© Karen Appel/XFEL
Der erste Vortrag des DeepDyn Seminars im Wintersemester 2024/2025 wird von Karen Appel gehalten. Karen ist Wissenschaftlerin am European XFEL (X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility) in Schenefeld und Hamburg, einer gemeinsamen Röntgenlaser-Forschungseinrichtung, an welcher 12 europäische Länder beteiligt sind.
In ihrem Vortrag "Accessing electronic and structural properties of major Fe-bearing geomaterials at conditions close to the core-mantle boundary: an experimental approach" wird sie ihre Experimente mit eisenhaltigen Geomaterialien unter hohem Druck und hohen Temperaturen vorstellen.
Early Career Co-Host ist dieses Mal Maximilian Schulze.
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Accessing electronic and structural properties of major Fe-bearing geomaterials at conditions close to the core-mantle boundary: an experimental approach

© Karen Appel
The structural and electronic behavior of Fe-bearing geomaterials may add important information on the formation process and the evolution of the Earth’s core. FeO as the endmember of the solid solution line (Fe,Mg)O is a model material that may exist at the core mantle boundary and may have been formed by exsolution from an Fe-rich melt at an early stage of core formation. FeO is known to show different spin states and structures with pressure which have a major effect on the properties of the lower mantle-core boundary.
Atomic and recently also electronic structures of FeO and (Fe,Mg)O have been repeatedly studied with shock compression and static high-pressure techniques. High pressure-high temperature experimental data is still scarce at conditions of the core-mantle boundary. In our DeepDyn sub-project, we apply dynamic compression using an optical long pulse laser to create short lived extreme states of matter. The sample is exposed to a short flash of X-ray light from a Free-electron laser to obtain information on electronic and atomic structure by X-ray emission spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction at peak pressures and temperatures, respectively. In addition, typical shock diagnostics are applied to obtain information on temporal evolution of pressure and temperature during shocks.
In this presentation, after an introduction to the scientific topic, I will give an overview of the experimental methods and describe results from a first beamtime in August on (Mg,Fe)O along with results on FeO from an earlier campaign.
Link zum nächsten Seminarvortrag
mit Ebru Bozdağ