Alle Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Garschagen finden Sie hier, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr.
Alle Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Garschagen finden Sie hier, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr.
Bitte beachten: Hier fett gedruckte Autorinnen und Autoren sind oder waren Teil des Teams Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen, Arbeitsgruppe Prof.Matthias Garschagen.
Zhu A., X. Pan, M. Chen et al. (2025): Chinese NGOs’ engagement in trans-boundary renewable energy technology transfer, Energy and Climate Management, 1(1), 9400009.
Chen, J., J. Xu, Q. Yi, J. Peng, Y. Lang, L. E. Yang & J. Zhang (2024): Multidimensional water level and water quality response to severe drought in Xingyun Lake, Heliyon, 10(11), e32213, Reviewed, published.
Chen, S., Y. Su, X. Chen & L. E. Yang (2024): The spatio-temporal evolution of the Chongzhen drought (1627–1644) in China and its impact on famine, Climate of the Past, 20(10), pp. 2287-2307, Reviewed, published.
Doshi, D. & M. Garschagen (2024): Actor‑specific adaptation objectives shape perceived roles and responsibilities: lessons from Mumbai’s flood risk reduction and general considerations, Regional Environmental Change, 24, 164, Reviewed, published.
He, X., J. Yan, L. E. Yang, J. Wang, H. Zhou & X. Lin (2024): Linking smallholders’ livelihood resilience with their adaptation strategies to climate impacts: insights from the Tibetan Plateau, Ecology and Society, 29(2), Reviewed, published.
Magnan, A. K., B. C. O’Neill & M. Garschagen (2024): An editorial to the Special Issue on “Severe Climate Risks”, Climate Risk Management, 46, 100661, Reviewed, published.
Pelling, M., T. Comelli, M. Cordova, S. Kalaycioğlu, J. Menoscal, R. Upadhyaya & M. Garschagen (2024): Normative future visioning for city resilience and development, Climate and Development, 16(4), pp. 335–348, Reviewed, published.
Peng, Y., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran, P. Jiang & H. Azadi (2024): Assessing and enhancing the regional sustainability of electricity generation technologies in an energy-importing megaregion in China, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 65, 103737, Reviewed, published.
Peng, L., Y. Wang, L. E. Yang, M. Garschagen & X. Deng (2024): A comparative analysis on flood risk assessment and management performances between Beijing and Munich, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 104, 107319, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J., M. Garschagen, S. Deshpande, R. Dhiman, D. Doshi, A. Katzschner, A. P. Santos & D. Parthasarathy (2024): Identifying future challenges for climate change adaptation through insights from participatory scenario-downscaling in Mumbai, npj Climate Action, 3(111), Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J., A. Kosanic, F. Rakoto Joseph, P. Rajaonarivelo Andrianina, S. M. Ranaivosoa-Toandro, O. R. Andriamihaja, L. M. Voahanginirina, L. Thien & M. Razanajatovo (2024): Nature's contributions to human well-being under climate change: Evidence from Central and Eastern Madagascar, People and Nature, 6(2), pp. 749-761, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J. & J. Scheffran (2024): Climate change and human security in coastal regions, Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 2, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M., H. Rau & J. Mahne-Bieder (2024): Auf dem Weg zum Fahrradland – Barrieren von Nicht-Radfahrer*innen identifizieren und überwinden, Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie, pp. 10, Reviewed, published.
Revilla Diez, J., R. Leitold, V. Tran & M. Garschagen (2024): Micro-business participation in collective flood adaptation: lessons from scenario-based analysis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, 24(7), pp. 2425–2440, Reviewed, published.
Santos, A. P., J. M. Rodriguez Lopez, Y. Peng & J. Scheffran (2024): Integrating broad and deep multiple-stressor research: A framework for translating across scales and disciplines, One Earth, 7(10), pp. 1713-1726, Reviewed published.
Scheiber, L., N. Sairam, M. Hoballah Jalloul, K. Rafiezadeh Shahi, C. Jordan, J. Visscher, T. E. Zadeh, L. J. N. Oostwegel, D. Schorlemmer, N. T. Son, H. Nguyen Quan, T. Schlurmann, M. Garschagen & H. Kreibich (2024): Effective Adaptation Options to Alleviate Nuisance Flooding in Coastal Megacities - Learning from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Earth's Future, 12(11), e2024EF004766, Reviewed, published.
Schubert, A., A. von Streit & M. Garschagen (2024): Unravelling the capacity-action gap in flood risk adaptation, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discuss, in Review.
Sett, D., T. P. Trinh, T. Wasim, A. Ortiz-Vargas, D. G. C. Nguyen, K. Büche, A. Assmann, H. K. L. Nguyen, Y. Walz, M. Souvignet, F. Bachofer, T. B. Vu, M. Garschagen & M. Hagenlocher (2024): Advancing understanding of the complex nature of flood risks to inform comprehensive risk management: Findings from an urban region in Central Vietnam, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 110, Reviewed, published.
Shekhar, H., N. K. Warner & M. Garschagen (2024): World risk and adaptation futures – addressing emerging trends in climate change risks and adaptation. An introduction to the article collection, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 21(1), Reviewed, published.
Spencer, T., A. K. Magnan, S. Donner, M. Garschagen, J. Ford, V. K. E. Duvat & C. C. C. Wabnitz (2024): Habitability of low-lying socio-ecological systems under a changing climate, Climatic Change, 177(1), 14, Reviewed, published.
Sultana, F., J. Petzold, S. John, V. Muehlberger & J. Scheffran (2024): Systematic Mapping of Climate Change Impacts on Human Security in Bangladesh, Climate, 12(9),141, Reviewed, published.
Surtiari, G. A. K., M. Wannewitz, P. Prasetyoputra, T. Hadumaon Siagian & M. Garschagen (2024): Indonesia’s social protection system: the relevance of informal social protection to strengthen adaptation to climate change, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 21(1), 2375995, Reviewed, published.
Teebken, J. (2024): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für soziale Gerechtigkeit in der deutschen Klimaanpassungspolitik, ZPol Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 34, pp. 231–253, Reviewed, published.
Teebken, J. (2024): Deutsche Klimaanpassungspolitik im Wechselspiel mit der Europäischen Union, In: M. Jopp & F. Tekin (eds.), Deutsche Europapolitik, Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis, 3. aktualisierte Auflage, pp. 321-336, Reviewed, published.
Teebken, J. & M. Andert (2024): Soziale Schieflage: Das neue Klimaanpassungsgesetz. Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik, August/2024, Reviewed, published. Link
Teebken, J. (2024): Historical materialist policy analysis to study the state of climate adaptation policymaking in China, In: X. Zang & X. Zhan (eds.), Handbook on Climate Change and Environmental Governance in China, pp. 19-41, Reviewed, published.
Teebken, J. (2024): Disrupt and unlock? The role of actors in urban adaptation path-breaking, Buildings and Cities, 5(1), pp. 162–181, Reviewed, published.
Teebken, J. (2024): Vulnerability locked in. On the need to engage the outside of the adaptation box, Global Environmental Change, 85, 102807, Reviewed, published.
Von Streit, A., A. Schubert & M. Garschagen (2024): Starkrisikomanagement zur Klimawandelanpassung als neues Handlungsfeld: Anforderungen, Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten und strukturelle Hemmnisse, In: RaumPlanung, 227(3/4), pp. 60-68.
Wang, Y., L. Peng, L. E. Yang, Z. Wang & X. Deng (2024): Attributing effects of classified infrastructure management on mitigating urban flood risks: A case study in Beijing, China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 101, 105141, Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M. & M. Garschagen (2024): The role of social identities for collective adaptation capacities– general considerations and lessons from Jakarta, Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, 104194, Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M., I. Ajibade, K. J. Mach, A. Mangnan, J. Petzold, D. Reckien, N. Ulibarri, A. Agopian, V. I. Chalastani, T. Hawxwell, L. T. M. Huynh, C. J. Kirchhoff, R. Miller, J. I. Musah-Surugu, G. N. Alverio, M. Nielsen, A. M. Nunbogu, B. Pentz, A. Reimuth, G. Scarpa, N. Seeteram, I. Villaverde Canosa, J. Zhou, The Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative Team & M. Garschagen (2024): Progress and gaps in climate change adaptation in coastal cities across the globe, Nature Cities, 1(9), pp. 610–619, Reviewed, published.
Witting, M. & J. Schmude (2024): Climate change and winter (sports) tourism, In: Kock, F., A. Lindgreen & S. Markovic (eds.), Research Handbook on Tourism, Complexity and Uncertainty, pp. 161-173, Reviewed, published.
Yang, L. E. & C. Heinzel (2024): Klimarisiko und Resilienzstrategien in China, Geographische Rundschau, 5, pp. 26-29, Reviewed, published. Link
Yang, L. E., M. Weinelt, I. Unkel & C. A. Petrie (2024): Social resilience to changes in climate over the past 5000 years, Environmental Research Letters, 19(12), 120201, Reviewed, published.
Zohbi, J., L. Fehr, S. Eberenz, D. Otto, D. Rechid, M. Jeménez Martínez, F.-E. Montero-de-Oliveira, F. Gulde, L. Bartels, M. Witting, N. Matzner, S. Reinecke, S. Fischer & V. Strauss (2024): Engaging Stakeholders in Your Carbon Dioxide Removal Research. Reflection Paper with Learnings & Recommendations from the CDRterra research programme, CDRterra - BMBF research program on land-based CO2 removal (CDR) methods, 2, Reviewed, published.
Zwirglmaier, V. & M. Garschagen (2024): Linking urban structure types and Bayesian network modelling for an integrated flood risk assessment in data-scarce mega-cities, Urban Climate, 56, 102034, Reviewed, published.
Zwirglmaier, V., A. Reimuth & M. Garschagen (2024): How suitable are current approaches to simulate flood risk under future urbanization trends?, Environmental Research Letters, 19(7), 073003, Reviewed, published.
Ansari, D., R. Schönenberg, M. Abud, L. Becerra, W. Brahim, J. Castiblanco, A. C. de la Vega-Leinert, N. Dudley, M. Dunlop, C. Figueroa, O. Guevara, P. Hauser, H. Hobbie, M. A. R. Hossain, J. Hugé, L. Janssens de Bisthoven, H. Keunen, C. Munera-Roldan, J. Petzold, A.-J. Rochette, M. Schmidt, C. Schumann, S. Sengupta, S. Stoll-Kleemann, L. van Kerkhoff, M. P. M. Vanhove, C. Wyborn (2023): Communicating climate change and biodiversity loss with local populations: exploring communicative utopias in eight transdisciplinary case studies, UCL Open Environment, 5, Reviewed, published.
Doshi, D. & M. Garschagen (2023): Assessing social contracts for urban adaptation through social listening on Twitter, Npj Urban Sustainability, 3(1), 30, Reviewed, published.
Doshi, D. & M. Garschagen (2023): Ruptures in perceived solution spaces for adaptation to flood risk: Heuristic insights from Mumbai and general lessons, Climate Risk Management, 41, 100524, Reviewed, published.
Ferri, A. & M. Popp (2023): Mind the gap: navigating the space between digital and physical wayfinding in public transit, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 23(1), pp. 63-84, Reviewed, published.
Kosanic, A., J. Petzold, B. Martín-López (2023): Pathways towards sustainable and just futures with and for Disabled Populations: a Leverage Points perspective, Ecosystems and People, 19(1), Reviewed, published.
Kraas, F., J. Revilla Diez, M. Garschagen & L. T. Hoa (eds.) (2023): Mega-Urban Development and Transformation Processes in Vietnam - Trends, Vulnerability and Policy Options. Southeast Asian Modernities, Vol. 19, LitVerlag, Berlin, p. 240, Book, published. Link
Magnan, A. K., R. Bell, V. K. E. Duvat, J. D. Ford, M. Garschagen, M. Haasnoot, C. Lacambra, I. J. Losada, K. J. Mach, M. Noblet, D. Parthasaranthy, M. Sano, K. Vincent, A. Anisimov, S. Hanson, A. Malmström, R. J. Nicholls & G. Winter (2023): Status of global coastal adaptation, Nature Climate Change, 13(11), pp. 1213–1221, Reviewed, published.
Magnan, A. K., B. C. O’Neill & M. Garschagen (2023): Further understanding “severe” climate risk, Climate Risk Management, 42, 100538, Reviewed, published.
Pelling, M., T. Comelli, M. Cordova, S. Kalaycioğlu, J. Menoscal, R. Upadhyaya & M. Garschagen (2023): Normative future visioning for city resilience and development, Climate and Development, 16(4), pp. 335–348, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J., T. Hawxwell, K. Jantke, E. Gonçalves Gresse, C. Mirbach, I. Ajibade, S. Bhadwal, K. Bowen, A. P. Fischer, E. T. Joe, C. J. Kirchhoff, K. J. Mach, D. Reckien, A. C. Segnon, C. Singh, N. Ulibarri, D. Campbell, E. Cremin, L. Färber, G. Hegde, J. Jeong, A. M. Nunbogu, H. K. Pradhan, P. Reese, L. S. Schröder, M. A. R. Shah, F. Sultana, C. Tello, J. Xu, The Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative Team & M. Garschagen (2023): A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation, Nature Climate Change, 13(11), pp. 1250-1257, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J., E. T. Joe, I. Kelman, A. K. Magnan, C. Mirbach, G. Nagle Alverio, P. D. Nunn, B. M. W. Ratter & The Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative Team (2023): Between tinkering and transformation: A contemporary appraisal of climate change adaptation research on the world’s islands, Frontiers in Climate, 4,101248, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J. & L. Mose (2023): Urban Greening as a Response to Climate-Related Heat Risk: A Social-Geographical Review, Sustainability, 15(6), 4996, Reviewed, published.
