Kick-off event of the Priority Programm in Tutzing
20 Nov 2023
Review of the kick-off meeting of the DFG priority program SPP2404 that took place from November 15th to 17th in Tutzing (Bavaria)
20 Nov 2023
Review of the kick-off meeting of the DFG priority program SPP2404 that took place from November 15th to 17th in Tutzing (Bavaria)
© Julia Kollofrath/LMU
45 participants met at the kick-off meeting for DFG Priority Programme SPP2404 on 15th to 17th November at the Evangelical Academy in Tutzing (Bavaria). Participants included principal investigators, postdocs and doctoral students as well as 24 students and teachers from the Vaterstetten high school. About 20 local scientists attended the meeting on one or both days.
A principal investigator from each project gave a 15-minute presentation on their intended work. These talks were divided into themes, with a discussion period culminating at the end of each theme. There were also two, one-hour invited keynote lectures by internationally-renown scientists, Prof. Lisa Tauxe (SCRIPPS-Univ. California San Diego) and Barbara Romanowicz (Univ. California Berkeley).