Faculty Rooms

Faculty room C 202 is available to members of the faculty for meetings, workshops or similar events. The room has 20 seats, an overhead projector and a beamer. Small kitchen + coffee machine available; telephone number: 2180-6683
If you need this room, please check whether the room is available on the desired date. You can view the current occupancy times in the calendar.
If the room is free, please send your reservation request stating the occasion, date and time by e-mail to Ms. Vera Erfurth: vera.erfurth@lmu.de. Reservations are made in the order in which they are received. However, faculty events always have priority.
The faculty room A 334 has 12 seats. Beamer and overhead projector are available. It is currently not bookable as it is temporarily occupied by 4 workplaces of the Department of Geography.