Puntub, W., T. Schnittfinke, M. Fleischhauer, J. Birkmann, M. Garschagen, S. Sandholz & M. Wannewitz (2023): Linking science and practice in participatory future-oriented assessment and planning of human heat stress vulnerability in Bonn, Germany, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 66(9), pp. 1918–1937, Reviewed, published.
Teebken, J. & J. Tu (2023): Zhuozhou flooding: Systemic shifts needed to counter the sacrificing of populations, 9Dashline, Reviewed, published. Link
Teebken, J., N. Mitchell, K. Jacob & T. Heimann (2023): Classifying Social Adaptation Practices to Heat Stress – Learning from Autonomous Adaptations in Two Small Towns in Germany, Weather, Climate, and Society, 15(1), pp. 95-108, Reviewed, published.
Tu, J., J. Wen, L. E. Yang, A. Reimuth, S. S. Young, M. Zhang, L. Wang & M. Garschagen (2023): Assessment of building damage and risk under extreme flood scenarios in Shanghai, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(10), pp. 3247–3260, Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M. & M. Garschagen (2023): The role of social identities for collective adaptation capacities– general considerations and lessons from Jakarta, Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, 104194, Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M. & M. Garschagen (2023): Collective adaptation to climate change, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 61, 101248, Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M., J. Petzold & M. Garschagen (2023): What makes people adapt together? An empirically grounded conceptual model on the enablers and barriers of collective climate change adaptation, Frontiers in Climate, 5, Reviewed, published.
Adelekan, I., A. Cartwright, W. Chow, S. Colenbrander, R. Dawson, M. Garschagen, M. Haasnoot, M. Hashizume, I. Klaus, J. Krishnaswamy, M. F. Lemos, D. Ley, T. McPhearson, M. Pelling, P. P. Kodira, A. Revi, L. M. Sara, N. P. Simpson, C. Singh, W. Solecki, A. Thomas, C. Trisos (2022): What the latest science on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability means for cities and urban areas, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., A. Jamshed, J. M. McMillan, D. Feldmeyer, E. Totin, W. Solecki, Z. Ibrahim, D. Roberts, R. B. Kerr, H.-O. Poertner, M. Pelling, R. Djalante, M. Garschagen, W. Leal Filho, D. Guha-Sapir & A. Alegría (2022): Understanding human vulnerability to climate change: A global perspective on index validation for adaptation planning, Science of The Total Environment, 803, 150065, Reviewed, published.
Chan, F. K. C., L. E. Yang, G. Mitchell, N. Wright, M. Guan, X. Lu, Z. Wang, B. Montz & O. Adekola (2022): Comparison of sustainable flood risk management by four countries – the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United States, and Japan – and the implications for Asian coastal megacities, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(8), pp. 2567-2588, Reviewed, published.
Fekete, A., S. Fuchs, M. Garschagen, G. Hutter, S. Klepp, C. Lüder, T. Neise, D. Sett, K. von Elverfeldt & M. Wannewitz (2022): Adjustment or transformation? Disaster risk intervention examples from Austria, Indonesia, Kiribati and South Africa, Land Use Policy, 120, 106230, Reviewed, published.
Ferri, A. & M. Popp (2022): 'Wayfeeling': Navigating through Emotional and Sensorial Responses in Public Transit, Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3, 100104, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M. & D. Doshi (2022): Does funds-based adaptation finance reach the most vulnerable countries?, Global Environmental Change, 73, 102450, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M., T. Leiter, R. Biesbroek, A. K. Magnan, D. Reckien, M. New, L. Berrang-Ford, S. M. Cheong, E. L. F. Schipper, R. Lempert (2022): Cross-Chapter Box PROGRESS: Approaches and Challenges to Assess Adaptation Progress at the Global Level. In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.), Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 17-2610 - 17-2613. Link
Glavovic, B. C., R. Dawson, W. Chow, M. Garschagen, M. Haasnoot, C. Singh & A. Thomas (2022): Cross-Chapter Paper 2: Cities and Settlements by the Sea, In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.), Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp. 2163–2194, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA.
Green, C., S. Fagerström, D. Ke, P. Metzinger, M. Myllynen, X. Xing, T. R. Carter, K. Ebi, M. Garschagen, K. Kok, A. Lipsanen, K. Takahashi & B. van Ruijven (2022): Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) Literature Database, v2, 2020-2021 (Preliminary Release), Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC).
Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (Ipcc) (2022): The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1, Cambridge University Press.
IPCC (2022): Summary for Policymakers, H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, M. Tignor, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem (eds.), In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.), Climate Change 2022 - Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp. 3–33, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA
Jacob, K. & J. Teebken (2022): The ups and downs of the European Union as an actor in global climate policy (Original in German: Die Höhen und Tiefen der Europäischen Union als Akteur in der internationalen Klimapolitik), Integration, 45(3), pp. 219-236, Reviewed, published.
Kosanic, A., J. Petzold, B. Martín-López & M. Razanajatovo (2022): An inclusive future: disabled populations in the context of climate and environmental change, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 55, 101159, Reviewed, published.
Magnan, A. K., M. Oppenheimer, M. Garschagen, M. K. Buchanan, V. K. E. Duvat, D. L. Forbes, J. D. Ford, E. Lambert, J. Petzold, F. G. Renaud, Z. Sebesvari, R. S. W. van de Wal, J. Hinkel & H.-O. Pörtner (2022): Sea level rise risks and societal adaptation benefits in low-lying coastal areas, Scientific Reports, 12, 10677, Reviewed, published.
Mitchell, N., J. Teebken & K. Jacob (2022): Experimentelle Klimawandelanpassung mit Bürgerinnen – Fazit für Forschung und Entwicklung, Synver*Z anthology Real Laboratories for Urban Transformation, Article in Book, published. Download der pdf-Datei
Mitchell, N., J. Teebken & K. Jacob (2022): Reallabore - Chance oder Überforderung für kleine Städte?, Synver*Z anthology Real Laboratories for Urban Transformation, Article in Book, published. Download der pdf-Datei
Mitchell, N., J. Teebken & K. Jacob (2022): Vom Reallabor zur Klimawandel-Plattform - Infrastruktur für die Zukunft der Kleinstadt, Synver*Z anthology Real Laboratories for Urban Transformation, Article in Book, published. Download der pdf-Datei
New, M., D. Reckien, D. Viner, C. Adler, S.-M. Cheong, C. Conde, A. Constable, E. Coughlan de Perez, A. Lammel, R. Mechler, B. Orlove &W. Solecki (2022): Decision-Making Options for Managing Risk, In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.), Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp. 17-2539–17-2654, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA .Link
Pörtner, H.-O., D. C. Roberts, H. Adams, I. Adelekan, C. Adler, R. Adrian, P. Aldunce, E. Ali, R. Ara Begum, B. Bednar-Friedl, R. Bezner Kerr, R. Biesbroek, J. Birkmann, K. Bowen, M. A. Caretta, J. Carnicer, E. Castellanos, T. S. Cheong, W. Chow, G. Cissé, S. Clayton, A. Constable, S. R. Cooley, M. J. Costello, M. Craig, W. Cramer, R. Dawson, D. Dodman, J. Efitre, M. Garschagen, …, Z. Zaiton Ibrahim (2022): Technical Summary, H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, M. Tignor, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem (eds.), In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.), Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp. 37–118, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA.
Rau, H., M. Popp & J. Mahne-Bieder (2022): Rauf aus Rad! Leitfaden für alle, die das Fahrradfahren stärken wollen, München, Book, published. Download der pdf-Datei
Surtiari, G. A. K., M. Garschagen, J. M. Mendes & Y. Budiyono (2022): 11—Investing in flood adaptation in Jakarta, Indonesia. In: A. N. Martins, G. Lizarralde, T. Egbelakin, L. Hobeica, J. M. Mendes & A. Hobeica (eds.), Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience - Design, Methods and Knowledge in the face of Climate Change, pp. 257–275, Reviewed, published.
Teebken, J. (2022): Flood of Inequity: Confronting Climate Vulnerability Risk in China and Beyond, New Security Beat, Wilson Center, Reviewed, published. Link
Teebken, J. (2022): Playing hide and seek - Adapting climate cultures in troubled political waters in Georgia, United States, In: T. Heimann, J. Sommer, M. Kusenbach & G. Christmann (eds.), Climate Cultures in Europe and North America - New Formations of Environmental Knowledge and Action, Routledge,, Article in Book, published.
Teebken, J. (2022): The Politics of Human Vulnerability to Climate Change. Exploring Adaptation Lock-ins in China and the United States, London: Routledge Studies in Climate Justice,, Book, published.
Vishwanath Harish, T., N. Sairam, L. E. Yang, M. Garschagen & H. Kreibich (2022): Identifying the drivers of private flood precautionary measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(3), pp. 1125-1138, Reviewed, published.
Wynes, S., J. Garard, P. Fajardo, M. Aoyagi, M. Burkins, K. Chaudhari, T. Forrester, M. Garschagen, P. Hudson, M. Ivanova, E. Maibach, A.-S. Stevance, S. Wood, D. Matthews (2022): Climate Action Failure Highlighted as Leading Global Risk by Both Scientists and Business Leaders, Earth's Future, 10(10), Reviewed, published.
Araos, M., K. Jagannathan, R. Shukla, I. Ajibade, E. C. de Perez, K. Davis, J. D. Ford, E. K. Galappaththi, C. Grady, A. J. Hudson, E. T. Joe, C. J. Kirchhoff, A. Lesnikowski, G. N. Alverio, M. Nielsen, B. Orlove, B. Pentz, D. Reckien, A. R. Siders, …, L. L. Turek-Hankins (2021): Equity in human adaptation-related responses: A systematic global review, One Earth, 4(10), pp. 1454–1467, Reviewed, published.
Bellert, F., K. Fila, R. Thoms, M. Hagenlocher, M. Harb, D. Cotti, H. Baccouche, S. Ayed & M. Garschagen (2021): Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Risk Assessment in Monastir, Tunisia, In: F. Khebour Allouche & A. M. Negm (eds.), Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Tunisia. Springer Water, pp. 191–210, Springer International Publishing, Reviewed, published.
Berrang-Ford, L., A. Lesnikowski, A. P. Fischer, A. Siders, K. J. Mach, A. Thomas, ... & M. van Aalst (2021): The Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative (GAMI): Part 1–Introduction and overview of methods, Protocol Exchange, pp. 1-7.
Berrang-Ford, L., A. R. Siders, A. Lesnikowski, A. P. Fischer, M. W. Callaghan, N. R. Haddaway, K. J. Mach, M. Araos, M. A. R. Shah, M. Wannewitz, D. Doshi et al. (2021): A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change, Nature Climate Change, 11(11), pp. 989–1000, Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., H. Sauter, M. Garschagen et al. (2021): New methods for local vulnerability scenarios to heat stress to inform urban planning—Case study City of Ludwigsburg/Germany, Climatic Change, 165(37), Reviewed, published.
Chen, Q., L. E. Yang, J. Luo, F. Liu, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhou, R. Gu, X. Gu (2021): The 300-year cropland changes reflecting climate impacts and social resilience at the Yellow River-Huangshui River Valley, China, Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 065006, Reviewed, published.
Chan, F. K. S., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran, G. Mitchell, O. Adekola, J. Griffiths, Y. Chen, G. Li, X. Lu, Y. Qi, L. Li, H. Zheng, A. McDonald (2021): Urban flood risks and emerging challenges in a Chinese delta: The case of the Pearl River Delta, Environmental Science & Policy, 122, pp. 101-115, Reviewed, published.
Feng, W., P. Song, B. Li (2021): Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park: A Case Study of Tianfo Health Industrial Park, Shandong, In: Meng, X., Xie, X., Yue, Y., Ding, Z. (eds) Spatial Data and Intelligence. SpatialDI 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 139-152, Article in Book, published.
Feng, W., B. Li, Z. Chen, P. Liu (2021): City size based scaling of the urban internal nodes layout, PLoS One, 16(4), Reviewed, published.,
Ferri, A., M. Popp & G. Wulfhorst (2021): Digital Directions: Smartphone Usage while Performing Wayfinding Tasks in Munich's Public Transit System, The Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, 5(2), pp. 7-21, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M., D. Doshi, M. Moure, H. James & H. Shekhar (2021): The consideration of future risk trends in national adaptation planning: Conceptual gaps and empirical lessons, Climate Risk Management, 34, 100357,
Garschagen, M., D. Doshi, J. Reith & M. Hagenlocher (2021): Global patterns of disaster and climate risk—An analysis of the consistency of leading index-based assessments and their results, Climatic Change, 169(11), Reviewed, published.
He, L., J. Chen, L. E. Yang, G. Li, C. Lu (2021): Social resilience to climate and water-related disasters in the Poyang Lake area (East China) over the past 2000 years, Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), 045007, Reviewed, published.
Heyen, D. A., K. Jacob, J. Teebken & F. Wolff (2021): Spillovers between policy-transfer and transitions research, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 38, pp. 79-81, Reviewed, published.
