International workshop on Leveraging technology and societal innovation in urban water management
4 Feb 2025
Date: July 31 - August 01, 2025 Venue: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Südliches Schlossrondell 23, 80638 München
4 Feb 2025
Date: July 31 - August 01, 2025 Venue: Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Südliches Schlossrondell 23, 80638 München
The increasing emphasis on the linkages between urbanization, hydrological extremes, water quality, land use planning, and water management is a cornerstone of sustainable and resilient urban development. Urbanization is a predominant global trend, with around 56% of the world's population living in urban areas today. However, significant deficits persist in the provision of essential public services, such as inadequate infrastructure, water supply shortages, and inefficient water management practices. Urban areas are also at the forefront of climate change, which leads to exacerbated flooding, degraded water quality, and compounds other water-related challenges. In response, technological advancements, innovative monitoring tools, expanded data availability, changing societal values, and transdisciplinary collaborations are transforming the way cities address these pressing issues. This new holistic vision, which incorporates technological developments, community engagement, and nature-based solutions, goes beyond the traditional problem-solving framework. Water management is seen as a transformative opportunity to improve resilience, promote inclusion, and achieve long-term urban sustainability. To dive into the topic and foster international collaboration, we are therefore calling for abstracts for an upcoming 2-day workshop that focuses on the intersection of urbanization and urban water management: Leveraging technology and societal innovation in urban water management.
The workshop aims to provide a platform for intensive exchange and dialogue on the current fronts and progress in urbanization and urban water management strategies, with a specific focus on addressing the technological and societal innovations. The workshop is hosted by LMU Munich and co-organized by the IAHS-Urban Water Working Group (HELPING Decade). For oral presentation, submission of a research abstract is required, which must be in English and discuss one or more of the following topics (but not limited to):
1. Urbanization trends, forms and predictions
2. Advancements in Urban Water Monitoring and Remote Sensing Technologies
3. Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Water Quality
4. Machine Learning Applications in Urban Hydrology
5. Innovative and Resilient Solutions for Urban Water Systems
6. Nature-Based and Community-Driven Approaches in Urban Water Management
Submission Guidelines:
We invite interested researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to submit abstracts for oral presentations addressing one of the key topics outlined above. Abstracts Submissions shall include author information, contact details, the title of the presentation, and an abstract of 300–500 words. Please submit via this link by March 1st, 2025. The organizing committee will evaluate and select submissions for presentations. Prospective presenters will be notified about the acceptance decisions by March 20th, 2025
LMU Munich offers funding for accommodation and travel costs for a limited number of active attendees. Applicants will be selected according to the quality and thematic focus of their submitted abstracts.
The workshop is free and open to all, but all interested listeners have to register via the link
We acknowledge the support of LMU Munich Postdoc Support funding and Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung.
We look forward to welcoming you to LMU, Munich. For further questions, please contact the lead convener: Dr. Olabisi Obaitor (, LMU Munich)