
Prof. Marianela Fader contributes to "HM-Lectures for Future" series

22 Oct 2024

Prof. Marianela Fader talked at the open lecture series about "The Future of Water: How Water Resources and Water Use Are Changing".

Program of the lecture series.

© Hochschule München

On Monday, Prof. Dr. Marianela Fader kicked off the "HM-Lectures for Future" series of the Hochschule München with a talk on "The Future of Water: How Water Resources and Water Use Are Changing".

In her lecture, Prof. Fader explained the fundamentals of Germany’s hydrology and how climate change is affecting the water cycle, leading to more frequent droughts and floods. She emphasized the far-reaching impacts, for example on agriculture, while also addressing how changes in land use—such as deforestation and urbanization—are further altering the water cycle.

The lecture series takes place every Monday at 6 PM in Hörsaal "Roter Würfel," Room R 1.046 (Lothstr. 64). The Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences welcomes anyone with an interest in climate change, sustainability, and environmental conservation to attend.

For more details (in German), visit:

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