Jacob, K., C. Paulick-Thiel, J. Teebken, S. Veit & M. Singer-Brodowski (2021): Change from Within: Exploring Transformative Literacy in Public Administrations to Foster Sustainability Transitions, Sustainability, 13(9), 4689, Reviewed, published.
Ji, T., H.-H. Wei, T. Sim, L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran (2021): Disaggregated validation of disaster-resilience indicators using household survey data: A case study of Hong Kong, Sustainable Cities and Society, 67. 102726, Reviewed, published.
Kox, T., H. W. Rust, B. Wentzel, M. Göber, C. Böttcher, J. Lehmke, E. Freundl & M. Garschagen (2021): Build and measure: Students report weather impacts and collect weather data using self-built weather stations, Australasian Journal of Disaster & Trauma Studies, 25(3), pp. 79-86, Reviewed, published. Link
Laranjeira, K., F. Göttsche, J. Birkmann & M. Garschagen (2021): Heat vulnerability and adaptive capacities: Findings of a household survey in Ludwigsburg, BW, Germany, Climatic Change, 166(14), Reviewed, published.
Leitold, R., M. Garschagen, V. Tran & J. Revilla Diez (2021): Flood risk reduction and climate change adaptation of manufacturing firms: Global knowledge gaps and lessons from Ho Chi Minh City, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61, 102351, Reviewed, published.
Magnan, A. K., H.-O. Pörtner, V. K. E. Duvat, M. Garschagen, V. A. Guinder, Z. Zommers, O. Hoegh-Guldberg & J.-P. Gattuso (2021): Estimating the global risk of anthropogenic climate change, Nature Climate Change, 11(10), pp. 879–885, Reviewed, published.
Mahne-Bieder, J., M. Popp & H. Rau (2021): RadAktiv - Identifizierung, Typisierung und Aktivierung von Nicht-Radfahrenden, Maßnahmen zur Steigerung des Radverkehrs, In: Klein, T. (ed.): Radverkehrsinfrastruktur - Baustein der Verkehrswende. Gemeinsame Abschlusspublikation des NRVP-Forschungsbegleitkreises "Förderschwerpunkt Infrastruktur", pp. 61-68, Berlin (difu Sonderveröffentlichung). Link
Matschoss, K., F. Fahy, H. Rau, J. Backhaus, G. Goggins, E. Grealis et al. (2021): Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17(1), pp. 136-152, Reviewed, published.
Moullec, F., R. Asselot, D. Auch, A. M. Blöcker, G. Börner, L. Färber, C. Ofelio, J. Petzold, M. E. Santelia, H. Schwermer, C. Sguotti, L. Steidle, V. Tams & F. Pellerin (2021): Identifying and addressing the anthropogenic drivers of global change in the North Sea: a systematic map protocol, Environmental Evidence, 10(19), Reviewed, published.
Moure, M., S. Sandholz, M. Wannewitz & M. Garschagen (2021): No easy fixes: Government workers perception of policy (in)coherence in the implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda in Mexico, Climate Risk Management, 31, 100270, Reviewed, published.
Nduhuura, P., M. Garschagen & A. Zerga (2021): Impacts of Electricity Outages in Urban Households in Developing Countries: A Case of Accra, Ghana, Energies, 14(12), Reviewed, published.
Neise, T., M. Garschagen & J. Revilla Diez (2021): Engagement of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Individual Flood Adaptation in Indonesian Coastal Cities—Implications for Flood Governance. In: R. Djalante, J. Jupesta & E. Aldrian (eds.), Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia - Science, Adaption and Mitigation. Springer Climate, pp. 99–120, Springer, Cham, Reviewed, published.
Nguyen, M. T., Z. Sebesvari, M. Souvignet, F. Bachofer, A. Braun, M. Garschagen, U. Schinkel, L. E. Yang, L. H. K. Nguyen, V. Hochschild, A. Assmann & M. Hagenlocher (2021): Understanding and assessing flood risk in Vietnam: Current status, persisting gaps, and future directions, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 14(2), Reviewed, published.
Peng, Y., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran (2021): A life cycle assessment framework for quantifying the carbon footprint of rural households based on survey data, MethodsX, 8, 101411, Reviewed, published.
Peng, Y., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran, J. Yan, M. Li, P. Jiang, Y. Wang, R. Cremades (2021): Livelihood transitions transformed households' carbon footprint in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 328, 129607, Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., D. Nong & M. Garschagen (2021): Natural hazard’s effect and farmers’ perception: Perspectives from flash floods and landslides in remotely mountainous regions of Vietnam, Science of The Total Environment, 759, 142656, Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., J. Revilla Diez & M. Garschagen (2021): A typology of household livelihood changes in rural coastal areas of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta—capturing the heterogeneity and complexity of the social‐ecological context, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 42(2), pp. 241-263, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M., J. Schmude, M. Passauer, M. Karl & A. Bauer (2021): Why Don't They Travel? The role of constraints and motivation for non-participation in tourism, Leisure Sciences, pp. 211-236, Reviewed, published.
Rau, H., M. Popp & M. Mögele (2021): Transdisziplinäres Forschen erlernen. Problemzentriertes Lehren und Lernen im Masterstudiengang Humangeographie und Nachhaltigkeit, In: Wintzer, J., I. Mossig & A. Hof (eds.): Prinzipien, Strukturen und Praktiken geographischer Hochschullehre, pp. 289-298, utb elibrary, Article in Book, published.
Sandholz, S., D. Sett, A. Greco, M. Wannewitz & M. Garschagen (2021): Rethinking urban heat stress: Assessing risk and adaptation options across socioeconomic groups in Bonn, Germany, Urban Climate, 37, 100857, Reviewed, published.
Schipper, E. L. F., J. Ensor, A. Mukherji, A. Mirzabaev, A. Fraser, B. Harvey, E. Totin, M. Garschagen, M. Pathak, P. Antwi-Agyei, T. Tanner & Z. Shawoo (2021): Equity in climate scholarship: A manifesto for action, Climate and Development, 13(10), pp. 853–856, Reviewed, published.
Schmude, J., M. Pillmayer, M. Witting, P. Corradini (2021): Geography matters, but... Evolving success factors for nature-oriented health tourism within selected Alpine destinations, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), Reviewed, published.
Sett, D., M. Hagenlocher, D. Cotti, J. Reith, M. Harb, S. Kreft, D. Kaiser, A. Zwick & M. Garschagen (2021): InsuRisk Report 2021: Disaster risk, social protection and readiness for insurance solutions, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).
Stammer, D., A. Engels, J. Marotzke, E. Gresse, C. Hedemann & J. Petzold (eds.) (2021): Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook: Assessing the plausibility of deep decarbonization by 2050, Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS), UHH, Hamburg, Book, published.
Thomas, A., E. Theokritoff, A. Lesnikowski, D. Reckien, K. Jagannathan, R. Cremades, D. Campbell, …, M. Garschagen, J. Ford, K. Bowen & Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative Team (2021): Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation, Regional Environmental Change, 21(85), Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M. & M. Garschagen (2021): Review article: Mapping the adaptation solution space – lessons from Jakarta, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21(11), pp. 3285–3322, Reviewed, published.
Witting, M., S. Filimon, S. Kevork (2021): Carry along or not? Decision-making on carrying standard avalanche safety gear among ski tourers in a German touring region, Safety Science, 143, 105406, Reviewed, published.
Yang, L. E., J. Chen, J. Geng, Y. Fang, W. Yang (2021): Social resilience and its scale effects along the historical Tea-Horse Road, Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), Reviewed, published.
Yi, Q., Y. Gao, H. Du, J. Chen, L. E. Yang, H. Zhao (2021): Spatio-temporal variation of net primary productivity in a rapidly expanding artificial woodland area based on remote-sensing data, Erdkunde - Journal of Human and Physical Geography, 75(3), pp. 191-207, Reviewed, published.
Yu, Y., Y. Wu, P. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. E. Yang, X. Cheng, J. Yan (2021): Grassland Subsidies Increase the Number of Livestock on the Tibetan Plateau: Why Does the "Payment for Ecosystem Services" Policy Have the Opposite Outcome?, Sustainability, 13(11), Reviewed, published.
Zhang, D., X. Fang, L. E. Yang (2021): Comparison of the HYDE cropland data over the past millennium with regional historical evidence from Germany, Regional Environmental Change, 21(15), Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., H. Sauter, A. Jamshed, L. Sorg, M. Fleischhauer, S. Sandholz, M. Wannewitz, S. Greiving, B. Bueter, M. Schneider & M. Garschagen (2020): Strengthening risk-informed decision-making: Scenarios for human vulnerability and exposure to extreme events, Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 29(5), pp. 663–679, Reviewed, published.
Chen, S. & Y. Su (2020): The severe winter of 1308/1309 in the Taihu Lake Basin recorded in Yunshan Diary, Quaternary Sciences, 40(5), pp. 1193-1202 (in Chinese with English abstract), Reviewed, published.
Chen, S., Y. Su, X. Fang & J. He (2020): Climate records in ancient Chinese diaries and their application in historical climate reconstruction – a case study of Yunshan Diary, Climate of the Past, 16(5), pp. 1873–1887, Reviewed, published.
Doshi, D. & M. Garschagen (2020): Understanding adaptation finance allocation: Which factors enable or constrain vulnerable countries to access funding?, Sustainability, 12(10), 4308, Reviewed, published.
Fekete, A., J. Birkmann, A. Dierich, M. Garschagen, C. Hetkaemper, K. Klein, P. Lauwe, F. Neisser, S. Sandholz, J. Schiller, N. Setiadi, E. Stock, K. Tzavella, M. Wannewitz, I. Wienand, S. Wurbs (2020): Kooperation im Risiko-und Krisenmanagement. Aspekte der Resilienz und Mindestversorgung, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (IzR), 46(4), pp. 124–137.
Garschagen, M., S. L. R. Wood, J. Garard, M. Ivanova & A. Luers (2020): Too Big to Ignore: Global Risk Perception Gaps Between Scientists and Business Leaders, Earth’s Future, 8(3).
Hagenlocher, M., D. Cotti, J. D. Cissé, M. Garschagen, M. Harb, D. Kaiser, S. Kreft, V. Seifert, D. Sett, J. Reith & A. Zwick (2020): Disaster risk and readiness for insurance solutions in Small Island Developing States, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), 26. Download pdf
Hao, Z., D. Xiong, J. Zheng, L. E. Yang, Q. Ge (2020): Volcanic eruptions, successive poor harvests and social resilience over southwest China during the 18–19th century, Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 105011, Reviewed, published.
Harb, M., M. Garschagen, D. Cotti, E. Krätzschmar, H. Baccouche, K. Ben Khaled, F. Bellert, B. Chebil, A. Ben Fredj & S. Ayed (2020): Integrating Data-Driven and Participatory Modeling to Simulate Future Urban Growth Scenarios: Findings from Monastir, Tunisia, Urban Science, 4(1), 10, Reviewed, published.
Kosanic, A. & J. Petzold (2020): A systematic review of cultural ecosystem services and human wellbeing, Ecosystem Services, 45, 101168, Reviewed, published.
Mahne-Bieder, J., M. Popp & H. Rau (2020): Welche Barrieren und Hindernisse haben Nicht-Radfahrende in Deutschland? Eine vergleichende Betrachtung und Typisierung, In: Appel, A., Scheiner, J., Wilde, M. (eds.): Mobilität, Erreichbarkeit, Raum – (selbst-)kritische Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, pp. 83-98, Springer VS Wiesbaden, Article in Book, published.
Musch, A., A. von Streit (2020): (Un)intended effects of participation in sustainability science: A criteria-guided comparative case study, Environmental Science & Policy, 104, pp. 55-66, Reviewed, published.
Nduhuura, P., M. Garschagen & A. Zerga (2020): Mapping and Spatial Analysis of Electricity Load Shedding Experiences: A Case Study of Communities in Accra, Ghana. Energies, 13(17), 4280, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J. (2020): Enabling adaptive governance through social capital in small island developing states, In: L. Briguglio, J. Byron, S. Moncada, W. Veenendaal (eds.), Handbook of Governance in Small States, pp. 275-284, Article in Book, published.
Petzold, J., N. Andrews, J. D. Ford, C. Hedemann & J. C. Postigo (2020): Indigenous knowledge on climate change adaptation: a global evidence map of academic literature, Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., D. Nong, A. R. Sathyan & M. Garschagen (2020): Vulnerability assessment of households to flash floods and landslides in the poor upland regions of Vietnam, Climate Risk Management, 28, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M. (2020): Wer kauft wo? Die Einkaufsstättenwahl der Konsumenten, In: Neiberger, C. & Hahn, B. (eds.), Geographische Handelsforschung, Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg, pp. 75-87, Article in Book, published.
Rau, H., M. Popp & J. Mahne-Bieder (2020): Quality and quantity in mobility biographies research: experiences from a mixed method study of non-cyclists in Germany, In: Scheiner, J. & H. Rau (eds.), Mobility and Travel Behaviour Across the Life Course. Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, pp. 33-49, Cheltenham, Article in Book, published.
Reisinger, A., M. Howden, C. Vera, M. Garschagen et al. (2020): The Concept of Risk in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: A Summary of Cross-Working Group Discussions, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 15. Download pdf (PDF, 369 KB)
Revi, A., I. Anguelovski, W. L. Filho, M. Olazabal, E. Chu, J. T. Cooper, M. Garschagen & D. R. Nelson (2020): Transformative Adaptation in Cities, One Earth, 3(4), pp. 384–387.
