19/03/2024: Primary school children and Leuchtturm LOUISE active for a climate-adapted school yard
20 Mar 2024
20 Mar 2024
A corner stone of the GoingVis project is the implementation of a real-world laboratory approach through which adaptation initiatives are tested in the two partner cities. Visiting one of the GoingVis adaptation platforms, Leuchtturm Louise (anchored in civil society) in Southern Brandenburg, another experiment was launched. Together with students from the "Erich Schindler" primary school in Wahrenbrück, we commenced the experiment “Climate Adapted School Yard” (“Klimaangepasster Schulhof”) on 19 March 2024. The aim was to support the school on its way to heat resilience. Together with students and teachers, existing trees were carefully maintained, and new trees planted. In addition, short video clips were produced in which students discuss how they perceive the increasing, longer lasting and more frequent heat caused by climate change, how they are adapting to it and what significance trees play in this. More information can be found on the Leuchtturm LOUISE website: https://www.leuchtturm-louise.de/baumpflanzaktion/ (in German)