SOS-iClimate: Southern Ocean Salinity-Isotopic Fingerprints and Impacts on Global Climate

The Young Investigator Group SOS-iClimate seeks an answer to the question how melting Antarctic ice masses alter the ocean salinity and circulation and if these changes will amplify or dampen global warming in the future. For this purpose, we will identify and quantify the causes of past and future salinity changes in the Southern Ocean using ocean tracers, in particular seawater isotopes. These tracers serve as a fingerprint of impact of rapidly melting ice masses on the ocean’s salinity and we will use them to constrain a climate model.

07/2023 - 06/2028
Project management
Prof. Dr. Alexander Haumann
Project scientist(s)
General geography, remote sensing, field measurements, hydrology, climatology, modelling, regional geography
Funded by
Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (Grant Number VH-NG-19-33)