Sandholz, S., M. Wannewitz, M. Moure, M. Garschagen (2020): Costs and benefits of (in)coherence: Disaster Risk Reduction in the Post-2015-Agendas, United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). Download pdf (PDF, 8.959 KB)
Schmude, J., M. Witting (2020): Klimawandel und Wintersporttourismus: Wahrnehmung und Reaktion der Touristen, In: Lozán J. L., S.-W. Breckle, H. Grassl et al. (eds.), Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel, Buch, pp. 291-295, Hamburg, Article in Book, published.
Song, X., L. E. Yang, F. Xia, G. Zhao, J. Xiang, J. Scheffran (2020): An inverted U-shaped curve relating farmland vulnerability to biological disasters: Implications for sustainable intensification in China, Science of The Total Environment, 732, 138829, Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M. & M. Garschagen (2020): Review article: Mapping the adaptation solution space - lessons from Jakarta for other coastal cities, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21(11), Reviewed, published.
Witting, M., M. Bischof, J. Schmude (2020): Behavioural change or ‘business as usual’? Characterising the reaction behaviour of winter (sport) tourists to climate change in two German destinations, International Journal of Tourism Research, pp. 1-13, Reviewed, published.
Xu, A., L. E. Yang, W. Yang, H. Chen (2020): Water conservancy projects enhanced local resilience to floods and droughts over the past 300 years at the Erhai Lake basin, Southwest China, Environmental Research Letters, 15(12), 125009, Reviewed, published.
Yang, L. E. (2020): Book Review: Improving Water Supply: To Meet Demand or to Pursue Perfection?, Water Economics and Policy, 6(4), pp. 1-3, Reviewed, published.
Yang. L. E. (2020): Managing water-related vulnerability and resilience of urban communities in the Pearl River Delta, In: M. Brzoska & J. Scheffran (eds.), Climate Change, Security Risks, and Violent Conflicts - Essays from Integrated Climate Research in Hamburg, Hamburg University Press, pp. 121-141, Reviewed, published.
Zhu, J., Y. Li, P. Jiang, B. Hu, L. E. Yang (2020): Analysis on the Dynamic Evolution of Bioenergy Industry in the Yangtze River Delta Based on Multilevel Social Network Theory, Energies, 13(23), 6383, Reviewed, published.
Abram, N., J.-P. Gattuso, A. Prakash, L. Cheng, M. P. Chidichimo, S. Crate, H. Enomoto, M. Garschagen, N. Gruber, S. Harper, E. Holland, R. M. Kudela, J. Rice, K. Steffen & K. von Schuckmann (2019): Framing and Context of the Report, In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N.M. Weyer (eds.), IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, pp. 73–129. Link
Böhm, B., C. Böhm, P. Huusmann, J. Liesenfeld, T. Preising, S. Schindele, A. von Streit, L. Strothe, A. Terhorst (2019): Politik und Verwaltung konstruktiv stören, In: Schön, S., Eismann, C., Wendt-Schwarzburg, H. (eds.), Nachhaltige Landnutzung managen. Akteure beteiligen - Ideen entwickeln - Konflikte lösen, pp. 81-91, Bielefeld, Article in Book, published. ISBN: 978-3-7639-6027-9
Böhm, C., F. Etterer, D. Kempa, B. König, G. Matthes, A. Schaffrin, S. Schindele, J. Schneider, A. von Streit (2019): Land nachhaltig nutzen, In: Schön, S., Eismann, C., Wendt-Schwarzburg, H. (eds.), Nachhaltige Landnutzung managen: Akteure beteiligen - Ideen entwickeln - Konflikte lösen, pp. 13-24, wbv, Bielefeld, Article in Book, published.
Bross, L., S. Krause, M. Wannewitz, E. Stock, S. Sandholz, I. Wienland (2019): Insecure Security: Emergency Water Supply and Minimum Standards in Countries with a high Supply Reliability, Water, 11(4), 732, Reviewed, published.,
O’Donoghue, C., C. Chyzheuskaya, E. Grealis, K. Kilcline, W. Finnegan, J. Goggins, S. Hynes, M. Ryan (2019): Measuring GHG Emissions Across the Agri‐Food Sector Value Chain: The Development of a Bioeconomy Input‐Output Model, Journal on Food System Dynamics, 10(1), Reviewed, published.
Daniere, A. G. & M. Garschagen (eds.) (2019): Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia. The Urban Book Series, Springer, Cham, Book, published.
Daniere, A. G., M. Garschagen & P. Thinphanga (2019): Why Focusing on Urban Climate Change Resilience in Southeast Asia Is Relevant and Urgent, In: A. G. Daniere & M. Garschagen (eds.), Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia, pp. 1–16, The Urban Book Series, Springer, Cham, Article in Book.
Fei, J., H. He, L. E. Yang, X. Li, S. Yang, J. Zhou (2019): Evolution of Saline Lakes in the Guanzhong Basin During the Past 2000 Years: Inferred from Historical Records, In: Yang L., Bork H. R., Fang X., Mischke S. (eds.), Socio-Environmental Dynamics along the Historical Silk Road, Springer, Cham, pp. 25-44, Article in Book, published.
Fekete, A., A. Dierich, C. Hetkämper, K. Klein, F. Neisser, S. Sandholz, J. Schiller, N. J. Setiadi, E. Stock, K. Tzavella, M. Wannewitz, I. Wienand, S. Wurbs, J. Birkmann, M. Garschagen, P. Lauwe (2019): Kooperation im Risiko- und Krisenmanagement. Aspekte der Resilienz und Mindestversorgung, In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (IzR). Eine Zeitschrift des Bundesintituts für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumplanung (BBSR), 4/2019, „Sprechen wir über Risiko?!“, ISSN 0303 – 2493.
Garschagen, M., C. Adler, S. Crate, H. Jacot Des Combes, B. Glavovic, S. Harper, E. Holland, G. Kofinas, S. O’Donoghue, B. Orlove, Z. Sebesvari & M. Sommerkorn (2019): Cross-Chapter Box 2: Key concepts of risk, adaptation, resilience and transformation, In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N.M. Weyer (eds.), IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, pp. 87–90, IPCC. Download pdf (PDF, 1.602 KB)
Garschagen, M. & D. Marks (2019): Towards an Agenda for Profound Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia, In: A. G. Daniere & M. Garschagen (eds.), Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia, pp. 223–228, The Urban Book Series, Springer, Cham, Article in book.
Harb, M., M. Hagenlocher, D. Cotti, E. Kratzschmar, H. Baccouche, K. B. Khaled, F. Bellert, B. Chebil, A. B. Fredj, S. Ayed & M. Garschagen (2019): Simulating Future Urban Expansion in Monastir, Tunisia, as an Input for the Development of Future Risk Scenarios, GI_Forum. Journal for Geographic Information Science, 7(1), pp. 3–9.
IPCC (2019): IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N. M. Weyer (eds.). Link
IPCC (2019): Summary for Policymakers, In: H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N.M. Weyer (eds.), IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. Link
Kosanic, A., J. Petzold, A. Dunham & M. Razanajatovo (2019): Climate concerns and the disabled community, Science, 366(6466), pp. 698-699, Reviewed, published.
Lauwe, P., E. Stock, I. Wienand, A. Esser, M. John-Koch, A. Fekete, F. Neisser, S. Sandholz, M. Wannewitz, M. Garschagen, J. Schiller, M. Rogge, D. Durst, U. Becker, U. Weis, A. Dierich (2019): Integriertes Risikomanagement für den Schutz der Bevölkerung, DIN SPEC, Beuth publishing DIN, 91390, Link
Magnan, A. K., M. Garschagen, J.-P. Gattuso, J. E. Hay, N. Hilmi, E. A. Holland, F. Isla, G. Kofinas, I. J. Losada & J. Petzold (2019): Integrative Cross-Chapter Box on Low-Lying Islands and Coasts, In: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N.M. Weyer (eds.)].
Mahne-Bieder, J., M. Popp & H. Rau (2019): Identifying and understanding non-cyclists: Typology development for sustainable urban mobility, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 41, pp. 614-616, Reviewed, published.
Pelling, M. & M. Garschagen (2019): Put equity first in climate adaptation, Nature, 569, 7756, pp. 327–329, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J. & A. K. Magnan (2019): Climate change: thinking small islands beyond Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Climatic Change, 152, pp. 145-165, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J. & B. M. W. Ratter (2019): More than just SIDS: local solutions for global problems on small islands, Island Studies Journal, 14(1), pp. 3-8, Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., D Nong & M. Garschagen (2019): Farmers’ decisions to adapt to flash floods and landslides in the Northern Mountainous Regions of Vietnam, Journal of Environmental Management, 252, 109672.
Rau, H., M. Popp, P. Namberger, M. Moegele (2019): Short distance, big impact: The effects of intra-city workplace relocation on staff mobility practices, Journal of Transport Geography, 79, 102483, Reviewed, published.
Sandholz, S., M. Wannewitz (2019): Access to Critical Infrastructures – Driver of Resilient Development, TRIALOG - Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context, 3(134), pp. 45-50, Reviewed, published.
Tian, C.-s., Y.-p. Fang, L. E. Yang, C.-j. Zhang (2019): Spatial-temporal analysis of community resilience to multi-hazards in the Anning River basin, Southwest China, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 39, 101144, Reviewed, published.
Tzavella, A., A. Fekete, F. Neisser, A. Dierich, J. Birkmann, M. Garschagen, C. Hetkämper, P. Lauwe, N. J. Setiadi & J. Schiller (2019): Kooperation im Risiko-und Krisenmanagement: Aspekte der Resilienz und Mindestversorgung, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (IzR), 46(4), pp. 124–137.
Witting, M. & J. Schmude (2019): Impacts of climate and demographic change on future skier demand and its economic consequences - Evidence from a ski resort in the German Alps, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 60, pp. 50-60, Reviewed, published.
Xu, A., L. E. Yang, W. Yang, A. L. Hillman (2019): Resilience of the Human-Water System at the Southern Silk Road: A Case Study of the Northern Catchment of Erhai Lake, China (1382–1912), In: Yang L. E., H.-R. Bork, X. Fang, S. Mischke (eds.), Socio-Environmental Dynamics along the Historical Silk Road, Springer, Cham, pp. 325-358,, Article in Book, published.
Yang, L. E., H.-R. Bork, X. Fang, S. Mischke (2019): Socio-Environmental Dynamics along the Historical Silk Road, Springer, Cham,, Book, published.
Yang, L. E., H.-R. Bork, X. Fang, S. Mischke, M. Weinelt, J. Wiesehöfer (2019): On the Paleo-climatic/Environmental Impacts and Socio-Cultural System Resilience along the Historical Silk Road, In: Yang L. E., H.-R. Bork, X. Fang, S. Mischke (eds.), Socio-Environmental Dynamics along the Historical Silk Road, Springer, Cham, pp. 3-22,, Article in Book, published.
Garschagen, M. (2018): Governing Cross-Border Effects of Disasters in Urbanising Asia: What Do We Know?, In: M. Miller, M. Douglass, & M. Garschagen (eds.), Crossing Borders, Governing Environmental Disasters in a Global Urban Age in Asia and the Pacific, pp. 59–78. Springer, Singapore, Article in Book.
Garschagen, M., L. Porter, D. Satterthwaite, A. Fraser, R. Horne, M. Nolan, W. Solecki, E. Friedman, E. Dellas & F. Schreiber (2018): The New Urban Agenda: From Vision to Policy and Action/Will the New Urban Agenda Have Any Positive Influence onGovernments and International Agencies?/Informality in the New Urban Agenda: From the Aspirational Policiesof Integration to a Politics of Constructive Engagement/Growing Up or Growing Despair? Prospects for Multi-Sector Progresson City Sustainability Under the NUA/Approaching Risk and Hazards in the New Urban Agenda: ACommentary/Follow-Up and Review of the New Urban Agenda, Planning Theory & Practice, 19(1), pp. 117–137.
Garschagen, M. & S. Sandholz (2018): The role of minimum supply and social vulnerability assessment for governing critical infrastructure failure: Current gaps and future agenda, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18(4), pp. 1233–1246.
Garschagen, M. & G. A. K. Surtiari (2018): Hochwasser in Jakarta–zwischen steigendem Risiko und umstrittenen Anpassungsmaßnahmen, Geographische Rundschau, 4, pp.10–15.
Garschagen, M., G. A. K. Surtiari & M. Harb (2018): Is Jakarta’s new flood risk reduction strategy transformational?, Sustainability, 10(8), Reviewed published.
Hagenlocher, M. & M. Garschagen (2018): Disaster risk and readiness for insurance solutions: InsuRisk Assessment Report 2018, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), p.10. Download pdf
Jedelhauser, M. & A. von Streit (2018): Resilienz in regionalen Energietransitionen – Versuch einer Konzeptualisierung aus institutionentheoretischer Perspektive, In: M. Karidi, M. Schneider, R. Gutwald (eds.), Resilienz – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Wandel und Transformation, pp. 267-291, Wiesbaden, Article in Book, published.
Miller, M. A., M. Douglass & M. Garschagen (eds.) (2018): Crossing Borders: Governing Environmental Disasters in a Global Urban Age in Asia and the Pacific, Springer Singapore, Book Published.
