
Excursion to Cologne/Bonn, Hamburg and Sylt

31 Aug 2024


In the summer term 2024, Prof. Matthias Garschagen, Dr. Jan Petzold, and Dr. Mia Wannewitz organised and led a new excursion. Under the theme “Flood and coastal protection in times of climate change”, we visited and examined three different locations and areas: Cologne/Bonn, Hamburg, and Sylt/Wadden Sea.

In addition to getting to know the various locations in general, one aim of the excursion was to illustrate the connections between different geographical perspectives on natural hazards and climate risk: physical geographical aspects of natural hazards, urban and regional geographical dimensions of exposure, and socio-geographical factors of social vulnerability.

Therefore, we carried out a large number of site visits, expert interviews and group discussions at the various locations. Amongst others, we had the opportunity to talk to experts from the Flood Protection Office in Cologne, the German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction (DKKV) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) in Bonn, the planning office WTM Engineers in Hamburg, and the Alfred-Wegener-Institute on Sylt.

Other topics developed by the students and illustrated on site included historical and current urban developments in Cologne and Hamburg, gentrification and social vulnerability (Cologne-Ehrenfeld, Hamburg-St. Pauli, Westerland on Sylt), the effects of climate change on the German coast and the Wadden Sea, urban ecosystem services, and future prospects for sustainable and climate-resilient development.

Thus, the excursion provided a good opportunity to compare different locations and urban and settlement forms with the unifying element of flood protection and climate change adaptation. The excursion group developed a great group dynamic and critical perspective on the topic. Many thanks to all participants, and we look forward to the next excursion!