
New semester, new discussions: "Earth Futures" colloquium returns on November 13, 2024

29 Oct 2024

Join us every other Wednesday at noon to explore the diverse research in geography, including the latest findings. The colloquium offers students, staff members, and other interested people a chance to engage in discussions about the future of our planet.

Time and place:

  • Room C006 (Luisenstr. 37)
  • 13:00-14:00 every other Wednesday

Each seminar includes a 30-minute presentation followed by time for questions and discussion. The content is suitable for a general audience.


  • 13-11-2024 | Scott Ketcheson - Athabasca University / University of Calgary
    Disturbance, wetlands and water in Alberta’s oil sands region
  • 27-11-2024 | Kevser Cetin - LMU (Nexus Research)
    Climate change impacts on crop yields in Bavaria: past trends, future water demand and adaptation strategies
  • 11-12-2024 | Alexandra Stumbaum - LMU (Earth System Interactions)
    Climate literacy in der Schulbildung fordern und fördern
  • 15-01-2025 | Jan Petzold - LMU (Human Environment Relations)
    Evidence synthesis in climate change adaptation research: Learnings from the Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative and beyond
  • 29-01-2025 | Jakob Hoffman - LMU (Economic Geography)
    Peripheral renaissance? A global survey of innovation in urban and rural spaces