Knowledge and Space

Knowledge and Space welcome desk.

© Linda Wagner | Knowledge and Space

The "Knowledge and Space" project is dedicated to interdisciplinary exchange on processes of knowledge creation, application and dissemination as well as the special significance of geography in these processes. Since 2006, more than 300 leading scientists from all over the world have met at a total of 20 symposia in Heidelberg to discuss various aspects of the geography of knowledge and its social and economic relevance. In 30-minute input talks followed by 30-minute discussions, the symposia have created space for open exchange between the participants. The aim of the project is to bring together researchers from different countries, disciplines and schools of thought in order to promote knowledge exchange and foster an international network of researchers who deal with the topics of knowledge and space in their work. The symposia are accompanied by a book series published by Springer-Verlag, in which an anthology of the contributions to each symposium is published.

Knowledge and Space is a project of the University of Heidelberg, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Johannes Glückler.

12/2019 - 11/2024
Project Lead
Johannes Glückler
Projekt Researchers
Klara Jungkunz, Linda Sendlinger
Financed by
Klaus Tschira Stiftung
Link to website

Knowledge and Space - Placing the Future

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9 Jul 2024