Neise, T., J. Revilla Diez & M. Garschagen (2018): Firms as drivers of integrative adaptive regional development in the context of environmental hazards in developing countries and emerging economies – A conceptual framework, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36(8), pp. 1522–1541.
Nduhuura, P., A. Zerga & M. Garschagen (2018): Power outages in Africa–An assessment based on regional power pools, PAUWES Research-2-Practice Forum 2018, Reviewed published.
Petzold, J. (2018): Social adaptability in ecotones: sea-level rise and climate change adaptation in Flushing and the Isles of Scilly, UK, Island Studies Journal, 13(1), pp. 101-118, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J., B. M. W. Ratter & A. Holdschlag (2018): Competing knowledge systems and adaptability to sea-level rise in The Bahamas, Area, 50(1), pp. 91-100, Reviewed, published.
Rudd, M. A., A. F. P. Moore, D. Rochberg, L. Bianchi-Fossati, M. A. Brown, D. D'Onofrio, C. A. Furman, J. Garcia, B. Jordan, J. Kline, L. M. Risse, P. L. Yager, J. Abbinett, M. Alber, J. E. Bell, C. Bhedwar, K. M. Cobb, J. Cohen, M. Cox, M. Dormer, N. Dunkley, H. Farley, J. Gambill, M. Goldstein, G. Harris, M. Hopkinson, J. A. James, S. Kidd, P. Knox, Y. Liu, D. C. Matisoff, M. D. Meyer, J. D. Mitchem, K. Moore, A. J. Ono, J. Philipsborn, K. M. Sendall, F. Shafiei, M. Shepherd, J. Teebken & A. Worley (2018): Climate research priorities for policy-makers, practitioners, and scientists in Georgia, USA, Environmental Management, 62, pp. 190-209, Reviewed, published.
Spiegel, C., E. Schwaiger, M. Popp & M. Karl (2018): Öffentlicher Raum für alle? Die Sendlinger Straße aus der Perspektive von mobilitätseingeschränkten Personen, Standpunkte (4), pp. 28-30, Abstract, published. Link
Yang, L. E., P. Hoffmann, J. Scheffran, S. Rühe, J. Fischereit & I. Gasser (2018): An Agent-Based Modeling Framework for Simulating Human Exposure to Environmental Stresses in Urban Areas, Urban Science, 2(2), 36, Reviewed, published.
Yang, L. E., J. Scheffran, D. Süsser, R. Dawson & Y. Chen (2018): Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-Based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 23, pp. 369-388, Reviewed, published.
Djalante, R. & M. Garschagen (2017): A Review of Disaster Trend and Disaster Risk Governance in Indonesia: 1900–2015, In: R. Djalante, M. Garschagen, F. Thomalla & R. Shaw (eds.), Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia, pp. 21–56, Springer, Cham, Article in Book, published.
Fekete, A., M. Garschagen, C. Norf & C. Stephan (eds.) (2017): Recovery after extreme events: Lessons learned and remaining challenges in Disaster Risk Reduction. Integrative Risk and Security Research, 2, Cologne, TH Köln. Book, published. Link
Garschagen, M. & W. Solecki (2017): Editorial - Tipping Points in Adaptive Capacity and Adaptation Processes, Journal of Extreme Events, 4(1), pp. 1-7, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M. (2017): Urban Upgrading and Resettlement of Slum Dwellers in the Mekong Delta–Long-term Sustainability or Vulnerability Pitfall?, United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), pp. 1-14. Link
Kurnio, H., A. Fekete & M. Garschagen (2017): Tribal indigenous knowledge of tsunamic hazard prone areas in disaster reducing risk with particular study on Simeuleu Island Aceh and other islands offshore west of Sumatra, In: A. Fekete, M. Garschagen, C. Norf & C. Stephan (eds.), Recovery after extreme events: Lessons learned and remaining challenges in Disaster Risk Reduction. Integrative Risk and Security Research, 2, pp. 51-58, Cologne, TH Köln. Link
Neise, T., J. Revilla Diez, M. Garschagen, R. Djalante, K. Novianti & C. N. Syahid (2017): Manufacturing Firms’ Adaptations to Floods and Proposal for Integrative Adaptive Regional Development in Jakarta, In: R. Djalante, M. Garschagen, F. Thomalla, R. Shaw (eds.), Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia: Progress, Challenges, and Issues, Springer, Cham, pp. 281-305, Article in Book, published.
Petzold, J. (2017): Social Capital, Resilience and Adaptation on Small Islands - Climate Change on the Isles of Scilly, Springer, Cham, Book, published.
Solecki, W., M. Pelling & M. Garschagen (2017): Transitions between risk management regimes in cities, Ecology and Society, 22(2), 38, Reviewed published.
Surtiari, G. A. K., R. Djalante, N. J. Setiadi & M. Garschagen (2017): Culture and Community Resilience to Flooding: Case Study of the Urban Coastal Community in Jakarta, In: R. Djalante, M. Garschagen, F. Thomalla, & R. Shaw (eds.), Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia, Progress, Challenges, and Issues, pp. 469–493, Springer Cham, Article in Book, published.
Ajibade, I., M. Pelling, J. Agboola & M. Garschagen (2016): Sustainability Transitions: Exploring Risk Management and the Future of Adaptation in the Megacity of Lagos, Journal of Extreme Events, 3(3), 1650009.
Birkmann, J., T. Welle, W. Solecki, S. Lwasa & M. Garschagen (2016): Boost resilience of small and mid-sized cities, Nature, 537, pp. 605–608, Reviewed published.
Birkmann, J., F. Wenzel, S. Greiving, M. Garschagen, D Vallée, W. Nowak, T. Welle, S. Fina, A. Goris, B. Rilling, F. Fiedrich, A. Fekete, S. L. Cutter, S. Düzgün, A. Ley, M. Friedrich, U. Kuhlmann, B. Novák, S. Wieprecht, …, J. K. Mitchell (2016): Extreme Events, Critical Infrastructures, Human Vulnerability and Strategic Planning: Emerging Research Issues, Journal of Extreme Events, 03(04), 1650017, Reviewed published.
DiGregorio, M., T. V. G. Phong, M. Garschagen & S. Tyler (2016): A political economy of urbanisation and climate risk in Vietnam, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, Reviewed published. Link
Garschagen, M. (2016): Towards a Political Agenda for Urban Resilience, Our World, UNU-EHS, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M. (2016): Decentralizing urban disaster risk management in a centralized system?, Agendas, actors and contentions in Vietnam, Habitat International, 52, pp. 43–49, Reviewed published.
Garschagen, M., M. Hagenlocher, M. Comes, M. Dubbert, R. Sabelfeld, Y. J. Lee, L. Grunewald, M. Lanzendörfer, P. Mucke, O. Neuschäfer, S. Pott, J. Post, S. Schramm, D. Schumann-Bölsche, B. Vandemeulebroecke, T. Welle & J. Birkmann (2016): World Risk Report 2016, Focus: Logistics and Infrastructure, Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft and United Nations University EHS: Bonn, Germany.
Pelling, M., T. Abeling & M. Garschagen (2016): Emergence and Transition in London’s Climate Change Adaptation Pathways, Journal of Extreme Events, 3(3), 1650012, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J. (2016): Limitations and opportunities of social capital for adaptation to climate change: A case study on the Isles of Scilly, The Geographical Journal, 182, pp. 123-134, Reviewed, published.
Ratter, B. M. W., J. Petzold & K. M. Sinane (2016): Considering the locals: coastal construction and destruction in times of climate change on Anjouan, Comoros, Natural Resources Forum, Reviewed, published.
Solecki, W., H. Link & M. Garschagen (2016): Risk Management and Adaptation Transitions in New York City, Journal of Extreme Events, 3(3), 1650020, Reviewed, published.
Surtiari, G. A. K., N. J. Setiadi, M. Garschagen, J. Birkmann, R. Djalante & Y. Maunati (2016): Coastal resilience in Indonesia: from planning to implementation, In: Greiving S., M. Ubaura, J. Tesliar (eds.), Spatial Planning and Resilience Following Disasters: International and Comparative Perspectives, Policy Press, pp. 99–116, Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, S., M. Hagenlocher, M. Garschagen (2016): Development and Validation of a Sub-national Multi-hazard Risk Index for the Philippines, GI_Forum 2016, 4(1), Journal for Geographic Information Science, pp. 133-140, Reviewed, published.
Yang, L. E., F. K. S. Chan & J. Scheffran (2016): Climate change, water management and stakeholder analysis in the Dongjiang River basin in South China, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 34(2), pp. 166–191, Reviewed, published.
Bedenik Schwarzer, K., R. Hansmann, M. Popp, A. von Streit & C. R. Binder (2015): Energy efficiency standards of single-family houses: Factors in homeowners´ decision-making in two Austrian regions, Energy and Environment Research, 5(2), pp. 49-66, Reviewed, published.
Berkmüller, R., M. Schneider, R. Schipf, C. Callsen-Bracker, A. Böttger, J. Schmude (2015): Folgen des Klimawandels - Perspektiven für die produzierende Wirtschaft, das Baugewerbe und den Handel. Fallstudien mit sieben Unternehmen, bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH, Augsburg, Book, published.
Binder, C. R., R. Schoell & M. Popp (2015): The structured mental model approach, In: Ruth, M. (ed.): Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Environmental Studies, Cheltenham und Northampton, pp. 122-147, Article in Book, published.
Birkmann, J., S. L. Cutter, D. S. Rothman, T. Welle, M. Garschagen, B. Van Ruijven, B. O’Neill, B. L. Preston, S. Kienberger, O. D. Cardona, T. Siagian, D. Hidayati, N. Setiadi, C. R. Binder, B. Hughes & R. Pulwarty (2015): Scenarios for vulnerability: Opportunities and constraints in the context of climate change and disaster risk, Climatic Change, 133(1), pp. 53–68, Reviewed, published.
Böttger, A. (2015): Viel zu sehen und (zu) wenig Zeit. Flusskreuzfahrten und Landgänge, Marburg, Book, published. ISBN: 978-3-8288-6460-3
Djalante, R. & M. Garschagen (2017): A Review of Disaster Trend and Disaster Risk Governance in Indonesia: 1900–2015, In: R. Djalante, M. Garschagen, F. Thomalla & R. Shaw (eds.), Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia, pp. 21–56, Springer International, Publishing, Reviewed, published.
Fekete, A., K. Tzavella, I. Armas, J. Binner, M. Garschagen, C. Giupponi, V. Mojtahed, M. Pettita, S. Schneiderbauer & D. Serre (2015): Critical Data Source; Tool or Even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(4), pp. 1848–1869, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M. (2015): Risky Change? Vietnam’s Urban Flood Risk Governance between Climate Dynamics and Transformation, Pacific Affairs, 88(3), pp. 599–621, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M. & P. Romero-Lankao (2015): Exploring the relationships between urbanization trends and climate change vulnerability, Climatic Change, 133(1), pp. 37–52, Reviewed, published.
Petzold, J. & B. M. W. Ratter (2015): Climate change adaptation under a social capital approach - An analytical framework for small islands, Ocean & Coastal Management, 112, pp. 36-43, Reviewed, published.
Sudmeier-Rieux, K., U. F. Paleo, M. Garschagen, M. Estrella, F. G. Renaud & M. Jaboyedoff (2015): Opportunities, incentives and challenges to risk sensitive land use planning: Lessons from Nepal, Spain and Vietnam, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 14(3), pp. 205–224, Reviewed, published.
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (Hrsg.) (2014): Folgen des Klimawandels - Perspektiven für das Baugewerbe, den Handel und die produzierende Wirtschaft , München, Book, published. Download pdf
Birkmann, J., M. Garschagen, A. Lopez, M. Pelling, N. Q. Maqami & Q. Yu (2014): Urban development, climate change and disaster risk reduction: Interaction and integration, In: Pelling, M. & S. Blackburn (eds.), Megacities and the Coast: Risk, Resilience and Transformation, pp. 173–19, Routledge.
Birkmann, J., M. Garschagen, P. Mucke, A. Schauder, T. Seibert, T. Welle, J. Rhyner, S. Kohler, T. Loster, D. Reinhard & I. Matuschke (2014): World risk report 2014, Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft and United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Link
Birkmann, J., M. Garschagen & N. Setiadi (2014): New challenges for adaptive urban governance in highly dynamic environments: Revisiting planning systems and tools for adaptive and strategic planning, Urban Climate, 7, pp. 115–133, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M. (2014): Risky change? Vulnerability and adaptation between climate change and transformation dynamics in Can Tho City, Vietnam, 15, Franz Steiner Verlag, Book, published.
