Dean's Office

Administration of the Faculty


Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen

Chair in Human Geography with a Focus on Human Environment Relations

Dean, Faculty of Geosciences

Office hours of the dean

Every Tuesday from 10:00 - 12:00. Please make an appointment with the dean's office in advance.

During the lecture-free period, the Dean's office hours are by appointment only.

Dean's Office

Petra Roeske

Assistent to the dean

Office hours Dean's office

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 to 11:00 (please make an appointment by email)
  • Lecture-free period: by arrangement

Vice Dean

Claudia Trepmann
Prof. Dr. Claudia Trepmann

Professor of Geological Deformation and Transformation of Rocks, Dean of Studies

Dean of Studies Geography

Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig
Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig

Professor of Applied Physical Geography, Dean of Studies

Send an email

+49 89 2180-6677

+49 89 2180-17858

Dean of Studies Geosciences

Prof. Dr. Reichenbacher
Prof. Dr. Bettina Reichenbacher

Professor of Paleontology, Dean of Studies

Contact persons

Women's Representative of the Faculty PD Dr. Monika Popp
(Deputy: Prof. Dr. Bettina Scheu)
Office for the promotion of young talents Dr. Lina Seybold
CIP-Coordinator of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Tobias Hank
WAP-Coordinator of the Faculty Dr. Christoph Heinzeller
WEB-Coordinator of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Bettina Reichenbacher
Faculty liaison lecturer Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmude
Sustainability Officer of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Lukas Lehnert
Motorpool-Coordinator Mr. Wolfgang Poppe & Mr. Detlef Körner
Property management Theresienstraße 41 Mrs. Angelica Dore
Property management Luisenstraße 37 & Richard-Wagner-Straße 10 Mrs. Angelica Dore
Position of the faculty 20

A: Luisenstraße 37 and Richard-Wagner-Straße 10

  • Dean's Office of the Faculty of Geosciences
  • Office of the Department of Geography
  • Chairs of Geology, Palaeontology & Geobiology, Physical Geography, Social Science Geography and Economic Geography

B: Theresienstraße 41

  • Office of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Chairs of Geophysics, Crystallography and Mineralogy