.; Mauser W. (2003): Hyperspectral Remote Sensing – a Tool for the Derivation of Plant Nitrogen and its Spatial Variability within Maize and Wheat Canopies., Stafford, J.; Werner, A. (Eds.): Precision Agriculture. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2003 (Proceedings of the 4th ECPA), 493-498, Reviewed, published.

Mauser, W., Ludwig, R. (2002): GLOWA-DANUBE – A research concept to develop integrative techniques, scenarios and strategies regarding global changes of the water cycle., Beniston, M. (ed), Climatic Change: Implications for the Hydrological Cycle and for Water Management, Adv. Global Change Res., 10. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht and Boston, 147-173, Article in Book, published.

Bartsch, A., Gude, M., Jonasson, C. & D. Scherer (2002): Identification of Geomorphic Process Units in Kärkevagge, Northern Sweden, by Remote Sensing and Digital Terrain Analysis, Geografiska Annaler 84 A, 171-178, Reviewed, published.

Gude, M., Daut, G., Dietrich, S., Mäusbacher, R., Jonasson, C., Bartsch, A. & D. Scherer (2002): Towards an Integration of Process Measurements, Archive Analysis and Modern Geomorphology - the Kärkevagge Experimental Site, Abisko Area, Northern Sweden, Geografiska Annaler 84 A, 205-212, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K., A. Jarvis, K. Beven & H. Soegaard (2001): The predictive uncertainty in plant response to increasing ambient CO2, J. Climate, 14(12), 2551-2562, Reviewed, published.

Mauser W., J.D. Tenhunen, K. Schneider, R. Ludwig, T. Stolz, R. Geyer, and E. Falge (2001): Assessing Spatially Distributed Water, Carbon, and Nutrient Balances at Different Scales in Southern Bavaria, J.D. Tenhunen (eds.): Ecosystem Approaches to Landscape Management in Central Europe, Ecological Studies, Vol.147, Springer Verlag , 583-619, Article in Book, published.

Strasser, U., W. Mauser (2001): Modelling the Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Water Balance for the Weser Catchment 1965-1994, J. Hydrol., 254(2001) , 199-214, Reviewed, published.

Taschner S., Ludwig R., Mauser W. (2001): Multi scenario flood modelling in a mountain watershed using data from a NWP, rain radar and rain gauges, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), Vol. 26, No. 7-8, 509-515, Reviewed, published.

Tenhunen, J.D., W. Mauser, R. Lenz (2001): Ecosystem Science Contributions and the Implementation of an Ecologically Based Landscape Management in Central Europe, J.D. Tenhunen (eds.): Ecosystem Approaches to Landscape Management in Central Europe, Ecological Studies, Vol.147, Springer Verlag , 621-636, Article in Book, published.

Ernst, A., W. Mauser, S. Kempe (2001): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Freshwater: Availability, Quality and Allocation, Ehlers, E., T. Krafft (Eds.): Understanding the Earth System: Compartments, Processes and Interactions, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 265-274, Reviewed, published.

Beven, K., J. Freer, B. Hankin & K. Schulz (2000): The use of generalised likelihood measures for uncertainty estimation in high order models of environmental systems., In: W. J. Fitzgerald, R.L. Smith, A.T. Walden, P. Young, Nonlinear and Nonstationary Signal Processing, 144-183, Article in Book, published.

Ludwig, R., Mauser, W. (2000): Modelling Catchment Hydrology within a GIS-based SVAT-model framework, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), Vol. 4(2), , 239-249, Reviewed, published.

Hochschild, V., Bartsch, A & M. Klenke (2000): Auswertung von ERS Tandem Daten zur Bestimmung phänologischer und topographischer Größen im Mittelgebirgsraum, Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation 4 , 343-346, Reviewed, published.

Wörlen, C., K. Schulz, B. Huwe, B. & R. Eiden (1999): Spatial extrapolation of agrarmeteorological variables, Agric. For. Meteorol., 94, 233-242, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K., C. Wörlen, R. Eiden & B. Huwe (1999): Windspeed regionalization and the influence on areal evapotranspiration prediction, IAHS Publ., 254, 97-104, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K., B. Huwe & S. Peiffer (1999): Parameter uncertainty in chemical equilibrium calculations using fuzzy set theory, J. Hydrol., 217, 119-134, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K., K. Beven & B. Huwe (1999): Equifinality and the problem of robust calibration in nitrogen budget simulations, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 63, 1934-1941, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K. & B. Huwe (1999): Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of water transport modelling in a layered soil profile using fuzzy set theory, J. Hydroinformatics, 01.2, 127-138, Reviewed, published.

Beven, K., K. Schulz & S. Franks (1999): Functional similarity in hydrological modelling at the landscape scale, In: J. Feyen und K. Wiyo, Modelling of transport processes in soils, Wageningen Press, Wageningen, Netherland, 725-735, Article in Book, published.

Bartsch, A., Kumpula, J. & A. Colpaert (1999): Applicability of Remote Sensing to small scale vegetation and reindeer pasture inventory – a study from northern Finland, Nordia Geographical Publications 28 , 103-113, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K., & B. Huwe (1997): Water flow modeling in the unsaturated zone with imprecise parameters using a fuzzy approach, J. Hydrol., 201, 211-229, Reviewed, published.

Schulz, K. (1997): Modellierung von Unsicherheiten bodenphysikalischer und hydrochemischer Prozesse mit Hilfe der Fuzzy-Set-Theorie, Shaker Verlag, Book, published.