ESD Learning Formats

Diese Lehr-Lern-Arrangements beinhalten sowohl den Einsatz digitaler Medien als auch die ganzheitliche Aktivierung der Lernenden. Komponenten von Game-based-Learning werden ebenso herangezogen wie Stationenlernen, Gruppenpuzzle oder Techniken, die sich aus der Dramapädagogik oder von Escape-Games herleiten lassen.

All learning units are designed according to the principles of Education for Sustainable Development: they deal with social, economic, cultural and/or ecological sustainability, require a change of perspective, are participatory and encourage participants to weigh up and try out options for action.

Three column teaser

The heading is optional. The optional introduction text should not exceed 320 characters. Otherwise you will get a warning. An additional button can be set optionally, it appears at the bottom right.

fountain at main building
fountain at main building
fountain at main building