Garschagen, M. (2014): Urbanization and risk–challenges and opportunities, World Risk Report 2014-Focus: The city as a risk area, pp. 12–18. Download pdf
Hijioka, Y., E. Lin, J.J. Pereira, R.T. Corlett, X. Cui, G.E. Insarov, R.D. Lasco, E. Lindgren & A. Surjan (2014): Asia, In: Barros, V. R., C. B. Field, D. J. Dokken, M. D. Mastrandrea, K. J. Mach, T. E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K. L. Ebi, Y. O. Estrada, R. C. Genova, B. Girma, E. S. Kissel, A. N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P. R. Mastrandrea & L. L. White (eds.), Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part B: Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp. 24-1327-24-1370, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Link
Van Ruijven, B. J., Levy, M. A., Agrawal, A., Biermann, F., Birkmann, J., Carter, T. R., Ebi, K. L., Garschagen, M., Jones, B., Jones, R., Kemp-Benedict, E., Kok, M., Kok, K., Lemos, M. C., Lucas, P. L., Orlove, B., Pachauri, S., Parris, T. M., Patwardhan, A., …, Schweizer, V. J. (2014): Enhancing the relevance of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research. Climatic Change, 122(3), pp. 481–494, Reviewed, published
Birkmann, J., M. Garschagen, N. Fernando, V. Tuan, A. Oliver-Smith & S. Hettige (2013): Dynamics of vulnerability: Relocation in the context of natural hazards and disasters, In: J. Birkmann (ed.), Measuring vulnerability to natural hazards: Towards Disaster Resilient Societies, Second Edition, United Nations University Press, pp. 505–550.
Garschagen, M. (2013): Resilience and organisational institutionalism from a cross-cultural perspective: An exploration based on urban climate change adaptation in Vietnam, Natural Hazards, 67(1), pp. 25–46, Reviewed, published.
Lange, B., A. von Streit (2013): Governance of creative industries. A comparison of the characteristics and challenges in the software/games industry in Munich and Leipzig, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 57(3), pp. 122-138, Reviewed, published.
Rode, P., M. Nathan, A. von Streit, P. Schwinger, G. Kippenberg (2013): Munich: staying ahead on innovation, In: Colantonio, A., Burdett, R., Rode, P. (eds.),Transforming Urban Economies: Policy Lessons from European and Asian Cities, pp. 124-163, Oxford, Article in Book, published.
Birkmann, J., M. Garschagen, V. Van Tuan & N. T. Binh (2012): Vulnerability, Coping and Adaptation to Water Related Hazards in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, In: F. G. Renaud & C. Kuenzer (eds.), The Mekong Delta System - Interdisciplinary Analyses of a River Delta, Springer Environmental Science and Engineering, pp. 245–289, Springer Netherlands, Article in Book, published.
Egedy, T., A. von Streit, M. Bontje (2012): Policies towards Multi-Layered Cities and Cluster Development, In: S. Musterd, Z. Kovács (eds.): Place Making and Policies for Competitive Cities, Oxford, pp. 35-58, Article in Book, published.
Garschagen, M., J. R. Diez, D. K. Nhan & F. Kraas (2012): Socio-Economic Development in the Mekong Delta: Between the Prospects for Progress and the Realms of Reality, In: F. G. Renaud & C. Kuenzer (eds.), The Mekong Delta System - Interdisciplinary Analyses of a River Delta, Springer Environmental Science and Engineering, Springer Netherlands, pp. 83–132, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M. (2012): Erlebnisforschung neu betrachtet - ein Ansatz zu ihrer räumlichen Kontextualisierung, Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft 4(1), pp. 81-100, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M. (2012): Positive and Negative Urban Tourist Crowding: Florence, Italy, Tourism Geographies, 14(1), pp. 50-72, Reviewed, published.
Ratter, B. M. W. & J. Petzold (2012): From Ecological Footprint to Ecological Fingerprint - sustainable development on Helgoland, From one island to another, Celebrating island connectivities, Article in Book, published. ISBN: 978-87916-77-29-8
Garschagen, M., F. G. Renaud & J. Birkmann (2011): Dynamic Resilience of Peri-Urban Agriculturalists in the Mekong Delta Under Pressures of Socio-Economic Transformation and Climate Change, In: M. A. Stewart & P. A. Coclanis (eds.), Environmental Change and Agricultural Sustainability in the Mekong Delta, Advances in Global Change Research, 45, pp. 141–163, Springer Netherlands, Article in Book, published.
Garschagen, M. & F. Kraas (2011): Urban Climate Change Adaptation in the Context of Transformation: Lessons from Vietnam. In: K. Otto-Zimmermann (ed.), Resilient Cities - Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change - Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010, Local Sustainability, 1, pp. 131-139, Springer Netherlands, Article in Book, published.
Heinritz, G. & M. Popp (2011): Geographische Handelsforschung, In: Gebhardt, H. et al. (eds.): Geographie: Physische Geographie und Humangeographie, Heidelberg (2. Auflage), pp. 1002-1011, München, Article in Book, published. ISBN 978-3-443-07137-0
Kazig, R. & M. Popp (2011): Unterwegs in fremden Umgebungen. Ein praxeologischer Zugang zum Wayfinding von Fußgängern, Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 69(1), pp. 3-15, Reviewed, published.
Lange, B., A. von Streit, M. Hesse (eds.) (2011): Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Stadt und Region Voraussetzungen, Handlungsstrategien und Governance, BBSR, Bonn, Reviewed, published. Download PDF-Datei
Popp, M. (2011): "Was die Leute tatsächlich erleben, darüber wissen wir erstaunlich wenig" - Bericht über ein Forschungsprojekt zur Erforschung touristischen Erlebens, Studien zur Freizeit und Tourismusforschung, pp. 37-47, Abstract, published.
von Streit, A. (2011): Entgrenzter Alltag - Arbeiten ohne Grenzen. Das Internet und die raumzeitlichen Organisationsstrategien von Wissensarbeitern, Transcript, Bielefeld, Book, published.
von Streit, A. (2011): Märkte, Innovationen und Arbeit in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, In: B. Lange, A. von Streit, A., M. Hesse: Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Stadt und Region: Voraussetzungen, Handlungsstrategien und Governance, pp. 18-34, Bonn, BBSR, Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., P. Buckle, J. Jaeger, M. Pelling, N. Setiadi, M. Garschagen, N. Fernando & J. Kropp (2010): Extreme events and disasters: A window of opportunity for change? Analysis of organizational, institutional and political changes, formal and informal responses after mega-disasters, Natural Hazards, 55(3), pp. 637–655, Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., M. Garschagen, F. Kraas & N. Quang (2010): Adaptive urban governance: New challenges for the second generation of urban adaptation strategies to climate change, Sustainability Science, 5(2), pp. 185–206, Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., M. Garschagen, V. Van Tuan & N. T. Binh (2010): Vulnerability Profiles with Respect to Present and Future Water-Related Hazards in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta––Providing the Informationbase for Successful Coping and Adaptation within the Framework of Integrated Water Resources Management, Weßling: WISDOM Vulnerability Assessment.
Garschagen, M. & F. Kraas (2010): Assessing future resilience to natural hazards–the challenge of capturing dynamic changes under conditions of transformation and climate change, Conference proceedings International Disaster and Risk Conference 2010, pp. 209-213. Download pdf
Garschagen, M. (2010): Crises Prevention and climate Change Adaptation in the Coupled Social-Ecological Systems of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: The Need for Rethinking Concepts and Policies, In: X. Shen, T.E. Downing & H. Mohamed (eds.), Tipping points in humanitarian crisis: from hot spots to hot systems, 13, pp. 45–55, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). Download pdf
Lynn, S., M. Garschagen, J. Lehmann, S. Khan, G. Drew, V. Prasad, J. Nkem & J. Mushongah (2010): Introducing a "Hot System"- Approach to Tipping Points in Humanitarian Crises, In: X. Shen, T.E. Downing & H. Mohamed (eds.), Tipping points in humanitarian crisis: from hot spots to hot systems, 13, pp. 14–21, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). Download pdf
Popp, M. (2010): Mass tourism in historical cities. Effects on the Tourists' Experience and Possible Risks for Future Development, Rivista Geographica Italiana, 18(2), pp. 351-377, Reviewed, published.
von Streit, A., M. Bontje, M. Dellagnese (2010): Stable trajectories towards the creative knowledge city? Amsterdam, Munich and Milan, In: S. Musterd, A. Murie (eds.): Making competitive cities. Pathways, Actors and Policies, Oxford, pp. 43-66, Article in Book, published. ISBN 9781405194150
von Streit, A., S. Hafner (2010): Erfolgsfaktor Kultur: Die Ansprüche Münchner kreativer Wissensarbeiter an ihre Stadt, In: Pechlaner, H. & Bachinger, M. (eds.): Lebensqualität und Standortattraktivität. Kultur, Mobilität und regionale Marken als Erfolgsfaktoren, pp. 67-87, Berlin, Article in Book, published.
von Streit, A., G. Montanari, M. Popp, S. Hafner, G. Heinritz & M. Miosga (2010): Policies and strategies for the creative knowledge economy in the region of Munich. How to enhance the city's competitiveness, ACRE report, 10.7, Amsterdam, Book, published. Download pdf.
von Streit, A. (2010): Geschlecht - Arbeit - Geographie, In: S. Bauriedl, M. Schier, A. Strüver (eds.): Geschlechterverhältnisse, Raumstrukturen, Ortsbeziehungen. Erkundungen von Vielfalt und Differenz im spatial turn, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 145-166, Münster, Article in Book, published.
Freytag, T. & M. Popp (2009): Der Boom im europäischen Städtetourismus - Grundlagen, Entwicklungen, Wirkungen, Geographische Rundschau, 61(2), pp. 4-11, Reviewed, published.
Heinritz, G. & M. Popp (2009): Einkaufszentren und Stadtentwicklung, In: Falk, B. (ed.): Handbuch Shopping Center, Landsberg a.L., pp. 136-143, Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. & U. Gerhard (2009): Die historische Entwicklung von Einkaufszentren, In: Falk, B. (ed.): Handbuch Shopping Center, Landsberg a.L., pp. 38-47, Landsberg a.L., Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. (2009): Der touristische Blick im Städtetourismus der Postmoderne - Das Beispiel der italienischen Stadt Florenz, Geographische Rundschau, 61(2), pp. 42-48, Reviewed, published.
von Streit, A., G. Montanari, M. Popp, S. Hafner, G. Heinritz & M. Miosga (2009): Creative Munich? The views of high-skilled employees, managers and transnational migrants, ACRE report 8.7, Amsterdam, Book, published.
von Streit, A., M. Popp, S. Hafner, G. Heinritz, & M. Miosga (2009): Munich: An attractive place to live and work? The view of transnational migrants, Amsterdam, Book, published.
Hafner, S., A. von Streit (2008): The role of creativity in Munich's economy, Publication of the Department of Labor and Economic Development, 22, Munich, Book, published.
Popp, M. (2008): Die Integration von Einkaufszentren. Anmerkungen zu den aktuellen Positionspapieren, Kiel (=Kieler Arbeitspapiere zur Landeskunde und Raumordnung 48), pp. 13-33, Abstract, published.
von Streit, A. (2008): Die Stadt in der Wissensgesellschaft, In: Zukunft München - Ein Magazin der Reihe Zukunft findet Stadt, pp. 48-49, München, Article in Book, published.
Hafner, S., A. von Streit (2007): München - Standortfaktor Kreativität, Herausgegeben von der LH München, Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft, München, 217, München, Book, published. Download pdf
Hahn, B. & M. Popp (2006): Handel ohne Grenzen - Die Internationalisierung im Einzelhandel. Entwicklung und Stand der Forschung, In: Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde, 80(2), pp. 135-156, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M. (2006): München - Boomende Stadtregion mit Schönheitsfehlern, In: Geographische Rundschau, 58(6), pp. 14-21, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M. (2006): Wie verhält sich der Kunde?, In: cimadirekt, 4, p. 28, Abstract, published.
Popp, M. (2006): Commercio e sviluppo urbano in Germania. Fine di una simbiosi?, In: Loda, M. (ed.): Germania. Nuove Geografie, Roma, pp. 76-97, Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. (2006): Die Privatisierung von Konsumräumen und die Gefährdung des öffentlichen Raums - Ein Vergleich von Einkaufszentren und Fußgängerzonen, In: Wiegandt, C.-C. (ed.): Öffentliche Träume. Öffentliche Räume. Zur Kontroverse über die Stadt und die Gesellschaft, pp. 105-120, Bonn (Stadtzukünfte 2), Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. (2006): Analyse und Bewertung von innerstädtischen Einkaufszentren und anderen Magneten, DSSW-Tagung "Erfolgreiche Innenstädte. Integration von Frequenzbringern", pp. 1-13, Berlin, Reviewed, published.
Hahn, B. & M. Popp (2005): Konsum und Konsumenten in der Geographischen Handelsforschung - Ein Rückblick auf die Fachsitzung "Grenzenloser Einzelhandel - grenzenloser Konsum" auf dem 55. Geographentag in Trier, In: Schriftenreihe des AK Geographische Handelsforschung 18, pp. 5-6, Abstract, published.
von Streit, A., M. Schier, S. Hafner (2005): München - Stadt des Wissens, Veröffentlichungen des Referats für Arbeit und Wirtschaft der LH München, 186, München, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M. (2004): Developing Shopping Centres in Inner-City Locations: Opportunity or Danger for Town Centres?, Die Erde, pp. 219-233, Reviewed, published.
Schier, M. & A. von Streit (2004): Perspektivenwechsel: Die Konzepte "Alltag" und "Biographie" zur Analyse von Arbeit in der geographischen Geschlechterforschung, In: Bühler, Elisabeth & Meier Kruker, Verena (eds.): Geschlechterforschung. Neue Impulse für die Geographie (= Schriftenreihe Wirtschaftsgeographie und Raumplanung, 33), pp. 21-41, Zürich, Reviewed, published.
Heinritz, G., K. Klein & M. Popp (2003): Geographische Handelsforschung (Studienbücher der Geographie), Berlin, Stuttgart, Book, published.
