Working Group Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen
We concentrate on risk and adaptation in the context of natural hazards and climate change impacts, particularly in cities.
At the chair of Human Geography and Human Environment Relations Prof. Matthias Garschagen and his team, pursue three tightly interconnected lines of research:
- Firstly, we develop and apply innovative methods to assess past, current and especially future trends in risk as they unfold at the interface of climate change hazards and changing human societies and infrastructures, notably urbanization.
- Secondly, we develop and test novel approaches to evaluate different adaptation and risk reduction options (including aspects of tipping points and limits of adaptation). In this context we also examine how different options are negotiated within the wider risk governance in societies. We are particularly interested in analyzing how roles and responsibilities between state and non-state actors are shifting when societies develop new social contracts for adaptation.
- Thirdly, we assess when and how transformative change for risk reduction becomes necessary and how it can be fostered pro-actively, e.g. through new planning regulations or insurance solutions.
The group develops and applies cutting-edge mixed methods approaches, including novel scenario techniques, modelling, gaming simulations, household surveys and participatory workshop formats. While adopting a global perspective in many of our projects, most of the empirical research focuses on Europe as well as transition economies in Asia and Africa. Cities in different parts of the world receive particular attention.

Matthias Garschagen appointed Coordinating Lead Author in the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities
Prof. Matthias Garschagen has been appointed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) within the Upcoming Special Report on Climate Change and Cities.
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International Climate Resilience Conference at LMU Munich
International Climate Resilience Conference will take place at LMU Munich, Germany, 26-29 October 2025! Looking forward to meeting you in Munich for this inspiring event!
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Mobilität der Zukunft: München setzt auf die Stärkung der flächeneffizienten und klimaschonenden Fuß- und Radmobilität.
Für die Mobilität der Zukunft setzt die Landeshauptstadt München u.a. auf die Stärkung der flächeneffizienten und klimaschonenden Fuß- und Radmobilität.
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Graduation of one of TRANSCEND’s PhD researchers – Deepal Doshi
On October 30th 2024, Deepal Doshi, a PhD candidate of the TRANSCEND project, supervised by Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen, successfully defended her PhD research titled “Social contracts for adaptation to climate change – Conceptual contributions, methodological innovations, and empirical insights from flood risk management in Mumbai”.
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International Workshop on Urbanization and Sustainable Water Management Held at LMU Munich
The International Workshop on Urbanization and Sustainable Water Management was successfully held on November 4–5, 2024, at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung in Munich.
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Publication on the role of informal social protection in Indonesia
This paper unpacks how informal social protection can complement formal social protection systems, particularly to buffer climate change impacts.
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New publication in Nature Cities
This publication presents an overview of progress and gaps in climate change adaptation in coastal cities around the world.
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09.2024: Project workshop in Beijing and the LMU-ChAN Scientific Forum in Shanghai
Prof. Matthias Garschagen and team members attended a project workshop in Beijing and the LMU-ChAN Scientific Forum in Shanghai Reported by Mr. Wenhan Feng
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Scoping Meeting: IPCC Special Report on Climate Change in Cities
Garschagen invited to participate in Scoping Meeting for the special IPCC report for climate change in cities.
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Adaptation to climate change impacts – action too uncoordinated worldwide
New paper in nature climate change on roles and responsibilities on adaptation
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