

25 Feb 2023

During our stay in Ho Chi Minh City in October 2022 we discussed the idea of having a “data integration meeting” with regard to the decision support tool (DST) and the web mapping platform (WMP). The meeting took place at the TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO) on 23 and 24 of February, 2023.

The idea for the Dortmund meeting is that we take two half days to present the data and results produced within DECIDER to each other and agree on how they fit into the DST and WMP. On the one hand, the meeting served as an inventory of which results are likely to flow into the DST/WMP and, on the other hand, we discussed together possibilities for linking and displaying the data (maps, measures, other file formats).

Beyound the discussion on DST/WMP, we had some time to discuss other project-related issues, including the annual project report (Zwischenbericht), household survey, visit of Vietnamese delegation, EGU conference session and other activity plans for the coming months.

Twelve people attended the meeting, who represent all the seven German partners of the DECIDER project.