
Start of the first school project

13 Oct 2023

We are pleased to welcome the students of the Humboldt Academy of Science and Engineering at Vatterstetten High School to DeepDyn.

Merry Christmas 2022, HASE Vaterstetten

Students taking the HASE elective subject at the Vaterstetten high school

© Sebastian Bauer/Gymnasium Vaterstetten

How can students actively participate in research? In order to initiate the first student project within the DeepDyn priority program, Prof. Gilder and two other employees of the magnetics group were guests of science-interested students from the Humboldt Academy of Science and Engineering at the Vaterstetten high school on October 13th. The students received an overview of the various sub-projects of the SPP at the LMU and what specific opportunities there are for working on small projects. The prospect of detecting magnetic bacteria in water and ponds around your own school and then observing them using a microscope with a self-made magnetic coil was particularly well received. We are pleased to be able to welcome the HASE students and the two supervising teachers Sebastian Bauer and Sebastian Wendling to our focus program.