Prof. Dr. Imke Hoppe
studied Applied Media Studies, specialising in media technology, media research and media production at the Technical University of Ilmenau. She completed her doctorate in the field of "Empirical Media Research and Political Communication" at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies (IfMK/TU Ilmenau). For her dissertation entitled 'Climate protection as a media effect', she led an interdisciplinary team to develop and publish a 3D online simulation game on energy saving, which used an online experimental study to test the effectiveness of various dramaturgical and learning theory approaches on knowledge, attitudes and behavioural intentions. As deputy head of department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT, she was responsible for the conception, development and evaluation of digital educational media for children and young people (e.g. for KIKA, school book publishers and state media authorities). At the Cluster of Excellence CliSAP ('Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction') at the University of Hamburg, Imke Hoppe conducted research on climate change from the perspective of media recipients as part of the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1409 'Science and the Public'. Imke Hoppe focussed in particular on media coverage of the world climate conferences and the IPCC reports and their effects on public opinion, knowledge and political participation on climate change. As a PostDoc at the Chair of Journalism and Communication Studies, in particular digitalised communication and sustainability, she investigated social media discussions in five countries (Germany, UK, Canada, USA, South Africa) in the interdisciplinary research project 'Sustainable Lives: Food Choices as Politics and Lifestyle' in a comparative content analysis. Subsequently, Imke Hoppe worked at the DLR Institute 'System Engineering for Future Mobility' on the topic of autonomous public transport in the context of the mobility transition. Since April 2023, Imke Hoppe has been appointed to the professorship 'Science Communication and Climate Education' (tenure track) in the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Earth Sciences.
for several different journals, incl. "Environmental Communication", "Nature Climate Change", "Public Understanding of Science", "Frontiers in Environmental Science", "Frontiers in Communication", Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft", Studies in Communication and Media (SCM)”, JCOM“ – Journal of Science Communication“, “Umweltpsychologie”, “International Journal of Communication (IJoC)”
Advisory Board Fellowships:
- Management Committee Member in the COST Action CA22162
- Fellow of the Munich Science Communication Lab (MSCL), Volkswagen-Stiftung
- Advisory Board GLEN (The German Longitudinal Environmental Study), das deutsche Umweltpanel (DFG)
- Advisory Board REASON - Responses to threat- and solution-oriented climate news, FWF/Austria
- Board Member des Doctoral Program Environment & Society of the Rachel Carlson Centers
- Chair of the Herbert von Harlem Dissertation Price of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (2018, 2019)
Upcoming Talks and Workshops
- Rau, Henrike & Hoppe, Imke (invited talks): 13. Workshop der Bayerischen Klima-Allianz mit dem Schwerpunkt Klimakommunikation“, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz, 16. Juli 2024 (online)
- European Meteorological Society in cooperation with FutureMED COST action (invited talk): "Mindful Climate Communication". 01. September 2024, Barcelona.
- Neverla, Irene; Hoppe, Imke (2024): Facts are required, but not sufficient. Perceptions and expectations of German audience in relation to media coverage of climate change and biodiversity,European Communication Conference, Ljubljana/Slovenia, 24-27 September 2024.
Recent Publications (excerpt):
- Hartmann, E.; Geneuss, K.; Hoppe, I (2024). Dialogue and Disruption at the Doorstep: Participant Perceptions during a City Walk as a Climate Communication Format. Sustainability 2024, 16, 4490.
- Hoppe, I; Hagemann, I; Stierand, I; Hahn, A. & Bolles, A. (2024). Challenges for trustworthy autonomous vehicles: Let us learn from life, Systems Engineering,
- Hoppe, I. & Kleinen-von Königslöw, K. (2023): ‘“This is part of everything that is wrong with the world” – A Comparative Analysis of Sustainability Framing in Social Media Discussions about Food in Five Countries.’Environmental Communication. Online unter: 10.1080/17524032.2023.2212136
- De-Silva, F.; Brüggemann, M.; Hoppe, I.; Arlt, D. (2022): ‘Learning about climate politics during COP 21 - Explaining a diminishing knowledge gap’, Public Understanding of Science (PUS). Online unter: 10.1177/09636625211068635
- Hoppe, I. and Rödder, S. (2019). ‘Speaking with one voice for climate science —climate researchers’ opinion on the consensus policy of the IPCC’. JCOM 18 (03). Online unter 10.22323/2.18030204
- Taddicken, M.; Kohout, S. & Hoppe, I. (2019): How Aware Are Other Nations of Climate Change? Analyzing Germans’ Second-Order Climate Change Beliefs About Chinese, US American and German People, Environmental Communication, Online unter 10.1080/17524032.2018.1561483
Links to publication index:
Talks (excerpt):
- Neverla, I.; Hoppe, I. (2023): Klimawandel: Ambivalenzen im Prozess der Medienaneignung. Kommunikationswissenschaftiche Tage (KWT) 2023 der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikationswissenschaft (ÖGK). Ambivalenzen in Kommunikation und Medien. 04.-06.07.2023, Klagenfurt/Österreich.
- Hoppe, I. (2023): Constructive Climate Communication from the Audience Perspective: Promises, Challenges and Pitfalls. Munich Science Communication Lab. 16.05.2023, Online unter
- Neverla, I. & Hoppe, I. (2023): Modes of Knowledge: Extreme weather events as sense making device for climate change in the interaction between media and audience perspective. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR 2023), Lyon, France, 9 to 13 July 2023.
Outreach (excerpt):
- Berliner Zeitung (2023): Die Welt geht unter, aber das Traumschiff schippert weiter. Online unter:
- BR 24 (2023): Neue Studie: Viel weniger vom CO2-Budget übrig als gedacht. Online unter:,TuYez8W
- Zeit Online (2023): Zuschauer wollen mehr über Klimakrise wissen. Online unter:
Research Projects
Klimawandel und Biodiversität im deutschen Fernsehen: Was zeigt das Fernsehen? Welche Wahrnehmungen und Wünsche haben TV-Publika? (01.09.2023 - 30.04.2024)