
02/2024: LIRLAP Gaming Simulations in Manila

1 Mar 2024

In February 2024, LIRLAP’s work packages 2 (led by TU Dortmund) and 3 (led by Stuttgart University) conducted two Gaming Simulation workshops aimed at improving and advancing strategies for upgrading and resettlement in the context of urban development and climate change adaptation.

The workshops were held at the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP) at the University of the Philippines Diliman in Manila with participants from the project’s two case study sites, as well as local authorities, critical infrastructure providers, political decision-makers at various levels, NGOs, CSOs, and academics.

During the sessions, participants identified and discussed key gaps, potential entry points, and solutions for resilient upgrading and retreat. Bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds proved challenging but immensely valuable. The excellent moderation skills of the Philippine project partners at SURP facilitated fruitful and constructive exchanges with implications for future developments in the two case study sites.