Heinritz, G. & M. Popp (2003): Innerstädtische Einkaufszentren - Chance oder Problem für die Innenstadt?, ISSW-Tagung "Innenstadtentwicklung", München, Proceeding, published.
Popp, M. & C.-C. Wiegandt (2003): Mieten in München - Man leistet sich ja sonst nichts, In: Heinritz, G., Wiegandt, C.-C., Wiktorin, D. (eds.): Der Münchenatlas. Die Metropole im Spiegel faszinierender Karten, pp. 178-179, Köln, Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. & R. Monheim (2003): Passagen - Wiederentdeckte Wege für Flaneure, In: Heinritz, G., Wiegandt, C.-C., Wiktorin, D. (eds.): Der Münchenatlas. Die Metropole im Spiegel faszinierender Karten, pp. 106-107, Köln, Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. & J. Rauh (2003): Standortfragen im Zeitalter von E-Commerce, In: Ducar, D., Rauh, J. (eds.): E-Commerce: Perspektiven für Forschung und Praxis, pp. 47-62, Passau (Geographische Handelsforschung 8), Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. (2003): Münchner Märkte - Tradition, Spektakel und Versorgung, In: Heinritz, G., Wiegandt, C.-C., Wiktorin, D. (eds.): Der Münchenatlas. Die Metropole im Spiegel faszinierender Karten, pp. 172-173, Köln, Article in Book, published.
Popp, M. (2003): Der "Forschungsbericht innerstädtische Einkaufszentren" - Anmerkungen zu einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt, In: Berichte des Arbeitskreises Geographische Handelsforschung, 14, pp. 20-22, Abstract, published.
Heinritz, G. et al. (2002): Forschungsbericht innerstädtische Einkaufszentren, München (Mat. für den Städtebau u. die Städtebauförderung), Book, published.
Meier Kruker, V., A. von Streit, M. Schier (2002): Geography and gendered labour markets, GeoJournal, 56, pp. 243-251, Reviewed, published.
Meier Kruker, V., M. Schier, A, von Streit (2002): Regional Development and Gendered Labour Markets, Espace, populations, sociétés, 20(3), pp. 415-418, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M. (2002): Innenstadtnahe Einkaufszentren - Besucherverhalten zwischen neuen und traditionellen Einzelhandelsstandorten, Passau (Geographische Handelsforschung 6), Book, published.
Popp, M. & G. Heinritz (1999): Anforderungen an Einzelhandelsgutachten, In: Berichte des Arbeitskreises Geographische Handelsforschung 6, pp. 20-22, Abstract, published.
Popp, M. (1998): Die Einkaufsstättenwahl im Lebensmittelbereich, In: Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie, 22(3), pp. 42-43, Abstract, published.
Popp, M. (1998): Das Einkaufsverhalten im Lebensmittelbereich und seine Relevanz für die Standortplanung, In: Trommsdorf, V. (ed.): Handelsforschung 1998/99 - Innovation im Handel, pp. 163-179, Wiesbaden (Jahrbuch der Forschungsstelle für den Handel), Article in Book, published.
Araos, M., K. Jagannathan, R. Shukla, I. Ajibade, E. C. de Perez, K. Davis, J. D. Ford, E. K. Galappaththi, C. Grady, A. J. Hudson, E. T. Joe, C. J. Kirchhoff, A. Lesnikowski, G. N. Alverio, M. Nielsen, B. Orlove, B. Pentz, D. Reckien, A. R. Siders, …, L. L. Turek-Hankins (2021): Equity in human adaptation-related responses: A systematic global review, One Earth, 4(10), pp. 1454–1467, Reviewed, published.
Bellert, F., K. Fila, R. Thoms, M. Hagenlocher, M. Harb, D. Cotti, H. Baccouche, S. Ayed & M. Garschagen (2021): Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Risk Assessment in Monastir, Tunisia, In: F. Khebour Allouche & A. M. Negm (eds.), Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Tunisia, pp. 191–210, Springer International Publishing, Reviewed, published.
Berrang-Ford, L., A. Lesnikowski, A. P. Fischer, A. Siders, K. J. Mach, A. Thomas, ... & M. van Aalst (2021): The Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative (GAMI): Part 1–Introduction and overview of methods, Protocol Exchange, pp. 1-7.
Berrang-Ford, L., A. R. Siders, A. Lesnikowski, A. P. Fischer, M. W. Callaghan, N. R. Haddaway, K. J. Mach, M. Araos, M. A. R. Shah, M. Wannewitz, D. Doshi et al. (2021): A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change, Nature Climate Change, 11(11), pp. 989–1000, Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., H. Sauter, M. Garschagen et al. (2021): New methods for local vulnerability scenarios to heat stress to inform urban planning—Case study City of Ludwigsburg/Germany, Climatic Change, 165(37), Reviewed, published.
Chen, Q., L. E. Yang, J. Luo, F. Liu, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhou, R. Gu, X. Gu (2021): The 300-year cropland changes reflecting climate impacts and social resilience at the Yellow River-Huangshui River Valley, China, Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 065006, Reviewed, published.
Chan, F. K. S., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran, G. Mitchell, O. Adekola, J. Griffiths, Y. Chen, G. Li, X. Lu, Y. Qi, L. Li, H. Zheng, A. McDonald (2021): Urban flood risks and emerging challenges in a Chinese delta: The case of the Pearl River Delta, Environmental Science & Policy, 122, pp. 101-115, Reviewed, published.
Feng, W., P. Song, B. Li (2021): Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park: A Case Study of Tianfo Health Industrial Park, Shandong, In: Spatial Data and Intelligence, pp. 139-152, Article in Book, published.
Feng, W., B. Li, Z. Chen, P. Liu (2021): City size based scaling of the urban internal nodes layout, PLoS One, 16(4), Reviewed, published.,
Ferri, A., M. Popp & G. Wulfhorst (2021): Digital Directions: Smartphone Usage while Performing Wayfinding Tasks in Munich's Public Transit System, The Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, 5(2), pp. 7-21, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M., D. Doshi, M. Moure, H. James & H. Shekhar (2021): The consideration of future risk trends in national adaptation planning: Conceptual gaps and empirical lessons, Climate Risk Management, 34, 100357,
Garschagen, M., D. Doshi, J. Reith & M. Hagenlocher (2021): Global patterns of disaster and climate risk—An analysis of the consistency of leading index-based assessments and their results, Climatic Change, 169(11), Reviewed, published.
He, L., J. Chen, L. E. Yang, G. Li, C. Lu (2021): Social resilience to climate and water-related disasters in the Poyang Lake area (East China) over the past 2000 years, Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), 045007, Reviewed, published.
Heyen, D. A., K. Jacob, J. Teebken & F. Wolff (2021): Spillovers between policy-transfer and transitions research, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 38, pp. 79-81, Reviewed, published.
Jacob, K., C. Paulick-Thiel, J. Teebken, S. Veit & M. Singer-Brodowski (2021): Change from Within: Exploring Transformative Literacy in Public Administrations to Foster Sustainability Transitions, In: Sustainability, H. Hinrichs & N. Laws (eds.), Special Issue on Sustainable Public Administration, MDPI, 13(9), Reviewed, published.
Ji, T., H.-H. Wei, T. Sim, L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran (2021): Disaggregated validation of disaster-resilience indicators using household survey data: A case study of Hong Kong, Sustainable Cities and Society, 67. 102726, Reviewed, published.
Laranjeira, K., F. Göttsche, J. Birkmann & M. Garschagen (2021): Heat vulnerability and adaptive capacities: Findings of a household survey in Ludwigsburg, BW, Germany, Climatic Change, 166(14), Reviewed, published.
Leitold, R., M. Garschagen, V. Tran & J. Revilla Diez (2021): Flood risk reduction and climate change adaptation of manufacturing firms: Global knowledge gaps and lessons from Ho Chi Minh City, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61, 102351, Reviewed, published.
Magnan, A. K., H.-O. Pörtner, V. K. E. Duvat, M. Garschagen, V. A. Guinder, Z. Zommers, O. Hoegh-Guldberg & J.-P. Gattuso (2021): Estimating the global risk of anthropogenic climate change, Nature Climate Change, 11(10), pp. 879–885, Reviewed, published.
Mahne-Bieder, J., M. Popp & H. Rau (2021): RadAktiv - Identifizierung, Typisierung und Aktivierung von Nicht-Radfahrenden, Maßnahmen zur Steigerung des Radverkehrs, In: Klein, T. (ed.): Radverkehrsinfrastruktur - Baustein der Verkehrswende. Gemeinsame Abschlusspublikation des NRVP-Forschungsbegleitkreises "Förderschwerpunkt Infrastruktur", pp. 61-68, Berlin (difu Sonderveröffentlichung). Link
Matschoss, K., F. Fahy, H. Rau, J. Backhaus, G. Goggins, E. Grealis et al. (2021): Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17(1), pp. 136-152, Reviewed, published.
Moullec, F., R. Asselot, D. Auch, A. M. Blöcker, G. Börner, L. Färber, C. Ofelio, J. Petzold, M. E. Santelia, H. Schwermer, C. Sguotti, L. Steidle, V. Tams & F. Pellerin (2021): Identifying and addressing the anthropogenic drivers of global change in the North Sea: a systematic map protocol, Environmental Evidence, 10(19), Reviewed, published.
Moure, M., S. Sandholz, M. Wannewitz & M. Garschagen (2021): No easy fixes: Government workers perception of policy (in)coherence in the implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda in Mexico, Climate Risk Management, 31, 100270, Reviewed, published.
Nduhuura, P., M. Garschagen & A. Zerga (2021): Impacts of Electricity Outages in Urban Households in Developing Countries: A Case of Accra, Ghana, Energies, 14(12), Reviewed, published.
Neise, T., M. Garschagen, & J. Revilla Diez (2021): Engagement of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Individual Flood Adaptation in Indonesian Coastal Cities—Implications for Flood Governance. In: R. Djalante, J. Jupesta & E. Aldrian (eds.), Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia, pp. 99–120, Springer Climate, Reviewed, published.
Nguyen, M. T., Z. Sebesvari, M. Souvignet, F. Bachofer, A. Braun, M. Garschagen, U. Schinkel, L. E. Yang, L. H. K. Nguyen, V. Hochschild, A. Assmann & M. Hagenlocher (2021): Understanding and assessing flood risk in Vietnam: Current status, persisting gaps, and future directions, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 14(2), Reviewed, published.
Peng, Y., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran (2021): A life cycle assessment framework for quantifying the carbon footprint of rural households based on survey data, MethodsX, 8, 101411, Reviewed, published.
Peng, Y., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran, J. Yan, M. Li, P. Jiang, Y. Wang, R. Cremades (2021): Livelihood transitions transformed households' carbon footprint in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 328, 129607, Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., D. Nong & M. Garschagen (2021): Natural hazard’s effect and farmers’ perception: Perspectives from flash floods and landslides in remotely mountainous regions of Vietnam, Science of The Total Environment, 759, 142656, Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., J. Revilla Diez & M. Garschagen (2021): A typology of household livelihood changes in rural coastal areas of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta—capturing the heterogeneity and complexity of the social‐ecological context, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 42(2), pp. 241-263, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M., J. Schmude, M. Passauer, M. Karl & A. Bauer (2021): Why Don't They Travel? The role of constraints and motivation for non-participation in tourism, Leisure Sciences, pp. 211-236, Reviewed, published.
Rau, H., M. Popp & M. Mögele (2021): Transdisziplinäres Forschen erlernen. Problemzentriertes Lehren und Lernen im Masterstudiengang Humangeographie und Nachhaltigkeit, In: Wintzer, J., I. Mossig & A. Hof (eds.): Prinzipien, Strukturen und Praktiken geographischer Hochschullehre, pp. 289-298, Konstanz et al., Article in Book, published.
Sandholz, S., D. Sett, A. Greco, M. Wannewitz & M. Garschagen (2021): Rethinking urban heat stress: Assessing risk and adaptation options across socioeconomic groups in Bonn, Germany, Urban Climate, 37, 100857, Reviewed, published.
Schipper, E. L. F., J. Ensor, A. Mukherji, A. Mirzabaev, A. Fraser, B. Harvey, E. Totin, M. Garschagen, M. Pathak, P. Antwi-Agyei, T. Tanner & Z. Shawoo (2021): Equity in climate scholarship: A manifesto for action, Climate and Development, 13(10), pp. 853–856, Reviewed, published.
Schmude, J., M. Pillmayer, M. Witting, P. Corradini (2021): Geography matters, but... Evolving success factors for nature-oriented health tourism within selected Alpine destinations, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), Reviewed, published.
Sett, D., M. Hagenlocher, D. Cotti, J. Reith, M. Harb, S. Kreft, D. Kaiser, A. Zwick & M. Garschagen (2021): InsuRisk Report 2021: Disaster risk, social protection and readiness for insurance solutions, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).
Stammer, D., A. Engels, J. Marotzke, E. Gresse, C. Hedemann & J. Petzold (2021): Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook: Assessing the plausibility of deep decarbonization by 2050, UHH, Hamburg, Book, published.
Thomas, A., E. Theokritoff, A. Lesnikowski, D. Reckien, K. Jagannathan, R. Cremades, D. Campbell, …, M. Garschagen, J. Ford, K. Bowen & Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative Team (2021): Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation, Regional Environmental Change, 21(85), Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M. & M. Garschagen (2021): Review article: Mapping the adaptation solution space – lessons from Jakarta, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21(11), pp. 3285–3322, Reviewed, published.
Witting, M., S. Filimon, S. Kevork (2021): Carry along or not? Decision-making on carrying standard avalanche safety gear among ski tourers in a German touring region, Safety Science, 143, 105406, Reviewed, published.
Yang, L. E., J. Chen, J. Geng, Y. Fang, W. Yang (2021): Social resilience and its scale effects along the historical Tea-Horse Road, Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), Reviewed, published.
Yi, Q., Y. Gao, H. Du, J. Chen, L. E. Yang, H. Zhao (2021): Spatio-temporal variation of net primary productivity in a rapidly expanding artificial woodland area based on remote-sensing data, Erdkunde - Journal of Human and Physical Geography, 75(3), pp. 191-207, Reviewed, published.
Yu, Y., Y. Wu, P. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. E. Yang, X. Cheng, J. Yan (2021): Grassland Subsidies Increase the Number of Livestock on the Tibetan Plateau: Why Does the "Payment for Ecosystem Services" Policy Have the Opposite Outcome?, Sustainability, 13(11), Reviewed, published.
Zhang, D., X. Fang, L. E. Yang (2021): Comparison of the HYDE cropland data over the past millennium with regional historical evidence from Germany, Regional Environmental Change, 21(15), Reviewed, published.
Araos, M., K. Jagannathan, R. Shukla, I. Ajibade, E. C. de Perez, K. Davis, J. D. Ford, E. K. Galappaththi, C. Grady, A. J. Hudson, E. T. Joe, C. J. Kirchhoff, A. Lesnikowski, G. N. Alverio, M. Nielsen, B. Orlove, B. Pentz, D. Reckien, A. R. Siders, …, L. L. Turek-Hankins (2021): Equity in human adaptation-related responses: A systematic global review, One Earth, 4(10), pp. 1454–1467, Reviewed, published.
Bellert, F., K. Fila, R. Thoms, M. Hagenlocher, M. Harb, D. Cotti, H. Baccouche, S. Ayed & M. Garschagen (2021): Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Risk Assessment in Monastir, Tunisia, In: F. Khebour Allouche & A. M. Negm (eds.), Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Tunisia. Springer Water, pp. 191–210, Springer International Publishing, Reviewed, published.
Berrang-Ford, L., A. Lesnikowski, A. P. Fischer, A. Siders, K. J. Mach, A. Thomas, ... & M. van Aalst (2021): The Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative (GAMI): Part 1–Introduction and overview of methods, Protocol Exchange, pp. 1-7.
Berrang-Ford, L., A. R. Siders, A. Lesnikowski, A. P. Fischer, M. W. Callaghan, N. R. Haddaway, K. J. Mach, M. Araos, M. A. R. Shah, M. Wannewitz, D. Doshi et al. (2021): A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change, Nature Climate Change, 11(11), pp. 989–1000, Reviewed, published.
Birkmann, J., H. Sauter, M. Garschagen et al. (2021): New methods for local vulnerability scenarios to heat stress to inform urban planning—Case study City of Ludwigsburg/Germany, Climatic Change, 165(37), Reviewed, published.
Chen, Q., L. E. Yang, J. Luo, F. Liu, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhou, R. Gu, X. Gu (2021): The 300-year cropland changes reflecting climate impacts and social resilience at the Yellow River-Huangshui River Valley, China, Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 065006, Reviewed, published.
Chan, F. K. S., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran, G. Mitchell, O. Adekola, J. Griffiths, Y. Chen, G. Li, X. Lu, Y. Qi, L. Li, H. Zheng, A. McDonald (2021): Urban flood risks and emerging challenges in a Chinese delta: The case of the Pearl River Delta, Environmental Science & Policy, 122, pp. 101-115, Reviewed, published.
Feng, W., P. Song, B. Li (2021): Application of Multi-agent System in Land Use Decision-Making of Industrial Park: A Case Study of Tianfo Health Industrial Park, Shandong, In: Spatial Data and Intelligence, pp. 139-152, Article in Book, published.
Feng, W., B. Li, Z. Chen, P. Liu (2021): City size based scaling of the urban internal nodes layout, PLoS One, 16(4), Reviewed, published.,
Ferri, A., M. Popp & G. Wulfhorst (2021): Digital Directions: Smartphone Usage while Performing Wayfinding Tasks in Munich's Public Transit System, The Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, 5(2), pp. 7-21, Reviewed, published.
Garschagen, M., D. Doshi, M. Moure, H. James & H. Shekhar (2021): The consideration of future risk trends in national adaptation planning: Conceptual gaps and empirical lessons, Climate Risk Management, 34, 100357,
Garschagen, M., D. Doshi, J. Reith & M. Hagenlocher (2021): Global patterns of disaster and climate risk—An analysis of the consistency of leading index-based assessments and their results, Climatic Change, 169(11), Reviewed, published.
He, L., J. Chen, L. E. Yang, G. Li, C. Lu (2021): Social resilience to climate and water-related disasters in the Poyang Lake area (East China) over the past 2000 years, Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), 045007, Reviewed, published.
Heyen, D. A., K. Jacob, J. Teebken & F. Wolff (2021): Spillovers between policy-transfer and transitions research, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 38, pp. 79-81, Reviewed, published.
Jacob, K., C. Paulick-Thiel, J. Teebken, S. Veit & M. Singer-Brodowski (2021): Change from Within: Exploring Transformative Literacy in Public Administrations to Foster Sustainability Transitions, Sustainability, 13(9), 4689, Reviewed, published.
Ji, T., H.-H. Wei, T. Sim, L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran (2021): Disaggregated validation of disaster-resilience indicators using household survey data: A case study of Hong Kong, Sustainable Cities and Society, 67. 102726, Reviewed, published.
Laranjeira, K., F. Göttsche, J. Birkmann & M. Garschagen (2021): Heat vulnerability and adaptive capacities: Findings of a household survey in Ludwigsburg, BW, Germany, Climatic Change, 166(14), Reviewed, published.
Leitold, R., M. Garschagen, V. Tran & J. Revilla Diez (2021): Flood risk reduction and climate change adaptation of manufacturing firms: Global knowledge gaps and lessons from Ho Chi Minh City, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61, 102351, Reviewed, published.
Magnan, A. K., H.-O. Pörtner, V. K. E. Duvat, M. Garschagen, V. A. Guinder, Z. Zommers, O. Hoegh-Guldberg & J.-P. Gattuso (2021): Estimating the global risk of anthropogenic climate change, Nature Climate Change, 11(10), pp. 879–885, Reviewed, published.
Mahne-Bieder, J., M. Popp & H. Rau (2021): RadAktiv - Identifizierung, Typisierung und Aktivierung von Nicht-Radfahrenden, Maßnahmen zur Steigerung des Radverkehrs, In: Klein, T. (ed.): Radverkehrsinfrastruktur - Baustein der Verkehrswende. Gemeinsame Abschlusspublikation des NRVP-Forschungsbegleitkreises "Förderschwerpunkt Infrastruktur", pp. 61-68, Berlin (difu Sonderveröffentlichung). Link
Matschoss, K., F. Fahy, H. Rau, J. Backhaus, G. Goggins, E. Grealis et al. (2021): Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17(1), pp. 136-152, Reviewed, published.
Moullec, F., R. Asselot, D. Auch, A. M. Blöcker, G. Börner, L. Färber, C. Ofelio, J. Petzold, M. E. Santelia, H. Schwermer, C. Sguotti, L. Steidle, V. Tams & F. Pellerin (2021): Identifying and addressing the anthropogenic drivers of global change in the North Sea: a systematic map protocol, Environmental Evidence, 10(19), Reviewed, published.
Moure, M., S. Sandholz, M. Wannewitz & M. Garschagen (2021): No easy fixes: Government workers perception of policy (in)coherence in the implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda in Mexico, Climate Risk Management, 31, 100270, Reviewed, published.
Nduhuura, P., M. Garschagen & A. Zerga (2021): Impacts of Electricity Outages in Urban Households in Developing Countries: A Case of Accra, Ghana, Energies, 14(12), Reviewed, published.
Neise, T., M. Garschagen & J. Revilla Diez (2021): Engagement of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Individual Flood Adaptation in Indonesian Coastal Cities—Implications for Flood Governance. In: R. Djalante, J. Jupesta & E. Aldrian (eds.), Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia - Science, Adaption and Mitigation. Springer Climate, pp. 99–120, Springer, Cham, Reviewed, published.
Nguyen, M. T., Z. Sebesvari, M. Souvignet, F. Bachofer, A. Braun, M. Garschagen, U. Schinkel, L. E. Yang, L. H. K. Nguyen, V. Hochschild, A. Assmann & M. Hagenlocher (2021): Understanding and assessing flood risk in Vietnam: Current status, persisting gaps, and future directions, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 14(2), Reviewed, published.
Peng, Y., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran (2021): A life cycle assessment framework for quantifying the carbon footprint of rural households based on survey data, MethodsX, 8, 101411, Reviewed, published.
Peng, Y., L. E. Yang, J. Scheffran, J. Yan, M. Li, P. Jiang, Y. Wang, R. Cremades (2021): Livelihood transitions transformed households' carbon footprint in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 328, 129607, Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., D. Nong & M. Garschagen (2021): Natural hazard’s effect and farmers’ perception: Perspectives from flash floods and landslides in remotely mountainous regions of Vietnam, Science of The Total Environment, 759, 142656, Reviewed, published.
Pham, N. T. T., J. Revilla Diez & M. Garschagen (2021): A typology of household livelihood changes in rural coastal areas of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta—capturing the heterogeneity and complexity of the social‐ecological context, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 42(2), pp. 241-263, Reviewed, published.
Popp, M., J. Schmude, M. Passauer, M. Karl & A. Bauer (2021): Why Don't They Travel? The role of constraints and motivation for non-participation in tourism, Leisure Sciences, pp. 211-236, Reviewed, published.
Rau, H., M. Popp & M. Mögele (2021): Transdisziplinäres Forschen erlernen. Problemzentriertes Lehren und Lernen im Masterstudiengang Humangeographie und Nachhaltigkeit, In: Wintzer, J., I. Mossig & A. Hof (eds.): Prinzipien, Strukturen und Praktiken geographischer Hochschullehre, pp. 289-298, utb elibrary, Article in Book, published.
Sandholz, S., D. Sett, A. Greco, M. Wannewitz & M. Garschagen (2021): Rethinking urban heat stress: Assessing risk and adaptation options across socioeconomic groups in Bonn, Germany, Urban Climate, 37, 100857, Reviewed, published.
Schipper, E. L. F., J. Ensor, A. Mukherji, A. Mirzabaev, A. Fraser, B. Harvey, E. Totin, M. Garschagen, M. Pathak, P. Antwi-Agyei, T. Tanner & Z. Shawoo (2021): Equity in climate scholarship: A manifesto for action, Climate and Development, 13(10), pp. 853–856, Reviewed, published.
Schmude, J., M. Pillmayer, M. Witting, P. Corradini (2021): Geography matters, but... Evolving success factors for nature-oriented health tourism within selected Alpine destinations, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), Reviewed, published.
Sett, D., M. Hagenlocher, D. Cotti, J. Reith, M. Harb, S. Kreft, D. Kaiser, A. Zwick & M. Garschagen (2021): InsuRisk Report 2021: Disaster risk, social protection and readiness for insurance solutions, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).
Stammer, D., A. Engels, J. Marotzke, E. Gresse, C. Hedemann & J. Petzold (eds.) (2021): Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook: Assessing the plausibility of deep decarbonization by 2050, Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS), UHH, Hamburg, Book, published.
Thomas, A., E. Theokritoff, A. Lesnikowski, D. Reckien, K. Jagannathan, R. Cremades, D. Campbell, …, M. Garschagen, J. Ford, K. Bowen & Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative Team (2021): Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation, Regional Environmental Change, 21(85), Reviewed, published.
Wannewitz, M. & M. Garschagen (2021): Review article: Mapping the adaptation solution space – lessons from Jakarta, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21(11), pp. 3285–3322, Reviewed, published.
Witting, M., S. Filimon, S. Kevork (2021): Carry along or not? Decision-making on carrying standard avalanche safety gear among ski tourers in a German touring region, Safety Science, 143, 105406, Reviewed, published.
Yang, L. E., J. Chen, J. Geng, Y. Fang, W. Yang (2021): Social resilience and its scale effects along the historical Tea-Horse Road, Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), Reviewed, published.
Yi, Q., Y. Gao, H. Du, J. Chen, L. E. Yang, H. Zhao (2021): Spatio-temporal variation of net primary productivity in a rapidly expanding artificial woodland area based on remote-sensing data, Erdkunde - Journal of Human and Physical Geography, 75(3), pp. 191-207, Reviewed, published.
Yu, Y., Y. Wu, P. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. E. Yang, X. Cheng, J. Yan (2021): Grassland Subsidies Increase the Number of Livestock on the Tibetan Plateau: Why Does the "Payment for Ecosystem Services" Policy Have the Opposite Outcome?, Sustainability, 13(11), Reviewed, published.
Zhang, D., X. Fang, L. E. Yang (2021): Comparison of the HYDE cropland data over the past millennium with regional historical evidence from Germany, Regional Environmental Change, 21(15), Reviewed, published.